Three Problems with Roth Solo 401(k) Employer Contributions

Late 2022 ushered in a new type of contribution to Solo 401(k)s: Roth employer contributions. Traditional employee and employer contributions have been available for all of the Solo 401(k)’s post-EGTRRA history. Roth employee contributions have been available since 2006, even if plan providers were slow to adopt them. 

Should the availability of Roth employer contributions change planning for most solopreneurs? Not to my mind. 

I have three concerns with making Roth employer contributions to Solo 401(k)s.

First Concern: Validity

Roth employer contributions were part of SECURE 2.0, which was part of the Omnibus bill passed in December 2022. That Omnibus bill has been subject to litigation. In Texas v. Garland (accessible here and here), Judge James W. Hendrix ruled for the State of Texas that the House of Representatives impermissibly used proxies to establish a quorum in order to pass the Omnibus, in violation of the Constitution’s Quorum Clause. 

I encourage you to read the Texas v. Garland opinion. It is very convincing in my opinion. 

While Texas v. Garland does not technically apply to SECURE 2.0, its reasoning does. Any taxpayer in the country facing harm under SECURE 2.0 (perhaps because they were denied the deduction for catch-up contributions under SECURE 2.0 Section 603) can pick it up and ask another federal judge to invalidate SECURE 2.0. That leaves SECURE 2.0 on shaky footing.

Short of litigation, there’s the question of what the new Administration will do with the Omnibus and SECURE 2.0. Texas v. Garland is litigation between the old Department of Justice and Ken Paxton, the Attorney General of Texas. Ken Paxton is much closer aligned politically with the Trump Administration. Will the Trump DoJ continue to litigate against Ken Paxton? The Trump Administration may simply refuse to uphold the Omnibus, including SECURE 2.0

My hope is that if that happens taxpayers who have relied on SECURE 2.0 will be held harmless. For example, amounts in Roth 401(k)s (including Solo 401(k)s) attributable to employer contributions should be deemed to be amounts validly within the Roth 401(k) plan, so past reliance does not cause future harms (such as failed plan qualification). That said, my hope, a reasonable hope, is just a hope.

Regardless of one’s views on the Quorum Clause litigation, there’s at least some doubt as to SECURE 2.0’s validity, including the validity of Roth employer contributions to Solo 401(k)s. That makes planning into them difficult, in my opinion. 

Second Concern: Section 199A Problem

Ben Henry-Moreland of wrote a thoughtful article on Roth employer contributions to Solo 401(k)s potentially reducing a solopreneur’s Section 199A qualified business income deduction.

I both agree and disagree with Mr. Henry-Moreland. I agree in a general sense that recent IRS guidance has muddied the waters when it comes to tax return reporting of Roth employer contributions to Solo 401(k)s. I disagree with his conclusion that this guidance results in non-deductible Roth employer contributions to Solo 401(k)s reducing the Section 199A qualified business income deduction.

The concern is Roth employer contributions might reduce the amount of qualified business income that then determines the Section 199A QBI deduction. Mr. Henry-Moreland is concerned about this because of Notice 2024-2 Q&A L9 (page 76 of this file). It tells plans how to report Roth 401(k) employer contributions in general. The question is “what reporting obligations apply to [Roth employer] contributions?”

Before I state the concerning answer, one must remember the context. This particular Q&A is about reporting, not about taxation. In theory, Roth employer contributions (taxable to the employee) should be simply added to W-2 income for most employees. But that creates a huge headache from a large employer systems perspective. That’s W-2 income that is income tax taxable but not payroll tax taxable. Ugh!

To avoid the payroll systems issue (which is mostly a large employer issue rather than a Solo 401(k) issue), the Notice provides that Roth employer contributions are reported “as if: (1) the contribution had been the only contribution made to an individual’s account under the plan, and (2) the contribution, upon allocation to that account, had been directly rolled over to a designated Roth account in the plan as an in-plan Roth rollover.” (emphases added). The Notice goes on to state that because of this treatment the Roth employer contribution is reported to the employee as taxable on a Form 1099-R. 

Mr. Henry-Moreland is concerned that as applied to a Schedule C solopreneur, this is reported by deducting the contribution from net self-employment income (presumably on Schedule 1, Line 16) and then taxing the amount on Form 1040 Lines 5a and 5b. This reduction of net self-employment income would result in a reduction in the Section 199A QBI deduction.

While I hear Mr. Henry-Moreland’s concern, I disagree with it for several reasons. First, the Q&A in question applies to reporting by plans. It does not appear to apply to (1) determining taxable income or other tax relevant amounts and (2) tax return reporting by individuals. It is telling that the answer is silent as to any forms filed by individuals while it goes into depth as to how the Form 1099-R is to be filed.

Second, the words “as if” in the Notice’s answer are illuminating. The reporting is done “as if” X and Y happened for tax purposes. That means X and Y did not happen for tax purposes, which is good news from a Section 199A perspective. Third, the Notice does not purport to affect Section 199A in any way. Fourth, qualified business income is determined under Section 199A and Treas. Reg. Section 1.199A-3. Neither SECURE 2.0 Section 604 nor Notice 2024-2 mention Section 199A and qualified business income. Thus, I believe that Notice 2024-2 and Roth employer contributions to Solo 401(k)s do not reduce the qualified business income deduction. 

The above views voiced, there may be some small risk that Roth employer contributions to Solo 401(k)s are not only nondeductible, they also reduce the qualified business income deduction. That’s a negative when assessing their desirability from a planning perspective. 

How to Report Solo 401(k) Roth Employer Contributions on 2024 Tax Returns 

What follows is my academic opinion, not advice for you or anyone else. To properly report Roth employer contributions to a Solo 401(k) made in 2024 for 2024 and arrive at the correct Section 199A QBI deduction, I believe the following is the best way to proceed: 

(1) Report Schedule C income and deductions as normal. This should help generate the appropriate Section 199A QBI deduction. 

(2) Report the amount of the Roth employer contribution to the Solo 401(k) in full in Box 5a of Form 1040. 

(3) Assuming no other pension, annuity, 401(k), or other qualified plan distributions, report $0 for the taxable amount of pension and annuity distributions in Box 5b of Form 1040. 

My view is that the above will properly report that which must be reported to the IRS while also (i) avoiding any double counting and (ii) properly computing the Section 199A QBI deduction that the taxpayer is entitled to. 

If anyone at the IRS or the Treasury Office of Tax Policy is reading this, it would very helpful for the government issuing guidance (1) clarifying that no, Roth employer contributions to Solo 401(k)s do not reduce the Section 199A qualified business income deduction and (2) illustrating the proper tax return reporting for Roth employer contributions to Solo 401(k)s. 

Third Concern: Planning Desirability

For this section, let’s assume that I am wrong when it comes to the first concern and I am correct regarding the second concern. Making those two assumptions, Roth employer contributions to Solo 401(k)s are valid and do not reduce the Section 199A QBI deduction. 


Does that mean we should plan into such contributions? I believe the answer is generally “No” for most solopreneurs.

Even with the “deduction-reduction problem” issue with traditional Solo 401(k) contributions, traditional Solo 401(k) contributions are often going to be better than Roth Solo 401(k) contributions. 

Picture a solopreneur in the 24% marginal tax bracket. He or she can make employer contributions to a traditional Solo 401(k) and save 19.2 cents on the dollar (24% times 80% to account for the reduction to the Section 199A QBI deduction). 

Okay, well, how is that money taxed in retirement? I’ve done blog posts and YouTube videos about this subject. Some of that money could be taxed at 0% because of the standard deduction (the Hidden Roth IRA), then against the 10% bracket and then against the 12% bracket. We can hardly say traditional contributions are always the “right answer,” but we can acknowledge that (1) retirees tend to be lightly taxed in retirement and (2) retirees greatly benefit from today’s tax environment, including large standard deductions and progressive tax brackets. 

I question the planning value of Roth employer contributions. Say you disagree with me. You still have Roth employee contributions. Why not hedge your bets by making Roth employee contributions and deductible traditional employer contributions? Both of these types of contributions are well established under the law.


Roth employer contributions to Solo 401(k)s are on shaky legal ground and are not that desirable from a planning perspective. There’s even a chance they reduce the Section 199A QBI deduction. Based on those concerns, I believe Roth employer contributions to Solo 401(k)s are undesirable for most solopreneurs. 

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  1. Great overview and analysis, Sean. I had not spent much time reviewing this situation (to date, no “live” application in my practice).

    I tend to agree with your assessment of the planning use of Roth 401(k) employer contributions, notwithstanding the potential issues you elaborate on, for the practicality of hedging the contribution types.

    I’ll be interested in seeing what happens with Secure 2.0 overall, and if it survives, how exactly will the Roth 401(k) employer contributions will work, especially for the solo environment.

    Thanks again for bringing this to the forefront. I always appreciate your analysis and insight!

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