Tag Archives: Tax

Sean on the Earn & Invest Podcast

Really enjoyed this year-end tax planning conversation with Doc G on the Earn & Invest podcast. Stay tuned to the end for some candid behind the scenes podcast recording.


FI Tax Guy can be your financial advisor! Find out more by visiting mullaneyfinancial.com

Follow me on Twitter: @SeanMoneyandTax

This post (and this podcast episode) is for entertainment and educational purposes only. It does not constitute accounting, financial, investment, legal, or tax advice. Please consult with your advisor(s) regarding your personal accounting, financial, investment, legal, and tax matters. Please also refer to the Disclaimer & Warning section found here

Roth IRA Withdrawals

The Roth IRA is 25 years old as of 2023 (its birthday was January 1st). Yet there is still confusion about the rules applicable whenever someone withdraws money from a Roth IRA prior to turning 59 ½. This blog post attempts to correct some misconceptions on the taxation of nonqualified Roth IRA withdrawals.

Watch me discuss Roth IRA withdrawals.

Roth IRAs: The Basics

A Roth IRA is a tax-advantaged account that generally offers tax-free growth for invested amounts. Taxpayers receive no upfront tax deduction for putting money into a Roth IRA. If properly executed, taxpayers can withdraw money from a Roth IRA entirely tax and penalty free, and can enjoy years of tax-free growth on the amounts invested in a Roth IRA.

I have previously blogged about why I believe the Roth IRA is a great tax-advantaged account in my An Ode to the Roth IRA.

Roth IRA Funding

How does one move money into a Roth IRA? There are three ways.

Annual Contributions

Generally speaking, if your income is below certain limits, you can contribute up to the lesser of $6,500 or your earned income (2023 limits) to a Roth IRA. If you are aged 50 or older, the limits are the lesser of $7,500 or earned income (2023 limits). 

I discussed Roth IRA annual contributions, including the income limits on the ability to make Roth IRA contributions, in this post


Amounts can be converted from traditional retirement accounts into a Roth IRA. Any taxpayer can convert amounts from a traditional retirement account to a Roth IRA. There are no restrictions based on level of income and/or having had earned income. 

Conversions are taxable in the year of the conversion. 

There are several reasons you might want to do a Roth IRA conversion. One might be the anticipation of paying tax at a higher rate in the future. The planning concept is to “lock in” the lower tax rate in the year of the conversion rather than tomorrow’s (anticipated) higher tax rate, and to get all of the earnings on the contribution out of income taxation.

Unlimited Roth IRA conversions form the backbone of the Backdoor Roth IRA planning concept. 

Note that inherited traditional IRAs cannot be converted to Roth IRAs.

Transfers from Workplace Retirement Accounts

A third way to get money into a Roth IRA is by using workplace retirement accounts. Amounts in Roth 401(k)s and other workplace Roth accounts can be transferred into a Roth IRA. Generally, it is best to use direct “trustee-to-trustee” transfers to accomplish this. 

Further, after-tax contributions in workplace retirement plans can be directly transferred to Roth IRAs, as discussed in Notice 2014-54. The ability to transfer after-tax contributions into a Roth IRA has facilitated the use of the Mega Backdoor Roth IRA planning technique. 

Roth IRA Withdrawals: The Confusion

You may have heard that you cannot take money out of a Roth IRA if the account is not 5 years old without paying tax and a penalty. Not true!

There are not one, but two, five (5) year rules applicable to Roth IRAs. But neither one of them prohibit you from taking money out of a Roth IRA you have previously contributed through annual contributions. First, I will illustrate the default Roth IRA withdrawal rules, and then I will discuss the two 5 year rules. 

Quick Thought: Most of this blog post addresses situations where the taxpayer does not qualify for a qualified distribution. Generally, a taxpayer fails to qualify for a qualified distribution if he or she has not attained the age of 59 ½, and/or if he or she has not owned a Roth IRA for 5 years. The advantage of a qualified distribution is that it is automatically tax and penalty free. 

Roth IRA Withdrawals: The Layers

Here is the default order of distributions that come out of a Roth IRA. These are the rules that apply in cases where the taxpayer does not qualify for a qualified distribution. All Roth IRAs (other than inherited Roth IRAs) the taxpayer owns are aggregated for purposes of determining his or her Roth IRA layers.

First Layer: Tax-free return of Roth IRA contributions

Second Layer: Roth IRA conversions (first-in, first-out)

Third Layer: Roth IRA earnings

Each layer must come out entirely before the subsequent layer is accessed.

Here’s a brief example:

Example 1: Samantha opened her only Roth IRA in 2018. Samantha has made three prior $5,000 contributions to her Roth IRA (one for each of 2018, 2019, and 2020). She also made a $5,000 conversion from a traditional IRA to a Roth IRA in 2018. In 2021, at a time when her Roth IRA is worth $30,000 and Samantha is 50 years old, she takes a $10,000 withdrawal from her Roth IRA. All $10,000 will be a recovery of her previous contributions (leaving her with $5,000 remaining of previous contributions). Thus, the entire $10,000 distribution from the Roth IRA will be tax and penalty free.

The Roth IRA contributions come out tax and penalty free at any time for any reason! The 5 year rules have nothing to do with whether a taxpayer can recover their previous Roth IRA contributions tax and penalty free!

For those wanting to dig deeper into the tax law, please refer to this technical slide deck discussing why the Roth IRA contributions are distributed tax and penalty free regardless of the 5 year rules. 

Note that aggregation rules always apply. In making an analysis like the one provided in Example 1, one must account for all their Roth IRAs and treat all of their Roth IRAs as a single Roth IRA to determine their own Roth IRA layers. Roth 401(k)s and inherited Roth IRAs are not included in the analysis. 

5 Year Rule for Roth IRA Earnings

The first five-year rule for Roth IRAs applies only to a withdrawal of earnings from a Roth IRA. If the account owner has not owned a Roth IRA for at least 5 years, the earnings withdrawn from the account are subject to ordinary income tax (and possibly a penalty). 

Example 2: Joe is 62 years old in 2024. He has owned a Roth IRA since 2021. In 2024, after having made $14,000 in prior annual contributions to his Roth IRA, he withdrew $17,000 from the Roth IRA. Because Joe has not owned a Roth IRA for 5 years, the withdrawal is not a qualified distribution. Joe recovers his first $14,000 tax free as a return of contributions. The next $3,000 of earnings is taxable to Joe as ordinary income (because of the first five-year rule). Because Joe is over age 59 ½, he does not owe the ten percent penalty on the distribution. If Joe had not attained the age of 59 ½, he would owe the 10 percent penalty on the $3,000 of earnings he received. 

5 Year Rule for Roth IRA Conversions

There is a five-year rule applicable to taxable money converted from a traditional retirement account to a Roth IRA (what I will colloquially refer to as the “second five-year rule”). The idea behind the second five-year rule is to protect the 10% early withdrawal penalty applicable when someone has a traditional retirement account. Here is an illustrative example.

Example 3: Milton has $100,000 in a traditional IRA, no basis in any IRA, and is age 50. If he were to withdraw $1,000 from his traditional IRA (assuming no penalty exception applies), he would owe (in addition to ordinary income tax) a $100 penalty (ten percent) on the withdrawal. 

Okay, but what if Milton first converts that money from a traditional IRA to a Roth IRA (assume Milton has no other balance in a Roth IRA)? Would that get him out of the 10 percent penalty? No, it won’t, because of the second five-year rule.

Example 4: Milton has $100,000 in a traditional IRA, no basis in any IRA, has no Roth IRAs, and is age 50. In September 2024, he converts $1,000 to a Roth IRA. In October 2024, he withdraws $1,000 from that Roth IRA. Because of the five-year rule applicable to Roth IRA conversions, Milton will still owe the $100 penalty on the withdrawal from the Roth IRA. 

Had Milton waited until 2029 or later, he would not have owed the penalty on the withdrawal of that $1,000.

The 5 Year Rule for Roth IRA Conversions and the Backdoor Roth IRA

The Backdoor Roth IRA is subject to the second five-year rule, but the penalty effect turns out to be very minor (or non-existent) if the Backdoor Roth IRA has been properly executed.  

Conversions, the second layer of the Roth IRA stack, come out first-in, first out. Further, the taxable amount (potentially subject to the 10 percent penalty upon withdrawal) of any one particular Roth IRA conversion comes out first within the conversion amount. Thus, the second layer (the conversion layer) can be composed of several mini-layers.

Here is a quick example:

Example 5: Denzel made $6,000 nondeductible traditional IRA contributions on January 1, 2019 and January 1, 2020. On February 2, 2019 and February 2, 2020, Denzel converted the entire balance of the traditional IRA ($6,010 each time) to a Roth IRA. As of December 31, 2019 and December 31, 2020, Denzel had $0 balances in all traditional IRAs, SEP IRAs, and SIMPLE IRAs.

In 2021, at a time when Denzel is 35 years old and has made no other contributions or conversions to a Roth IRA, he withdraws $3,000 from his Roth IRA. The first $10 of the withdrawal will be from the taxable amount of his 2019 Roth conversion, and thus, will be subject to the 10 percent penalty as it violates the second five-year rule (Denzel will owe $1 in penalties). The next $2,990 is attributable to the non-taxable portion of his 2019 Roth conversion, and as such, will not be subject to the 10 percent penalty. None of the $3,000 will be subject to ordinary income tax. 

Penalty Exceptions

From time to time you will hear things such as “you can withdraw only $10,000 from a Roth IRA for a first-time home purchase.” Does that mean everything else discussed above does not apply?

Fortunately, the answer is no! 

So what is the $10,000 rule getting at? It is getting at amounts withdrawn from a Roth IRA that would otherwise be subject to the penalty (and possibly income taxes — see The Super Exceptions below). 

There are several penalty exceptions applicable to taxable converted amounts and earnings that are withdrawn from a Roth IRA in a nonqualified distribution. But the penalty exception rules generally apply on top of the usual layering rules, not instead of the usual Roth IRA layering rules. 

In a discussion on social media, I used a version of the following example.

Example 6: Jane Taxpayer, age 30, has had a Roth IRA since 2017. In 2020, she withdraws $30,000 from her Roth IRA to acquire her first home, and has never used traditional IRA and/or Roth IRA money for such a purchase. She has previously made $20,000 in annual contributions to the Roth IRA. The first $20,000 of the withdrawal is a tax-free return of those contributions (see the layers above). The next $10,000 is out of earnings (see the layers above). This $10,000 is taxable to her as ordinary income. But, because of the $10,000 “qualified first-time homebuyer distribution” exception, she does not owe the 10 percent penalty on the withdrawal of those earnings.

In this case, withdrawals used to fund certain home purchases can qualify for a penalty exception (the first-time homebuyer exception is subject to a $10,000 cap). Please visit this website for a list of the possible penalty exceptions applicable to withdrawals from a traditional IRA and a Roth IRA.

The Super Exceptions

If the taxpayer is relying on the disability, age 59 ½, death, or qualified first-time home purchase penalty exceptions, the earnings also come out income tax free so long as the taxpayer has owned a Roth IRA for five years. See slide 5 of the above referenced technical slide deck

As applied to Jane Taxpayer in Example 6 above, if she had owned a Roth IRA since any time in 2015 or earlier, the distribution of $10,000 of earnings would not only have been penalty free, it would have also been income tax free. 

60 Day Rollovers

A taxpayer might take money out of a Roth IRA and then reconsider. Perhaps he or she wants the money to grow tax-free. Or perhaps the taxpayer dipped into earnings and the distribution is not a qualified distribution, meaning that it will likely be subject to both ordinary income and a ten percent penalty. 

He or she might be able to roll the money back into the Roth IRA. However, the tax rules allow only one 60 day rollover every 12 months. The IRS has a website here discussing some of the issues. 

Because of the one-rollover-per-year rule, I generally advise against doing 60 day rollovers unless you need to. Generally, it is best to avoid them, and then have the option available as a life raft if money somehow comes out of a Roth IRA (or other IRA) when it should not have.

Required Minimum Distributions

There are no required minimum distributions from a Roth IRA! Every other non-HSA tax-advantaged retirement account, including the Roth 401(k), has required minimum distributions. 

Note that required minimum distributions are generally required once the Roth IRA becomes an inherited Roth IRA (in the hands of anyone but certain surviving spouses). 

Tax Planning

Okay, so taxpayers always have tax and penalty free access to old Roth IRA annual contributions. So what of it? As a practical matter, maybe nothing. 

In most cases, it makes sense to simply keep the money in the Roth IRA and let it grow tax free!

That said, there can be instances where, as part of a well crafted financial plan, it can make sense to withdraw previous Roth IRA contributions prior to age 59 ½. Further, it is good to know that, in an emergency situation, those old Roth IRA contributions are accessible.

Of course, prior to taking an early withdrawal from a Roth IRA, it is usually best to consult with your own financial advisor and/or tax advisor. 

FI Tax Guy can be your financial planner! Find out more by visiting mullaneyfinancial.com

Follow me on Twitter: @SeanMoneyandTax

This post is for entertainment and educational purposes only. It does not constitute accounting, financial, investment, legal, or tax advice. Please consult with your advisor(s) regarding your personal accounting, financial, investment, legal, and tax matters. Please also refer to the Disclaimer & Warning section found here.

Transferring a Primary Residence to Children

How do you pass your family’s house to your children? It’s a pressing question and involves significant tax, legal, and emotional considerations. Unfortunately, it is a topic about which there is much confusion.

This blog post discusses some of the important considerations. But as a blog post, it can only scratch the surface. Anyone looking to efficiently pass on their home is well advised to consult with their own lawyer, tax professional, and in some cases, their banker as well.

Minor Children

To my mind, the primary planning objective of married couples with minor children vis-a-vis their home is to account for what happens if both spouses die. Such couples would want their children taken care of in the most flexible manner possible.

Generally speaking, in such situations, it is often best to work with a lawyer to transfer the primary residence to a revocable living trust (explained below). In the event of both spouses’ deaths, the house would be held by the trust and managed by the trustee of the trust. It could be sold or rented for the benefit of the children, or kept so the children and their guardian(s) could live in the house. 

This resolution is generally preferable to leaving a house directly to minor children. 

Revocable Living Trusts

What is a revocable living trust? It is generally a written trust (drafted by a lawyer) that owns property the grantor(s) or settlor(s) transfers to the trust. For this sort of planning, usually spouses (the grantors) transfer their home to the trust and designate themselves as the primary beneficiaries of the trust. The trust provides that the grantors’ minor children are the successor beneficiaries. Upon both spouses’ deaths, the trust becomes irrevocable, and a trustee holds the assets and manages them on behalf of the beneficiaries (the minor children).

The best thing about a revocable living trust: as long as the grantor(s) is/are alive, the trust is fully revocable! So mistakes can be easily fixed (working with a lawyer). 

Revocable living trusts also generally avoid probate. 

Tax Effect

One nice thing about a revocable living trust is that it doesn’t change the grantor’s tax situation. All the income of the trust assets remain the taxable income of the grantor. Generally speaking, the grantor’s tax return does not change at all. Further, favorable tax rules, such as the $250K per person exclusion for capital gains on qualified primary residences, apply unchanged.

Parents placing their primary residence in their own revocable living trust does not necessitate the filing of a federal gift tax return (Form 709).

Upon inheriting a house as the beneficiary of a revocable living trust, the child takes a fair market value tax basis in the house (the so-called “step-up in basis”). This makes using a revocable living trust a tax-efficient way of passing a house to the next generation. 

Adult Children

Okay, but what about adult children? It’s readily apparent that five-year olds should not own real estate outright. But what about grown children? If a primary goal is simply avoiding probate, why not use a joint tenancy with rights of survivorship instead of a revocable living trust?

Putting an adult child’s name on the title of the parent(s) primary residence (and thus, creating a joint tenancy with rights of survivorship) can lead to a host of issues, but perhaps not the issues that initially come to mind. 

Capital Gains Tax

What about the adult child’s capital gain upon the sale of the house after the parent’s death? Is that a reason to use a revocable living trust to house the house (pun intended)? 

Well, it turns out the answer is generally No. Assuming the adult child did not contribute to the acquisition of the house, the adult child can take a full fair market value basis in a house acquired from a joint tenancy. Here is an example very loosely based on the example on page 10 of IRS Publication 551:

Example: Joan and Jane owned, as joint tenants with rights of survivorship, Joan’s home. Joan paid $300K for it, Jane paid nothing for it. Upon Joan’s death, the home has a fair market value of $600K. Jane inherits (as the surviving joint tenant) the house from Joan with a $600K basis (a fully stepped-up basis).

If interested, I’ve prepared a technical analysis as to why the surviving non-contributing non-spouse joint tenant receives a full step-up in basis here

Note that the above full stepped-up basis does not obtain if the gift of a portion of the house was through a tenancy-in-common (instead of through a joint tenancy with rights of survivorship). However, there is little reason to use a tenancy-in-common to transfer a house, because the original owner’s remaining share simply remains in his/her name, and absent other arrangements, passes through probate.

Other Problems with Joint Tenancies

If the capital gains tax upon the original owner’s death isn’t an issue, why not use a joint tenancy to transfer your house to your adult children? Here are some of the considerations.

Capital Gains Tax

Wait, what? I thought you said capital gains taxes were not an issue. They generally aren’t an issue after the original owner’s death. But they can be an issue before his or her death.

What if, during the owner’s lifetime, the house is sold? What if there’s a pressing need to sell the house, perhaps to help pay for long-term care? 

The owner/occupant is at least somewhat protected by the $250K per person primary residence gain exclusion. But the adult child is not protected by that exclusion if the home is not their primary residence. The adult child could have to pay capital gains tax (based on their share of the proceeds less their share of the owner’s historic tax basis) on the transaction if the house is sold prior to the owner/occupant’s death.  

Loss of Control

Simply put, transferring an interest in your home to another person relinquishes some of your control over the property. You never know if you will need that control in the future. Proceed with significant caution, and consult a trusted lawyer, prior to putting anyone else on the title of your home.

Gift Tax

While not a horrible problem, adding an adult child to the title of a house as a gift requires the filing of a Form 709 gift tax return. Due to the high estate and gift tax exemptions, in most cases it is highly unlikely the transfer would trigger actual gift tax. 

Disputes Among Adult Children

Adding multiple adult children to the title as joint tenants with rights of survivorship can create issues after the parent’s death. If siblings cannot agree amongst themselves how to handle and/or dispose of the house, the disagreement can be difficult to resolve. Using a revocable living trust (which becomes irrevocable upon the parent’s death) gives the parent the opportunity to work with their lawyer to put in place a trustee and ground rules for how the house is to be managed and/or disposed of after death.

Children’s Issues

Adult children are people. And people have problems. Divorces, liabilities, bankruptcies, etc. Putting an adult child on the title of a home could subject the home to the adult child’s creditors in a problematic manner. 


The above are just some of the considerations to weigh before adding adult children to the title of a home as a joint tenant with rights of survivorship.

Revocable living trusts keep control with the original owner. Further, they facilitate transferring real estate to the next generation in a tax-efficient manner. Based on these advantages and the issues that exist with joint tenancies, I generally prefer revocable living trusts over joint tenancies for primary residences. Using a will can also be effective from a tax perspective, but should be discussed with a lawyer considering state and local real estate laws. Some states have transfer-on-death type real estate deeds, which also should be considered with a lawyer (if that sort of deed is available).

Outright Gift

You might be saying, well, I have only one child I want to give my house to. Further, I don’t need to own my house. Why not simply give the house outright to that child during my life and avoid any legal events/issues occurring at my death? 

Besides some of the issues discussed above and the full loss of control (which are troublesome enough), an outright gift creates a significant capital gains tax issue for the adult child. This capital gains tax issue exists both before and after the original owner’s death.

Previously, I wrote this example on the blog illustrating the issue:

William lives in a house he purchased in 1970 for $50,000. In 2019 the house is worth $950,000. If William gifts the house to his son Alan in 2019, Alan’s basis in the house is $50,000. However, if William leaves the house to Alan at William’s death, Alan’s basis in the house will be the fair market value of the house at William’s death.

Giving William’s house to Alan during William’s lifetime could increase the capital gains taxable to Alan by $900K! Ouch!

So, whatever you do (a) consult with your lawyer before determining how to pass your house to your children and (b) be very, very hesitant to outright give your house to your child. 


There are various ways in which you can transfer your home to your children. In many cases, I believe revocable living trusts are a great way to leave a house to children. You are always well advised to consult with your lawyer before making any decisions on how you want to title your house and how you want to transfer your house. If you do inherit a house from your parents, you should consult with a lawyer regarding titling issues and with your tax professional regarding the tax implications of selling the inherited home. 

FI Tax Guy can be your financial planner! Find out more by visiting mullaneyfinancial.com

Follow me on Twitter: @SeanMoneyandTax

This post is for entertainment and educational purposes only. It does not constitute accounting, financial, investment, legal, or tax advice. Please consult with your advisor(s) regarding your personal accounting, financial, investment, legal, and tax matters. Please also refer to the Disclaimer & Warning section found here.

Roth 401(k)s for Beginners

Roth 401(k)s are gaining prominence as a tax-advantaged workplace retirement account. This post provides introductory information regarding Roth 401(k)s and their potential benefits as a retirement savings account.

Two important introductory notes. First, not all 401(k) plans offer a Roth option, so for some employees, a Roth 401(k) contribution is not an option. Second, this post is for educational purposes only and is not advice for any particular taxpayer. 

Traditional 401(k) versus Roth 401(k)

In an ideal world, contributions by an employee to a traditional 401(k) result in a tax deduction when contributed, and taxable income when withdrawn.

Example 1: Tony makes $100,000 from his employer in W-2 wages in 2021. Tony contributes $15,000 during the course of 2021 to his employer’s traditional 401(k). Tony will receive a W-2 from his employer reporting $85,000 of taxable W-2 wages for 2021.

In an ideal world, contributions by an employee to a Roth 401(k) result in no tax deduction when contributed, and no taxable income when withdrawn.

Example 2: Rudy makes $100,000 from his employer in W-2 wages in 2021. Rudy contributes $15,000 during the course of 2021 to his employer’s Roth 401(k). Rudy will receive a W-2 from his employer reporting $100,000 of taxable W-2 wages for 2021.

Roth 401(k) Contributions

Employees can contribute the lesser of their earned income or $19,500 (2021 limit) to a Roth 401(k) in “employee deferrals.” For those 50 years old or older, the 2021 limit is the lesser of earned income or $26,000.

The employee deferral limit factors in both traditional 401(k) employee contributions and Roth 401(k) employee contributions. Here’s an illustrative example.

Example 3: Sarah, age 35, earns $100,000 in W-2 income in 2021 at Acme Industries, Inc. Sarah contributes the maximum to her 401(k) plan. Assuming Acme offers both a traditional 401(k) and a Roth 401(k), that maximum $19,500 contribution can be split up however Sarah chooses ($13,000 to the traditional 401(k) and $6,500 to the Roth 401(k), $5,000 to the traditional 401(k) and $14,500 to the Roth 401(k), etc.). 

Any combination (including all in the traditional or all in the Roth) is permissible as long as the total does not exceed $19,500 (using 2021’s limits).

Roth 401(k) Contributions: Income Limits

There’s good news here. Unlike their Roth IRA cousins, Roth 401(k) contributions have no income limits. In theory, one could make $1 billion annually in W-2 income and still contribute $19,500 to a Roth 401(k). 

Matching Contributions

Employer matching contributions are one of the best benefits of 401(k) plans. 

It is important to keep in mind that matching contributions, profit sharing contributions, and forfeitures must go into employee accounts as traditional contributions. This is true regardless of whether the employee’s own contributions are traditional, Roth, or both. 

Example 4: Elaine, age 35, works at Perry Publishing. She earns a salary of $50,000. Perry matches 50% of the first 6% of salary that Elaine contributes to her 401(k). Elaine decides to contribute $3,000 (6 percent) of her salary to the 401(k) as a Roth contribution. Perry contributes $1,500 as a matching contribution. The $1,500 employer match goes into the 401(k) as a traditional contribution. The $3,000 and its growth are treated as a Roth 401(k), and the $1,500 and its growth are treated as a traditional 401(k). 

Matching contributions may be subject to vesting requirements, as described in this post. Employee contributions to a 401(k) (whether traditional or Roth) are always 100% vested. 

Roth 401(k) Withdrawals

The greatest benefits of a Roth 401(k) are tax-free growth and tax-free withdrawals. Tax-free withdrawals are generally the goal, but they are not automatic. Recently, I wrote a post on Roth 401(k) withdrawals

One important consideration regarding Roth 401(k) withdrawals: Roth 401(k)s are subject to the required minimum distribution rules starting at age 72. Thus, you must start withdrawing money from a Roth 401(k) at age 72. As a result, you will have less wealth growing tax-free. For this reason, many consider rolling Roth 401(k)s to Roth IRAs prior to age 72. 


Roth 401(k)s provide a great opportunity to save and invest for retirement. Taxpayers should consider their own circumstances, and often consult with tax professionals, in deciding their own investment program. 

Further Reading

For more information about 401(k) plans, please read this post

FI Tax Guy can be your financial planner! Find out more by visiting mullaneyfinancial.com

Follow me on Twitter: @SeanMoneyandTax

This post is for entertainment and educational purposes only. It does not constitute accounting, financial, investment, legal, or tax advice. Please consult with your advisor(s) regarding your personal accounting, financial, investment, legal, and tax matters. Please also refer to the Disclaimer & Warning section found here

Roth 401k Withdrawals

We live in a Roth IRA world (or, at least I wish we did). We also live in a world where increasing numbers of people invest through a Roth 401(k). 

The Roth 401(k) is still a relatively new account. Taxpayers and practitioners alike are still learning its contours. Things get even more complicated when you roll money from a workplace Roth 401(k) to a Roth IRA.

To get our feet wet, first I will illustrate the ordering rules for withdrawals from a Roth IRA. Then we will explore withdrawals from a Roth 401(k).

Note that much of this post discusses withdrawals before age 59 ½. In most cases, it is not wise to take a withdrawal from a retirement account before age 59 ½ unless (a) there is an emergency or (b) it is part of a well crafted financial plan.

Watch me discuss Roth 401(k) withdrawals.

Default Rule for Roth IRA Withdrawals: The Layers

Unless the distribution qualifies as a “qualified distribution” (see below), amounts come out of Roth IRAs in layers. Only after one layer has been exhausted can the next layer come out.

Here is the order of distributions that come out of a Roth IRA:

First Layer: Roth IRA contributions

Second Layer: Roth IRA conversions (first-in, first-out)

Third Layer: Roth IRA earnings

Here’s a brief example:

Example 1: Steve has made five $5,000 contributions to his Roth IRA in previous years. He also made a $10,000 conversion from a traditional IRA to a Roth IRA in 2014. In 2021, at a time when his Roth IRA is worth $60,000 and Steve is 45 years old, he takes a $10,000 withdrawal from his Roth IRA. All $10,000 will be a recovery of his previous contributions (leaving him with $15,000 remaining of previous contributions). Thus, the entire distribution from the Roth IRA will be tax and penalty free.

The Roth IRA contributions come out tax and penalty free at any time for any reason!

A qualified distribution from a Roth IRA is usually one where the account holder both (i) has owned a Roth IRA for at least 5 years and (ii) is at least 59 ½ years old. If either condition is not satisfied, the default layering rules described above apply. Qualified distributions from a Roth IRA are tax and penalty free regardless of the layers inside the Roth IRA.

See page 31 of IRS Publication 590-B for more information about qualified distributions from Roth IRAs.

Roth 401(k) Withdrawals

First, a practical note: employers may restrict in-service Roth 401(k) withdrawals before age 59 1/2. Consider that before thinking about how the tax rules apply to withdrawals.

Default Rule: Cream-in-the-Coffee

Generally speaking, Roth 401(k)s have (1) investment in the contract (“IITC”), which is generally previous contributions and conversions and (2) earnings. 

Unlike the sequenced layering of Roth IRA withdrawals, Roth 401(k) withdrawals generally default to what Ed Slott refers to as the “cream-in-the-coffee” rule (see Choate — discussed below, page 140).

As a result, withdrawals default to carrying out both some IITC and some earnings. Here’s an example:

Example 2: Lilly has made five $6,000 contributions to her Roth 401(k) in previous years. She also made a $10,000 conversion from a traditional 401(k) to her Roth 401(k) in 2014. In 2021, at a time when her Roth 401(k) is worth $60,000 and Lilly is 45 years old, she takes a $10,000 withdrawal from her Roth 401(k). Two-thirds ($6,667, computed as the fraction $40,000 divided by $60,000 times the withdrawal) of the $10,000 will be a recovery of her IITC (entirely tax and penalty free), and one-third ($3,333, computed as the fraction $20,000 divided by $60,000 times the withdrawal) of the $10,000 will be earnings, which are subject to both ordinary income taxation and a 10 percent penalty.

Quick Thought: Had Lilly’s Roth conversion occurred in 2017 or later, the portion attributable to the conversion ($1,667) would be subject to the 10 percent early withdrawal penalty (but not to ordinary income taxation). See Section 402A(c)(4)(D) and Section 408A(d)(3)(F). Note an earlier version had “2018 or earlier” where the bolded words are in error. I regret the error.

Quick Thought: The cream-in-the-coffee rule does not factor in amounts in traditional 401(k) accounts, even if they are within the same 401(k) plan.

Solving the Cream-in-the-Coffee Issue

We see that the cream-in-the-coffee rule has bad effects. It does not allow exclusive access to tax-favored amounts when there are non-tax favored amounts in an account. So what to do? There are three primary exceptions to the cream-in-the-coffee rule. 

Exception 1: Wait for a Qualified Distribution

The cream-in-the-coffee rule can be waited out.

A qualified distribution from a Roth 401(k) is a withdrawal that occurs when the owner is age 59 ½ (see Treas. Reg. Sec. 1.402A-1 Q&A 2(b)(2)) and has had that particular Roth 401(k) account for five years (see Treas. Reg. Sec. 1.402A-1 Q&A 2(b)(1) and Q&A 4). Other qualified distributions can occur upon death or disability (if the 5 year test is satisfied), but for our purposes, we will assume for the rest of the article that any qualified distributions are qualified distributions occurring at or after age 59 ½ and after five years of ownership.

The owner of a Roth 401(k) who qualifies for a qualified distribution does not need to roll the Roth 401(k) to a Roth IRA to take a tax free withdrawal. Once the owner qualifies for a qualified distribution he or she can simply withdraw amounts from the Roth 401(k) tax-free.

However, as a practical matter, it is often the case that Roth 401(k)s are rolled into Roth IRAs (for several reasons). If the rollover from the Roth 401(k) to the Roth IRA would qualify as a qualified distribution if taken directly, then the entire amount in the Roth 401(k) (IITC and earnings) goes into the Roth IRA as a contribution. Ian Berger discussed this issue in an August 11, 2022 response to a question. His answer applies the rule in Treas. Reg. Sec. 1.408A-10 Q&A 3 (the sentence beginning with “Thus,”).

Up to the amount rolled into the Roth IRA can be distributed tax and penalty free. So long as the taxpayer has met the 5 year rule with respect to any Roth IRA, any future earnings beyond the amount rolled in can be withdrawn tax free at any time.

Quick Thought: I would be remiss if I didn’t insert the standard tax planner advice that rollovers from Roth 401(k)s to Roth IRAs are best accomplished through a direct trustee-to-trustee transfer.

There is one five year rule nuance to consider. If the taxpayer has never had a Roth IRA, he or she must wait 5 years (regardless of their age) to access later earnings generated by rollover contribution tax free. Here’s a quick example:

Example 3: John is 60 years old. He has never had a Roth IRA. He has had a Roth 401(k) with his employer for over five years. He has made $100,000 of contributions to the Roth 401(k) which has grown to $200,000. He does not need to roll his Roth 401(k) into a Roth IRA to take out money entirely tax and penalty free.

If John chooses to roll all $200,000 in his Roth 401(k) into a Roth IRA, all $200,000 goes into the Roth IRA as a contribution. If John withdraws more than $200,000 from the new Roth IRA before the Roth IRA turns 5 years old, those withdrawals of new earnings would be subject to income tax (though, of course, penalty free since John is over 59 ½ years old).

As a practical matter, as long as the taxpayer does not plan on withdrawing more than the rolled over amount in the first five years, this nuance is not likely to be a gating issue in determining whether the Roth 401(k) should be rolled over to a Roth IRA.

Exception 2: Roth 401(k) Rollover then Withdraw

The second strategy to overcome the cream-in-the-coffee rule is to rollover the Roth 401(k) to a Roth IRA without waiting.

If either the taxpayer is less than 59 ½ years old and/or has not held that particular Roth 401(k) for at least five years, the nonqualified distribution rules apply to the rollover. The Roth 401(k) goes into the Roth IRA as “contributions” to the extent of the IITC in the Roth 401(k), and as “earnings” to the extent of growth in the Roth 401(k).

Recall the example of Lilly above. Here is how it changes if she rolls the Roth 401(k) into a Roth IRA and then takes the withdrawal.

Example 4: Lilly has made five $6,000 contributions to her Roth 401(k) in previous years. She also made a $10,000 conversion from a traditional 401(k) to her Roth 401(k) in 2014. In 2021, at a time when her Roth 401(k) is worth $60,000 and Lilly is 45 years old, she rolls her Roth 401(k) over to a Roth IRA (her first ever). A month later, Lilly takes a $10,000 withdrawal from her Roth IRA. All $10,000 will be a recovery of her previous contributions (leaving her with $30,000 remaining of previous contributions). Thus, the entire withdrawal will be tax and penalty free.

While rollovers of nonqualified distributions do not eliminate Roth 401(k) earnings, they do eliminate the cream-in-the-coffee rule. As a result, Roth 401(k) to Roth IRA rollovers often make sense.

The Five Year Roth Earnings Rule

Where such rollovers can be disadvantageous is the five year rule as applied to earnings. Recall that being age 59 ½ is a necessary, but not sufficient, condition to withdrawing Roth earnings tax free. You also need to meet a 5 year rule.

If you have a Roth 401(k) that is 5 years old but have never had any Roth IRA, and you are less than 5 years away from attaining age 59 ½, rolling into a Roth IRA could subject withdrawals of earnings (after age 59 ½) in excess of IITC to ordinary income taxation. That said, often withdrawals do not exhaust contributions in the first five years after a rollover. Thus, often this will not be a gating issue.

Exception 3: Roth 401(k) Withdrawal then Rollover

There is a third way to overcome the cream-in-the-coffee rule. It is to take a withdrawal from the Roth 401(k) and then rollover the earnings component to a Roth IRA. Let’s see how that would affect Lilly:

Example 5: Lilly needs $10,000 and has decided to access it from her Roth 401(k). Lilly has made five $6,000 contributions to her Roth 401(k) in previous years. She also made a $10,000 conversion from a traditional 401(k) to her Roth 401(k) in 2014. In 2021, at a time when her Roth 401(k) is worth $60,000 and Lilly is 45 years old, Lilly takes a $15,000 withdrawal from her Roth 401(k). Based on her Roth 401(k) consisting of two-thirds IITC and one-third earnings, $5,000 of the withdrawal is taxable and subject to an early withdrawal penalty. However, Lilly can, within 60 days, rollover the $5,000 of earnings into a Roth IRA. The earnings will go into the Roth IRA as earnings, and Lilly avoids the tax and penalty on the withdrawal.

Note that if Lilly does this partial rollover, the rollover piece is not subject to the cream-in-the-coffee rule. The partial rollover attracts earnings before attracting any IITC (see Treasury Regulation Section 1.402A-1 Q&A 5). 

Note further that if Lilly has no other Roth IRAs, she now has a Roth IRA that consists only of earnings. She will not (generally speaking) be able to touch this Roth IRA without ordinary income tax and a penalty until age 59 ½.

As a practical matter, the “withdraw then rollover” strategy may not be available to Lilly. The 401(k) plan may not allow partial distributions pre-age 59 1/2 after separation from service.

Coordination with the Rule of 55

Many like the Rule of 55, which is a rule that allows taxpayers to take amounts from workplace retirement plans such as 401(k)s without the early withdrawal penalty. It applies when a taxpayer separates from service at age 55 or older (up to age 59 ½, when withdrawals become penalty free), and the plan allows partial withdrawals.

So the question becomes, if you are in the 4.5 year Rule of 55 window (ages 55 to 59 ½) and you separate from service, should you leave a Roth 401(k) in the plan or roll it into a Roth IRA if you need to withdraw from it? Let’s consider an example.

Example 6: James is 56 years old and leaves his employment. He has contributed $100,000 over more than five years to his Roth 401(k), and it is currently worth $200,000. If he keeps the amounts in the Roth 401(k), every dollar he takes out will be half recovery of IITC (tax-free) and half a withdrawal of earnings (taxable, but qualifies for a penalty exception). If, instead, James follows the “rollover then withdraw” strategy and rolls his Roth 401(k) to a Roth IRA, the first $100,000 he withdraws before age 59 ½ will be a return of contributions, and only if he exceeds $100,000 in withdrawals will he have ordinary income and a penalty. A second option for James would be to do the “withdraw then rollover” strategy whereby James would direct half of each distribution (the earnings half) to a Roth IRA in order to avoid ordinary income taxation on the earnings portion.

This illustrates that numbers matter in this regard. It also shows that as long as the pre-age 59 ½ withdrawals will be less than the previous Roth 401(k) contributions, it is generally better to take the withdrawals from a rollover Roth IRA than from a Roth 401(k) penalty protected by the Rule of 55.

However, if one employs the “withdraw then rollover” strategy, keeping money in the Roth 401(k) can work as effectively as rolling over to a Roth IRA. 

A Note on Rollovers

Any designated Roth account (401(k), 403(b), and/or 457) can be rolled into a Roth IRA. Designated Roth accounts can be rolled into other designated Roth accounts, though note there can some be some complexity in this regard.

Roth IRAs cannot be rolled into a designated Roth account, including a Roth 401(k).

The IRS has a handy rollover chart accessible here

SECURE 2.0 Update

SECURE 2.0 makes three changes relating to Roth 401(k)s. First, it eliminates required minimum distributions (“RMDs”) from Roth 401(k)s during the owner’s lifetime. This change has little practical effect, as many Roth 401(k)s will ultimately be rolled to Roth IRAs anyway in order for the owner to obtain more investment choice and control of the account.

Second, SECURE 2.0 mandates that beginning in 2024, employee catch-up contributions to 401(k) accounts must be Roth contributions if the employee made more than $145,000 in wages the prior year.

Third, SECURE 2.0 allows employer contributions to Roth 401(k)s.

I suspect that based on the second and third changes, more employers may offer Roth 401(k)s in addition to traditional 401(k)s.

Further Reading

For those interested in seeing more information on distributions out of Roth IRAs after rollovers of Roth 401(k)s, please see Treasury Regulation Sec. 1.408A-10. For more information on rollovers of distributions from Roth 401(k)s into Roth IRAs, please see Treasury Regulation Sec. 1.402A-1.

Natalie B. Choate’s treatise Life and Death Benefits for Retirement Planning (8th Ed. 2019) is an absolutely invaluable resource regarding retirement account withdrawals, including Roth 401(k) withdrawals.


The rules around Roth 401(k)s are complex, and different than those applicable to Roth IRAs. This blog post only presents an educational introduction to those rules. Taxpayers should exercise extra caution, and often consult with tax professionals, before moving money out of a Roth 401(k).

FI Tax Guy can be your financial planner! Find out more by visiting mullaneyfinancial.com

Follow me on Twitter: @SeanMoneyandTax

This post is for entertainment and educational purposes only. It does not constitute accounting, financial, investment, legal, or tax advice. Please consult with your advisor(s) regarding your personal accounting, financial, investment, legal, and tax matters. Please also refer to the Disclaimer & Warning section found here

Split-Year Backdoor Roth IRAs

Can I contribute to a Roth IRA? Can I do a Backdoor Roth IRA? These are two questions I often hear as a tax-focused financial planner.

Perhaps you find yourself preparing your 2020 tax return in early April 2021. You have not contributed anything to a traditional IRA or a Roth IRA yet for 2020. Do you have time to perhaps do a Roth IRA or a Backdoor Roth IRA? The answer is, “Absolutely!” if you have the right facts in place. Let’s discuss a comprehensive example:

Example 1: Jack is single, 35 years old, participates in a 401(k) at work, and has self-prepared his 2020 tax return but not yet filed it. It is April 9, 2021, and his tax-return software indicates that he does not qualify for a Roth IRA, as his modified adjusted gross income for 2020 is $150,000. Jack has no traditional IRAs, SEP IRAs, or SIMPLE IRAs. Jack just learned about the existence of the Backdoor Roth IRA. 

What can Jack do? Can he do a Backdoor Roth IRA for 2020? The answer is, Yes! 

First, Jack should, by April 15, 2021, make a traditional, non-deductible IRA contribution of $6,000. When he does this, he should designate the contribution as being for 2020. With his soon-to-be-filed 2020 federal income tax return, he should file a Form 8606 which will report the $6,000 traditional, non-deductible IRA contribution. Easy enough. 

Assuming Jack contributed to his 2020 traditional, non-deductible IRA in April 2021, in May of 2021 Jack should convert the entire balance in his traditional IRA to a Roth IRA. Third, he should ensure he has no balance in traditional IRAs/SEP IRAs/SIMPLE IRAs as of December 31, 2021. 

Jack can also do a Backdoor Roth IRA for 2021, which may be advisable if (a) his modified adjusted gross income exceeds the Roth IRA contribution thresholds and (b) he will have no balance in traditional IRAs/SEP IRAs/SIMPLE IRAs as of December 31, 2021. 

Assume Jack makes a traditional, non-deductible contribution to an IRA for 2021 on June 1, 2021, and on July 2, 2021, he converts the amounts in the traditional IRA to a Roth IRA. Further assume (a) the amounts converted in May and July were $6,001 and $6,002, respectively, and (b) Jack has no balance in traditional IRAs/SEP IRAs/SIMPLE IRAs as of December 31, 2021. 

When Jack files his 2021 tax return, Page 1 of his Form 8606 should look like this:

Page 1 of the Form 8606 reflects the total basis in traditional IRAs (without considering the Roth conversions). Note that I had to use the 2019 version of the Form 8606, as the 2021 version has not yet been released. Please adjust all dates in your mind’s eye accordingly.

Page 2 (reporting the 2021 Roth IRA conversions) of the Form 8606 should look like this:

The gross amount of the Roth IRA conversions are taxable, but Jack gets to recover his $12,000 of traditional IRA basis.

Post Tax Return Filing Split-Year Backdoor Roth IRA

Example 2: Jim is single, 35 years old, participates in a 401(k) at work, and has self-prepared his 2020 tax return and filed it on March 15, 2021. Jim’s modified adjusted gross income for 2020 is $150,000. Jim has no traditional IRAs, SEP IRAs, or SIMPLE IRAs. It is April 9, 2021 and Jim just learned about the existence of the Backdoor Roth IRA. 

Can Jim still do a Backdoor Roth IRA for 2020? Absolutely!

First, Jim should, by April 15, 2021, make a traditional, non-deductible IRA contribution of $6,000. When he does this, he should designate the contribution as being for 2020. So far, everything is the same as Example 1.

But here is where things change. Jim should also, by April 15, 2021, file a standalone Form 8606 with the IRS and be sure to sign the form on page 2. The Form 8606 will report the contribution to the traditional, non-deductible IRA. Jim will have to paper file the Form 8606 and mail it to the IRS Service Center that he would mail his Form 1040 to (if he were to paper file his Form 1040). 

Jim could then convert the traditional IRA to a Roth IRA to successfully complete the Backdoor Roth IRA. He should also ensure he had no balance in a traditional IRA, SEP IRA, or SIMPLE IRA on December 31, 2021. 

Advanced Split-Year Backdoor Roth IRA

Example 3: Jill is married to Joe, 35 years old, participates in a 401(k) at work, and has self-prepared their 2020 tax return but not yet filed it. Jill and Joe’s modified adjusted gross income for 2020 is $250,000. Jill has a traditional IRA with a balance of $100,000 (and no previous non-deductible contributions). It is April 9, 2021 and Jill just learned about the existence of the Backdoor Roth IRA. 

Jill’s example is a bit more challenging than Jack and Jim’s previous example. Yes, it is possible that Jill could successfully complete a Backdoor Roth IRA for 2020. But it involves much more execution risk – the risk that the proper steps will not be completed in time. While taxpayers engaging in any sort of tax planning should consider engaging professional assistance, Jill is in a position where that is even more so the case. 

Here is how Jill could successfully execute a Backdoor Roth IRA for 2020. Jill should go to her workplace benefits website and download and review the “Summary Plan Description” for the 401(k) plan (sometimes initialized “SPD”). 

It may be the case that Jill’s workplace 401(k) plan will accept a roll-in of her traditional IRA. Many 401(k)s do, but many do not. Some plans will only accept roll-ins of other qualified plans (401(k)s, 403(b)s, etc.), and some plans will only accept roll-ins of qualified plans and so-called “conduit IRAs” i.e., IRAs that consist only of money that was formerly in a qualified plan. However, there are some plans that will accept roll-ins of both old qualified plans and any type of traditional IRA (though note that in all events 401(k) plans cannot accept roll-ins of amounts representing non-deductible IRA contributions).

If Jill’s workplace 401(k) plan will accept a roll-in of the $100,000 traditional IRA, then Jill could transfer (in a direct trustee-to-trustee transfer) her traditional IRA (other than the amount of any nondeductible contributions, including a $6,000 2020 contribution) to the 401(k). If she fails to do that by December 31, 2021, then any Backdoor Roth IRA would be very tax inefficient (and unavisable) – you can read more here in the “Jennifer” example

This is one reason I say that there is “execution risk” – perhaps Jill does the “Backdoor Roth IRA” steps but neglects the transfer of the old traditional IRA to the 401(k) until after December 31, 2021. If that happens, Jill’s Backdoor Roth IRA will now be very tax inefficient.

Some might say “couldn’t Jill start a side hustle, open a Solo 401(k) for it, and then roll the traditional IRA into the Solo 401(k)?” To my mind, that is a dangerous path. Jill’s side hustle might not rise to the level of a trade or business for tax purposes. If it does not, then it is not eligible to have a Solo 401(k). Any transfer of a traditional IRA to a plan that does not qualify as either an IRA, 401(k), 403(b), or similar plan is simply a taxable distribution subject to full income tax and a 10 percent early withdrawal penalty. Ouch!!!

Jill should not over think it. If she can easily roll her old traditional IRA into her workplace 401(k), then she should consider doing so and doing a Backdoor Roth IRA. But if she cannot, then fine, there are plenty of other ways to become financially independent and/or achieve retirement planning goals. Not having the Backdoor Roth IRA tool available is no killer to her future plans and goals. 

Note further that if Jill’s balance was in a SIMPLE IRA that was less than 2 years old, she could not roll the SIMPLE IRA into anything other than a SIMPLE IRA for the first two years of her SIMPLE IRA’s existence without incurring a 25% penalty.

FI Tax Guy can be your financial advisor! Find out more by visiting mullaneyfinancial.com

Follow me on Twitter: @SeanMoneyandTax

This post is for entertainment and educational purposes only. It does not constitute accounting, financial, investment, legal, or tax advice. Please consult with your advisor(s) regarding your personal accounting, financial, investment, legal, and tax matters. Please also refer to the Disclaimer & Warning section found here

The SECURE Act’s Impact on the FI Community

In late December 2019 the President and Congress enacted the SECURE Act. The SECURE Act makes some significant revisions to the laws governing IRAs, 401(k)s, and other retirement accounts. This post discusses the impacts of these changes on those pursuing financial independence.

The Big Picture

The SECURE Act is a big win for the FI community, in my opinion. 

The FI community significantly benefits from IRAs, 401(k)s, and other tax-advantaged retirement accounts. However, the federal government is facing increasing debts and annual deficits. That puts tax-advantaged accounts in the crosshairs. What Congress gives in tax benefits Congress can take away.

So what does the SECURE Act do? First, it actually gives us a couple more tax advantages during our lifetimes (see “Opportunities” below). Second, it significantly reduces the tax advantages of inherited retirement accounts for our heirs.

For those either with large retirement account balances or planning to have large retirement account balances, any change in tax laws is a potential problem. We should be glad that this round of tax law changes has occurred without our own retirement accounts being negatively impacted. Congress has passed the bill to our heirs, which, right or wrong, is a victory for us. 

When you see people in the financial press squawking about how awful the SECURE Act is, remember, it could be a whole lot worse–your retirement account could have been more heavily taxed during your lifetime! 

For those pursuing FI, the ability to use tax-advantaged retirement accounts remains the same, and in a couple small ways, has been enhanced. The next generation still has all those retirement account opportunities, even if they won’t be able to benefit from inheriting retirement accounts as much as they do under current law. 


Traditional IRA Contributions for those 70 ½ and Older

Starting in 2020, those aged 70 ½ and older will be able to contribute to a traditional IRA. This will open up Backdoor Roth IRA planning for those 70 ½ and older and still working. For those still working (or doing side hustles) at age 70 ½ or older, this is a nice change.

Remember, regardless of age, in order to contribute to an IRA, you or your spouse must have earned income. 

RMDs Begin at 72

For those attaining age 70 ½ after December 31, 2019, the age at which they will need to take RMDs will be 72, not 70 ½. This gives retirement accounts a bit more time to bake tax-deferred. It also slightly expands the window to do Roth conversions before RMDs begin. However, this last benefit is tempered by the fact that you must take Social Security no later than age 70. Roth conversion planning to reduce taxable RMDs should be mostly completed well before age 70 ½, regardless of this change in the law. 

Note that taxpayers can still make qualified charitable distributions (“QCD”) starting when they turn age 70 ½. While pre-age 72 QCDs won’t satisfy RMD requirements, they will (a) help optimize charitable giving from a tax perspective (by keeping adjusted gross income lower and avoiding the requirement to itemize to deduct the contribution) and (b) reduce future RMDs.

Annuities in 401(k)s

The new law provides rules facilitating annuities in 401(k) plans. This one requires proceeding with extreme caution. If your 401(k) plan decides to offer annuity products, you need to carefully assess whether an annuity is the right investment for you and you need to fully understand the fees charged. 

Remember, just because the law changed doesn’t mean your asset allocation should change!

Leaving Retirement Accounts to Heirs

This is the where the SECURE Act raises taxes. The SECURE Act removes the so-called “stretch” for many retirement plan beneficiaries. For retirement accounts inherited after December 31, 2019, only certain beneficiaries will be able to stretch out distributions over their remaining life (or based on the age of the decedent if over 70 ½ at death). For nonqualified beneficiaries, the rule will simply be that the beneficiary must take the account within 10 years of the owner’s death (the “10-year rule”).

My overall opinion on the SECURE Act stated above, planning for the next generation is important. Particularly if you are already financially independent and want to help your children become financially independent, the SECURE Act has significant ramifications.


If your current estate plan features your spouse as your retirement account primary beneficiary, the SECURE Act should in no way change that aspect of your plan. Fortunately, the many advantages applicable to spouses inheriting retirement accounts will not change. Spouses remain an excellent candidate to inherit a retirement account. 

Minor Children

If you leave your retirement account to your minor children, they are exempt from the 10-year rule (and can generally take distributions based on IRS RMD tables that are generous to younger beneficiaries) while they are still minors. Once your children reach the age of majority, they will have ten years to empty the retirement account. 

The exception to the 10-year rule applies only to your minor children. It does not apply to your grandchildren, your adult children, and the children of others (including nieces and nephews). 

Other Eligible Beneficiaries

The exceptions to the 10-year rule apply to your spouse, your minor children, the disabled, the chronically ill, and persons not more than 10 years younger than you at your death. All others will need to empty retirement accounts within 10 years of inheritance. This will require some significant planning in cases where the beneficiary has inherited a traditional retirement account to strategically empty the account over the 10 year window to manage adjusted gross income, taxable income, and total tax. 


For those of you with estate plans involving adult children, the passage of the SECURE Act may well require revisions to your plans. First off, as a practical matter, your revocable living trust may need modifications. Many have designated a trust as a retirement account beneficiary. To do so properly requires conforming with specific income tax rules. Those with trusts as the beneficiary of their retirement account would be well advised to, at a minimum, consult with their lawyer to determine if the language of the trust needs updating.

Second, understanding that inheriting a traditional retirement account will now mean accelerated, and possibly significantly increased, taxation for their heirs, many will want to consider Roth conversion planning. Roth accounts will be subject to the 10-year rule, but the good news is that the beneficiary can keep the assets in the Roth account for 10 years, let it grow tax free, and then take out the money in 10 years tax free. Not too bad.

Roth conversion planning to optimize your heirs’ income tax picture is now even more important. However, it should not be done if it will impose a financial hardship on the account owner during their lifetime. The first priority should be securing the account owner’s retirement. Only if the account owner is financially secure should they consider Roth conversion planning to reduce their heirs’ tax liability.


Tax rules are always changing. This round of changes is a victory for those pursuing financial independence. Any tax law change that does not negatively impact your path to financial independence is a win. 

For those considering the financial health of their heirs, particularly their adult children, the SECURE Act should prompt some reconsideration of estate plans. Often it is wise to consult with professional advisors in this regard. 

FI Tax Guy can be your financial advisor! FI Tax Guy can prepare your tax return! Find out more by visiting mullaneyfinancial.com

Follow me on Twitter: @SeanMoneyandTax

This post is for entertainment and educational purposes only. It does not constitute accounting, financial, legal, or tax advice. Please consult with your advisor(s) regarding your personal accounting, financial, legal, and tax matters. 

Roth Conversions for the Self-Employed

Are you self-employed? Is your self-employment income your primary source of income? If so, you might want to consider doing a Roth conversion before the end of the year.


  • If most of your taxable income is self-employment income (either reported on Schedule C or from a partnership), you might want to consider year-end Roth conversions to maximize your QBI deduction and pay a lower-than-expected federal income tax rate on the conversion.
  • To optimize this strategy, convert traditional IRAs to Roth IRAs (or do in-plan traditional 401(k) to Roth 401(k) conversions) to increase your QBI deduction. 

Why? Because of the still relatively new qualified business income (“QBI”) deduction (also known as the Section 199A deduction). 

QBI Deduction and Initial Limitation

Starting in 2018, there is a deduction for “qualified business income.” This is generally income from a qualified trade or business received from a sole proprietorship (and reported on Schedule C), from a partnership, or from a S Corporation (in these cases, generally reported to the taxpayer on a Form K-1 and reported on the Schedule E with the tax return). 

Important for this purpose is the initial limit on the QBI deduction. It is the lesser of following two amounts:

  1. 20 percent of taxable income less “net capital gain” which is generally capital gains plus qualified dividend income (“QDI”) (the “Income Limit”) or
  2. 20 percent of QBI (the “QBI Limit”).

As a practical matter, in most cases the limit will be determined by the second limitation (such taxpayers are what I call “QBI Limited”). Many taxpayers will have much more taxable income than they have QBI. Consider spouses where one has self-employment income and the other has W-2 income. Unless the W-2 income is very small, their combined taxable income is likely to be in excess of their combined QBI, and thus they will be QBI Limited.

Alternatively, consider a situation where a single person has QBI from an S corporation (say $50,000) and the S corporation also pays him or her a W-2 salary (say $60,000). In such a case the QBI is $50,000 (20% of which is $10,000) and the taxable income might be $97,450 ($110,000 total from the S corporation less a $12,550 standard deduction), 20% of which is $19,490. This taxpayer would also be QBI Limited. 

Income Limited

But what if you are not QBI Limited, but rather, limited by the Income Limit listed above (what I call “Income Limited”)? Here is an illustrative example.

Example 1: Seth is single and self-employed. He claims the standard deduction in 2021. He reports a business profit of $100,000 on his Schedule C. He also has $1,000 of interest income.

His Income Limit is computed as follows:

Schedule C Income: $100,000

Interest Income: $1,000

Deduction for ½ Self-Employment Taxes: ($7,065)

Standard Deduction: ($12,550)

Taxable Income: $81,385

20% Limit: $16,277

Seth’s QBI Limit is computed as follows:

Schedule C Income: $100,000

Deduction for ½ Self-Employment Taxes: ($7,065)

QBI: $92,935

20% Limit: $18,587

In this case, Seth’s QBI deduction is only $16,277 (he is Income Limited), the lesser of these two calculated limits. 

Roth Conversion Planning

Is there anything Seth can do to increase his limitation and optimize his QBI deduction?

Imagine Seth has $20,000 in a traditional IRA (with zero basis). He could convert some of that traditional IRA to a Roth IRA by December 31, 2021. This would create taxable income, which would increase Seth’s Income Limit. Here is how that could play out:

Without Roth Conversion

Schedule C Income$ 100,000
Interest Income$ 1,000
Deduction for ½ Self-Employment Taxes$ (7,065)
Adjusted Gross Income$ 93,935
Standard Deduction$ (12,550)
Qualified Business Income Deduction (see above)$ (16,277)
Taxable Income$ 65,108
Federal Income Tax$ 10,072

With Roth Conversion

Schedule C Income$ 100,000
Interest Income$ 1,000
Deduction for ½ Self-Employment Taxes$ (7,065)
Roth IRA Conversion$ 11,550
Adjusted Gross Income$ 105,485
Standard Deduction$ (12,550)
Qualified Business Income Deduction$ (18,587)
Taxable Income$ 74,348
Federal Income Tax$ 12,105

What has the $11,550 Roth IRA conversion done? First, it has made the Income Limit ($18,587) the exact same as the QBI Limit ($18,587). Thus, Seth’s QBI deduction increases from $16,227 to $18,587. 

Second, notice that Seth’s taxable income has increased, but not by $11,550! Usually one would expect that a Roth IRA conversion with no basis recovery would simply increase taxable income by the amount converted. But not here! The interaction with the QBI deduction caused Seth’s taxable income to increase only $9,240 ($74,348 minus $65,108). 

This example illustrates that, under the right circumstances, a Roth IRA conversion can receive the benefit of the QBI deduction!

As a result, at Seth’s 22 percent marginal federal income tax bracket, his total federal income tax increased only $2,033. In effect, Seth pays only a 17.6 percent rate on his Roth IRA conversion ($2,033 of federal income tax on a $11,550 Roth IRA conversion). This is true even though Seth is in the 22 percent marginal tax bracket. His Roth IRA conversion is only 80 percent taxable. This is the flip-side of the 80% deduction phenomenon I previously blogged about here

Is it advantageous for Seth to convert his traditional IRA? Well, it depends on Seth’s expected future tax rates. If Seth’s future marginal tax bracket is anticipated to be 22 percent, then absolutely. Why not convert at a 17.6 percent instead of face a 22 percent rate on future traditional IRA withdrawals?


Seth’s Roth IRA conversion is optimized. The takeaway is that the Roth IRA conversion gets the benefit of the QBI deduction, but only for amounts that increase the Income Limit up to the QBI Limit.

A *very general* rule of thumb for solving for the optimal Roth conversion amount is to multiply the difference between the QBI Limit and the Income Limit (without a Roth conversion) by 5. In Seth’s case, that was $18,587 minus $16,277 (which equals $2,310) times 5.

In this case, converting exactly $11,550 made Seth’s Income Limit exactly equal his QBI Limit. As long as the Roth conversion increases the Income Limit toward the QBI Limit, the conversion benefits from the QBI deduction.

But the first dollar of the Roth conversion that pushes the Income Limit above the QBI Limit does not receive the benefit. If Seth converted $11,551 from his traditional IRA to his Roth IRA, that last dollar above $11,550 would be taxed at Seth’s full 22 percent federal marginal tax bracket. 

Note that instead of / in addition to a Roth IRA conversion, Seth could do an in-plan traditional 401(k) to Roth 401(k) conversion, if he had sufficient funds in a traditional 401(k), and the 401(k) plan permits Roth 401(k) conversions.

Also note that the strategic considerations with QBI deductions become much more complicated once taxpayers exceed the initial QBI taxable income limitations (in 2021, those are $164,900 for single taxpayers and $329,800 for married filing joint taxpayers). 


Taxpayers whose taxable income consists mostly or exclusively of self-employment income should consider Roth conversions toward year-end. This is often an area that benefits from consulting with a professional tax advisor before taking action.

Further Reading

I have blogged about the QBI deduction and retirement plans here. After the IRS and Treasury provided some QBI deduction regulations in January 2019, I provided some QBI deduction examples and lessons here

FI Tax Guy can be your financial planner! Find out more by visiting mullaneyfinancial.com

Follow me on Twitter at @SeanMoneyandTax

This post is for entertainment and educational purposes only. It does not constitute accounting, financial, legal, or tax advice. Please consult with your advisor(s) regarding your personal accounting, financial, legal, and tax matters. Please also refer to the Disclaimer & Warning section found here

Top 5 HSA Tips

For those with a health savings account, December is a great time to review how it has been used and to see if there are ways to better optimize the account.

One: Let it Grow!!!

When it comes to HSAs, often the best advice is Let it Grow, Let it Grow!!! Sing it to the tune of the popular Disney movie song if it helps you to remember.

Adding an “r” and a “w” would make Elsa a tremendous HSA advisor.

Spend HSA money only if one of the following two adjectives apply: DIRE or ELDERLY. Those neither in a dire situation nor elderly should think twice before spending HSA money! Instead, Let it Grow!

The tax benefits of an HSA are so powerful that funds should stay in the HSA (to keep growing tax free) and only be removed in dire (medical or financial) circumstances or by the elderly. Unless you leave your HSA to your spouse or a charity, HSAs are not great assets of leave to heirs. Thus, HSAs are great to spend down in your later years (after years of tax-free growth). 

Two: Max Out Payroll Contributions by December 31st

While you can contribute via non-payroll contribution by April 15, 2020 for 2019, contributing to your HSA through payroll deductions is generally optimal since it secures both an income tax deduction and a payroll tax deduction for the money contributed.

If you didn’t max out your HSA through payroll deductions in 2019 and your employer allows HSA payroll deductions, write the check to your HSA in early 2020 (for 2019) and set up your 2020 payroll elections so as to max out your HSA through payroll deductions in 2020.

Three: Review HSA Investment Allocation

Those with low-cost diversified investment choices in their HSA are generally well advised to invest in higher growth assets inside their HSAs. The HSA is a great tax-protected vehicle. That tax protection is best used for high growth assets. 

Those who have invested their HSA funds solely or mostly in cash should consider reassessing their HSA investment strategy.

Four: Track Medical Expenses 

Medical expenses incurred after coverage begins under a high deductible health plan (a “HDHP”) can be reimbursed to you from an HSA many years in the future. There is no time limit on the reimbursement. Unless you are elderly, long-delayed reimbursement (instead of directly paying medical expenses with a HSA) is usually the tax-optimal strategy. Keep a digital record of your medical expenses and receipts to facilitate reimbursements out of the HSA many years in the future. 

Five: Properly Report HSA Income (CA, NJ, NH, TN)

HSAs are tax-protected vehicles for federal income tax purposes and in most states. On your federal tax return, you need to report your HSA contributions and distributions (see Form 8889). However, you are not taxed on the interest, dividends, and capital gains earned in the HSA, and you do not need to report these amounts. 

It is very different if you live in California and New Jersey. Neither California nor New Jersey recognize HSAs as having any sort of state income tax protection. They are simply treated as taxable accounts in those states. In preparing your California or New Jersey state tax return, you must (1) increase your federal wages for any excluded HSA contributions, (2) remove any deduction you took for HSA contributions (non-payroll contributions to your HSA), and (3) report (and pay state income tax on) your HSA interest, dividends, capital gains, and capital losses.

This last step will generally require accessing your HSA account online and pulling all of the income generating activity, including asset sales, in order to properly report it on your California or New Jersey tax return. 

Tennessee and New Hampshire do not impose a conventional income tax, but do tax residents on interest and dividends above certain levels. HSA interest and dividends are included in the interest and dividends subject to those taxes.

FI Tax Guy can be your financial advisor! Find out more by visiting mullaneyfinancial.com

Follow me on Twitter at @SeanMoneyandTax

This post is for entertainment and educational purposes only. It does not constitute accounting, financial, investment, legal, or tax advice. Please consult with your advisor(s) regarding your personal accounting, financial, investment, legal, and tax matters. Please also refer to the Disclaimer & Warning section found here

IRS Identity Protection PIN

UPDATE (January 13, 2021): The IRS has expanded the PIN program to all Americans. See https://www.irs.gov/newsroom/all-taxpayers-now-eligible-for-identity-protection-pins Hat Tip to Ed Zollars for the update: https://www.currentfederaltaxdevelopments.com/blog/2021/1/13/ip-pin-program-available-to-all-taxpayers

The post below has NOT been updated for the January 13, 2021 update. Please use the below for general background purposes only and refer to the IRS website and Mr. Zollars’ article.

Identity theft continues to be a significant 21st century concern. It can happen in many ways. One particularly nefarious way is that your identity might be stolen to file a tax return with the IRS. Below I discuss a relatively new program that the IRS has made available to many Americans to help prevent identity theft with the IRS. If you are eligible, you should give strong consideration to opting into the program.

Identity Theft and Tax Returns

Obviously identity theft is bad. But why would someone use your identity with the IRS?

The answer is a tax refund. The scam often works like this: a scammer steals your identity and files a tax return with your name and Social Security number early in the year, before you have a chance to file your tax return for the prior year. The scammer will report taxable income and tax payments such that the tax return claims you have a significant income tax refund due from the IRS. The phony tax return will direct the refund such that the scammer gets the tax refund.

This becomes a nightmare for the victim. Once the IRS accepts the tax return and issues the scammer a refund, the victim will not be able to file a tax return. The IRS will reject the valid return and will not issue any tax refunds owed to the victim. The victim now faces what is likely months of remedial action to correct the situation.

Identity Protection PINs

The IRS is aware of this problem. They have an optional program that allows certain people to obtain an Identity Protection Personal Identification Number (PIN). The PIN functions to protect a taxpayer. 

If a taxpayer has an Identity Protection PIN issued with the IRS, the IRS will only accept that taxpayer’s electronic tax return if the tax return provides the Identity Protection PIN. That stops the sort of scams described above. For paper returns, a missing or incorrect PIN will delay the IRS accepting the tax return while the IRS takes additional steps to verify that the tax return came from the taxpayer whose name and Social Security number appear on the tax return. Either way, obtaining a PIN provides a level of protection against tax return identity theft.

Spouses each separately apply for their own PIN and the IRS will issue each spouse a unique PIN. If the spouses file jointly, both PINs are included on the tax return. If you have an Identity Protection PIN and use a paid tax preparer, it is important that your paid tax preparer include the PIN on your tax return. 


You are eligible to apply for an Identity Protection PIN from the IRS if:

Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Maryland, Michigan, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Texas, and Washington.

The yellow states below are the ones in which all taxpayers may apply for an IRS Identity Protection PIN (hat tip to 270toWin.com).



To obtain an IRS Identity Protection PIN, you can start at this website.

You will need to establish an IRS electronic account. The IRS website will guide you through the process and will use some credit history information to verify your identity. Once you have your IRS electronic account, you can easily obtain an IRS Identity Protection PIN. 

Future Years

Your PIN changes every year. At the beginning of the year, the IRS will put your new PIN (for use in filing the prior year’s tax return) in your IRS electronic account and they will mail your PIN to your last address of record. This makes it crucial to file a Form 8822 with the IRS to officially change your address with the IRS anytime you move, so that any PIN related correspondence (including retrievals in the event you lose your PIN) are directed to your correct address. 

The IRS will change your PIN every year, so it is important to ensure you use the correct PIN when filing your tax return. A PIN received in October 2019 will be for 2018 and you will need to use the PIN issued early in 2020 to file your 2019 tax return. 


Taxpayers eligible for the IRS Identity Protection PIN program should strongly consider applying for a PIN. It can help protect you from the serious headache of having your identity stolen and used to file a false tax return in your name. 

Further Reading

Kay Bell wrote a great post about the IRS Identity Protection PIN program here

FI Tax Guy can be your financial advisor! Find out more by visiting mullaneyfinancial.com

Follow me on Twitter at @SeanMoneyandTax

This post is for entertainment and educational purposes only. It does not constitute accounting, financial, legal, or tax advice. Please consult with your advisor(s) regarding your personal accounting, financial, legal, and tax matters. Please also refer to the Disclaimer & Warning section found here.