Tag Archives: Rule of 55

Revisiting Solo 401(k)s and the Rule of 55

On a recent episode of ChooseFI, I stated my then-held view that it is unlikely a distribution from a Solo 401(k) qualifies for the Rule of 55. My concern was this: once the Schedule C solopreneur retires, there does not appear to be an “employer” remaining in the picture to sponsor the Solo 401(k).

If that is the case, the Solo 401(k) should be rolled over to an IRA and there’s no ability to use the Rule of 55.

Until now, I’m not aware that anyone has done a deep dive to validate or disprove that concern. So I decided to do it myself. My research took me as close to the year 1962 as one can get without a flux capacitor, a DeLorean, and 1.21 gigawatts of electricity

I’ve now changed my view on the Solo 401(k) Rule of 55 issue. The analysis is too complicated to write adequately in a blog post. Thus, I’m self-publishing an article, Solo 401(k)s and the Rule of 55: Does the Answer Lie in 1962? (accessible here), on the topic.

Of course, the article is not legal or tax advice for you, any other individual, and any plan. 

For those of you who read my book, Solo 401(k): The Solopreneur’s Retirement Account (thank you!), please know the article is written differently. The book is a “101” and “201” level discussion of tax planning for the self-employed with some beginning and intermediate tax rule analysis. The article is much more akin to a “501” level discussion of a complex and somewhat uncertain tax issue emerging from ambiguities in the Internal Revenue Code

Enjoy the article and let me know what you think in the comments below. 

FI Tax Guy can be your financial planner! Find out more by visiting mullaneyfinancial.com

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This post and the linked-to article are for entertainment and educational purposes only. They do not constitute accounting, financial, investment, legal, or tax advice. Please consult with your advisor(s) regarding your personal accounting, financial, investment, legal, and tax matters. Please also refer to the Disclaimer & Warning section found here.