The Backdoor Roth IRA and December 31st

New Year’s Eve is an important day if you do a Backdoor Roth IRA. Read below to find out why. The Backdoor Roth IRA I’ve written before about the Backdoor Roth IRA. It is a two step process whereby those not qualifying for a regular Roth IRA contribution can qualify to get money into a […]

From Tax Returns to Tax Planning

Many colloquially refer to the Winter and early Spring as “tax season.” To my mind, that is short sighted. Yes, for most the time from late January to mid-April are when their tax return is prepared and filed. But the most impactful tax work is not tax return preparation — it’s tax planning! Below I […]

Excess Contributions to an IRA

There are limits to how much can be contributed to traditional IRAs and Roth IRAs. This post describes how excess contributions happen and how to resolve them. Three introductory notes. First, if you find that you have made an excess contribution, you may be well advised to seek professional advice. Second, please don’t panic, but […]

What to Do if You Don’t Qualify for a Backdoor Roth IRA

In my last post, I discussed the basics of the Backdoor Roth IRA, which can be a great planning tool for some higher income Americans. But not everyone qualifies for a tax-efficient Backdoor Roth IRA. Recall Jennifer’s case: Jennifer makes too much to qualify to make a Roth IRA contribution in 2022. She contributed $6,000 […]