Tag Archives: California

Los Angeles Tax Delay

The 2025 fires in Los Angeles have been devastating. My heart goes out to all those affected, and you are in my prayers.  

Los Angeles County now has a deadline delay for their 2024 tax returns, 2024 and 2025 tax payments, and IRA contributions. 

Los Angeles County Tax Deadline Delay

The IRS announced that because of the January 2025 fires in Los Angeles, Angelenos have an extended deadline, October 15, 2025, to perform most 2024 tax acts that otherwise would have been due early in 2025. The Franchise Tax Board has followed suit and also issued their own delay announcement with respect to California state income tax returns and payments. 

2024 Traditional and Roth IRA Contributions

The deadline for Los Angeles County residents to make 2024 contributions to traditional and/or Roth IRAs has been extended to October 15, 2025. As a practical matter, I wouldn’t encourage reliance on this particular deadline delay. Financial institutions may find it difficult to allow “late but timely” 2024 IRA contributions on their platform when it is available only to residents of a single county. 

If you are an Angeleno reading this after April 15, 2025 and want to make an IRA contribution for 2024, I recommend initiating the process by calling the financial institution rather than using the financial institution’s website.  

2024 Backdoor Roth IRAs

Los Angeles County residents now have until October 15, 2025 to execute the first step of a 2024 Backdoor Roth IRA, the nondeductible contribution to a traditional IRA for 2024. This would be a Split-Year Backdoor Roth IRA

2024 HSA Contributions

The deadline for making 2024 HSA contributions is October 15, 2025.  

2024 Tax Returns and Payments and 2025 Q1 Through Q3 Estimated Tax Payments

Los Angeles County residents now have until October 15, 2025 to (i) file their 2024 federal and California income tax returns, (ii) pay the amount due with their 2024 federal and California income tax returns, (iii) make fourth quarter 2024 estimated tax payments, and (iv) make 2025 first through third quarter estimated tax payments. 

Who Benefits?

Residents of Los Angeles County qualify for the extended deadline. Note (1) there’s no need to have suffered any loss or damage due to the fires and (2) the extensions apply to the entirety of Los Angeles County. It is not just limited to residents of the City of Los Angeles. 

Taxpayers with records in Los Angeles County can also benefit. 


IRS Los Angeles County Announcement and Additional IRS Announcement

Franchise Tax Board Los Angeles County Announcement

Treasury Regulation Section 301.7508A-1

Revenue Procedure 2018-58

Follow me on X: @SeanMoneyandTax

This post is for entertainment and educational purposes only. It does not constitute accounting, financial, investment, legal, or tax advice. Please consult with your advisor(s) regarding your personal accounting, financial, investment, legal, and tax matters. Please also refer to the Disclaimer & Warning section found here.

Using IRAs to Pay Income Taxes In Retirement

It’s the fourth quarter. Now is a great time to check and see if you are on pace to have enough federal and state income tax paid in for 2024.

It happens: people get to the end of the year and see they are severely underwithheld. What do you do in such a situation?

This post explores using IRAs to pay income taxes and explores a novel approach: using a 72(t) payment plan to pay income taxes. 

Income Tax Withholding Requirements

Before we discuss curative tactics, let’s briefly review the requirements. In order to avoid an underpayment penalty for 2024, on must pay in, either through withholding (could be W-2 or 1099-R, we’ll come back to that) or quarterly estimated tax payments, either (or both) 90% of the current year’s tax liability or 100% of the prior year’s tax liability. These are the two so-called “safe harbors.” For those with an adjusted gross income of more than $150,000 in the prior year, that 100% safe harbor increases to 110%.

The 100%/110% safe harbor protects the late-in year lottery winner (among others). As long as he or she has withholding or estimated tax payments that meet 100% or 110% (as applicable) safe harbor, he or she can have millions or billions of dollars in income, meet the safe harbor requirements, avoid the underpayment penalty and pay most of the 2024 tax by April 15, 2025. 

Estimated tax payments are great, but they require early in the year action not possible in the fourth quarter. To meet the safe harbor, generally one quarter of the total amount due under the safe harbor must be paid by April 15th, June 15th, September 15th, and the following January 15th. That’s great, but for those who didn’t make the first three payments going into the fourth quarter, estimated tax payments may not be all that helpful at this point. 

Most states with an income tax have rules that mirror the federal income tax withholding rules, but some states have differences. 

The Retiree’s Secret Weapon for Estimated Tax Payments

Retirees have a secret weapon for making income tax payments, particularly late in the year. IRAs! 

People miss paying taxes during the year. It happens for a variety of reasons. If I were a retiree and I found myself underpaid for either (or both) federal and state income taxes purposes in the fourth quarter, the first place I would look to make an estimated tax payment would be a traditional IRA. 


Because income tax withheld from a traditional IRA is deemed paid equally to the IRS throughout the year regardless of when the withholding occurs. 

IRA owners can initiate a distribution from their traditional IRA and direct that most of it be directed to the IRS and/or the state taxing authority. That withholding is treated as if it is paid equally throughout the year regardless of whether it occurs on January 5th or December 21st.

That’s pretty good! A late in the year IRA distribution withheld to the IRS can meet either (or both) the 90% safe harbor and/or the 100%/110% safe harbor. 

The downside is that it creates taxable income. In many cases, it turns out retirees are rather lightly taxed. As long as the retiree had a relatively low income tax burden either last year or this year, the taxable withdrawal won’t be a large number, because the applicable required safe harbor withholding will be modest. Thus, the tax hit on the mostly withheld distribution should be rather modest. 

Another advantage of using a traditional IRA to pay income taxes is RMD mitigation. While I believe the concerns around RMDs are wildly overstated, RMD mitigation is a perfectly valid financial planning objective and a good outcome. 

Using an IRA to Pay Income Taxes Under Age 59 ½

You may now be thinking “Sean, that’s a great idea for those over age 59 ½. But what if I’m under age 59 ½? Won’t I be subject to the 10% early withdrawal penalty on the amount I fork over to the IRS?”

That’s an excellent thought! Fortunately, the answer to your questions is “maybe.”

The IRS maintains a list of exceptions to the 10% early withdrawal penalty. Many will not be applicable to most retirees. But there are some options–let’s explore two of them: Inherited IRAs and 72(t) payment plans. 

Inherited IRAs

Beneficiaries of inherited IRAs never pay the 10% early withdrawal penalty with respect to distributions from their “inherited IRAs.” Thus, the inherited IRA is a great place to look to pay taxes from late in the year.

The only downside is the distribution to the IRS or the state taxing authority is itself taxable to the beneficiary. However, the money in the inherited IRA has to come out eventually (usually under the 10 year rule at a minimum), so why not whittle the traditional IRA down by using it to pay income taxes and avoid an underpayment penalty?

72(t) Payment Plan to Pay Income Taxes

Could someone start a 72(t) payment plan to pay required income taxes? Absolutely, in my opinion. It might even be a good idea!

72(t) Payment to Pay Income Taxes Example

Homer and Marge both turned age 56 in the year 2024. They retired early in 2023 and thus had some W-2 income and some investment income in 2023. They had approximately $120K of adjusted gross income in 2023 and thus paid approximately $8,800 of federal income taxes in 2023 (see Form 1040 line 24 less most tax credits — see the comment below) and $2,000 of California income taxes in 2023. 

In 2024 they have ordinary income below the standard deduction and taxable income below the top of the 12% federal income tax bracket. Thus, they owe no federal income tax and a very small amount of California income tax for 2024. They’ve made no estimated tax payments.

In August 2024 they decided to sell their Bay Area home worth $2M to move to a more rural part of California. The sale closed in October 2024 and they had a $500,000 basis in the home. Qualifying for the $500K exclusion, this triggers a $1M taxable long term capital gain to Homer and Marge in 2024. D’oh! 

Very, very roughly, the capital gain creates approximately $175K of federal income tax, $30K of federal net investment income tax, and $100K of California income tax. Note also that the proceeds from the home sale are likely to cause some taxable income in December 2024, but let’s just use the above three tax numbers for illustrative purposes only. 

One of their other assets is a $2M traditional IRA. They have no inherited retirement accounts but they do have some taxable brokerage accounts. To my mind, there are four main ways Homer and Marge can avoid an underpayment penalty.

Option 1: Q4 Estimated Tax Payments

Homer and Marge could make substantial fourth quarter estimated tax payments out of their taxable brokerage accounts by January 15, 2025. They would owe 90% their entire 2024 tax liability at that time and would need to use annualization on the Form 2210 to avoid an underpayment penalty. 

Compared to the other three methods described below, this costs them 3 months of interest on about $275K. In today’s interest rate environment, that is about $2,700 of interest in an online FDIC insured savings account.

Option 2: IRA Regular Distribution

Homer and Marge could, no later than December 31st, trigger a distribution from one of their traditional IRAs, say for $11,100. They could direct the institution to send $8,880 (80%) to the IRS, $2,109 (19%) to the California Franchise Tax Board, and $111 (1%) to themselves (the intuition will likely require they take at least 1% of the distribution). This creates $11,100 more taxable income (taxed at a low federal rate due to income stacking).

The advantage is this qualifies for the safe harbor, meaning Homer and Marge don’t have to pay most of their 2024 income tax until April 15, 2024. The downside to this is it triggers a 10% early withdrawal penalty ($1,110) payable to the IRS and a 2.5% early withdrawal penalty ($278) payable to California. 

Option 3: IRA Regular Distribution and Rollover

This option is the IRA Regular Distribution option plus refunding the $11,100 traditional IRA distribution to the traditional IRA from their taxable accounts within 60 days. This has all the same advantages as the IRA Regular Distribution option plus it reduces 2024 taxable income by $11,100 and avoids the early withdrawal penalties.

Gold, right? My view: I tend to disfavor this tactic. Why? Americans are limited to one 60 day rollover from an IRA to an IRA every 12 months. My personal opinion is that pre-age 59 ½ retirees are usually better served to keep that option on the table. You never know when a significant sum will pop out of a traditional IRA. It will be good to have the option to put that money back into the traditional IRA. If Homer and Marge do the $11,100 IRA Regular Distribution and Rollover, they are locked out from the ability to do a 60 day IRA to IRA rollover for the next 12 months.

Option 4: 72(t) Payment Plan

This option is simply the IRA Regular Distribution option as part of a 72(t) payment plan. The advantage of adding the 72(t) payment plan is avoiding the 10% early withdrawal penalty (federal) and the 2.5% early withdrawal penalty (California). 

Here’s how it works. Before making the $11,100 IRA withdrawal, Homer and Marge do a 72(t) distribution calculation and have their financial institution set up a $172,116.10 72(t) IRA. Here is the 72(t) fixed amortization calculation:

Interest Rate5.00%Notice 2022-6
Single Life Expectancy Years at Age 5630.6IRS Single Life Table
Account Balance$172,116.10
Annual Payment$11,100.00

Homer and Marge then take the distribution from the 72(t) IRA prior to the end of 2024, directing 80% to the IRS and 19% to the Franchise Tax Board.

You say, but wait a minute, now they have $11,100 they have to take annually for each of the following four years. I say, well, okay, they have $2M in tax deferred accounts, why not take some of that without a penalty (perhaps as a form of the “Hidden Roth IRA”) and whittle down future RMDs a bit? 

That said, Homer and Marge can drastically reduce the annual 72(t) payment if they want with a one-time change to the RMD method. Assuming the 72(t) balance on December 31, 2024 is $164,000, here’s what the 2025 taxable RMD from the 72(t) could look like:

Account Balance$164,000
Single Life Expectancy Years at Age 5741.6Notice 2022-6 Uniform Life Table
2025 Payment$3,942.31

One would hardly expect that $4,000 of taxable income would derail Homer and Marge’s tax planning in retirement. Further, they can direct most of that $4,000 to the IRS and Franchise Tax Board to help take care of 2025 tax liabilities, if any. 


For those under age 59 ½, a 72(t) payment plan might be the answer to an underpayment of estimated taxes problem. It is a bit of an “out of the box” solution, but it has several advantages. It allows some taxpayers to delay paying significant amounts of tax until April 15th of the following year by qualifying the taxpayer for the 100% of prior year tax safe harbor. Second, it avoids the 10% early withdrawal penalty. Third, it avoids the once-every-twelve-months 60 day rollover rule. Lastly, a 72(t) payment plan is rather flexible and the required taxable distribution in future years can be significantly reduced by a one-time switch to the RMD method. 

The above said, the first IRA I would look to if I was under age 59 ½ and looking to pay estimated taxes is an inherited IRA. Those are never subject to the early withdrawal penalty and can always be accessed in a flexible manner. 

FI Tax Guy can be your financial planner! Find out more by visiting mullaneyfinancial.com

Follow me on X: @SeanMoneyandTax

This post is for entertainment and educational purposes only. It does not constitute accounting, financial, investment, legal, or tax advice. Please consult with your advisor(s) regarding your personal accounting, financial, investment, legal, and tax matters.Please also refer to the Disclaimer & Warning section found here.

Accessing Retirement Accounts Prior to Age 59 ½

One thing I like about the Financial Independence community is that members are not beholden to Conventional Wisdom.

Many in the Establishment believe retirement is for 65 year olds (and some basically think it’s not for anyone). 

My response: Oh, heck no! 

Sure, some people have jobs they very much enjoy. If that’s the case, then perhaps retirement isn’t your thing in your 50s. But many in the FI movement have accumulated assets such that they no longer have a financial need to work. Perhaps their job is not all that enjoyable – it happens. Or perhaps their job won’t exist in a year or two – that happens too.

The tax rules require some planning if one retires prior to turning age 59 ½. Age 59 ½ is the age at which the pesky 10 percent early withdrawal penalty no longer applies to tax-advantaged retirement account distributions.

Thus, there’s a need to consider what to live off of once one is age 59 ½. Below I list the possibilities in a general order of preference and availability. Several of these options (perhaps many of them) will simply not apply to many 50-something retirees. Further, some retirees may use a combination of the below discussed options. 

Listen to Sean discuss accessing money in retirement prior to age 59 ½ on a recent ChooseFI episode! Part Two on the ChooseFI podcast is coming soon. 

Taxable Accounts

The best retirement account to access if you retire before age 59 ½ isn’t even a “retirement” account: it’s a taxable account. I’m so fond of using taxable accounts first in retirement I wrote a post about the concept in 2022.

The idea is to use some combination of cash in taxable accounts (not at all taxable – it’s just going to the ATM!) and sales of brokerage assets (subject to low long term capital gains federal income tax rates) to fund your pre-59 ½ retirement. This keeps taxable income low and sets up potential additional tax planning. 

Pros: Because of tax basis, living off $100,000 of taxable brokerage accounts doesn’t cause $100,000 of taxable income. Further, long term capital gains receive very favorable federal income tax treatment. Some may even qualify for the 0% long term capital gains tax rate!

But that’s not all. There are significant creditor protection benefits to living off taxable assets first. As we spend down taxable assets, we are reducing those assets that are most vulnerable to potential creditors. By not spending down tax-advantaged retirement accounts, we are generally letting them grow, thus growing the part of our balance sheet that tends to enjoy significant creditor protection. Note that personal liability umbrella insurance is usually a good thing to consider in the creditor protection context regardless of tax strategy. 

Spending taxable assets first tends to limit taxable income, which can open the door to (1)  a significant Premium Tax Credit in retirement (if covered by an Affordable Care Act medical insurance plan) and (2) very tax advantageous Roth conversions in early retirement. 

There’s also a big benefit for those years after we turn 59 ½. By spending down taxable assets, we reduce future “uncontrolled income.” Taxable accounts are great. But they kick off interest, dividends, and capital gains income, even if we don’t spend them. By reducing taxable account balances, we reduce the future income that would otherwise show up on our tax return in an uncontrolled fashion. 

Cons: To my mind, there are few cons to this strategy in retirement. 

The one con in the accumulation phase is that when we choose to invest in taxable accounts instead of in traditional deductible retirement accounts we forego a significant tax arbitrage opportunity. That said, these are not mutually exclusive. Members of the FI community can max out deductible retirement account contributions and also build up taxable accounts.

Ideal For: Someone who is able to save beyond tax-advantaged retirement accounts during their working years. This is the “ideal” for financial independence in my opinion, though it may be challenging for some. 

Inherited Retirement Accounts

Withdrawals from inherited retirement accounts (other than those the spouse treats as their own) are never subject to the 10% early withdrawal penalty. Often they are subject to a 10-year drawdown rule, so usually they should be accessed prior to using many other draw down techniques.

Pros: If it’s a traditional retirement account inherited from a parent or anyone else more than 10 years older than you are, you generally have to take the money out within 10 years. Why not just live on that money? Simply living on that money, instead of letting the traditional inherited retirement grow for ten years, avoids a “Year 10 Time Bomb.” The time bomb possibility is that the inherited traditional retirement account grows to a huge balance that needs to come out in the tenth full year following death. Such a large distribution could subject the recipient subject to an abnormally high marginal federal income tax rate. 

Cons: Not very many other than if the account is a Roth IRA, using the money for living expenses instead of letting it grow for 10 years sacrifices several years of tax free growth. 

Ideal For: Someone who has inherited a retirement account prior to turning age 59 ½.

Rule of 55 Distributions

Rule of 55 distributions are only available from a qualified retirement plan such as a 401(k) from an employer the employee separates from service no sooner than the beginning of the year they turn age 55

This is a great way to avoid the early withdrawal penalty. But remember, the money must stay in the workplace retirement account (and not be rolled over to a traditional IRA) to get the benefit. 

Pros: Funds retirement prior to age 59 ½ without having to incur the 10 percent early withdrawal penalty. 

Whittles down traditional retirement accounts in a manner that can help reduce future required minimum distributions (“RMDs”).

Cons: You’re handcuffed to the particular employer’s 401(k) (investments, fees, etc.) prior to age 59 ½. Review the plan’s Summary Plan Description prior to relying on this path to ensure flexible, periodic distributions are easily done after separation from service and prior to turning age 59 ½. 

Limited availability as one must separate from service no sooner than the year they turn age 55. 

Creates taxable income (assuming a traditional account is used), which is less than optimal from a Premium Tax Credit and Roth conversion perspective.

Ideal For: Those with (1) large balances in their current employer 401(k) (or other plan), (2) a quality current 401(k) or other plan in terms of investment selection and fees, (3) a plan with easily implemented Rule of 55 distributions, and (4) plans to retire in their mid-to-late 50s.

Governmental 457(b) Plans

Withdrawals from governmental 457(b) plans are generally not subject to the 10% early withdrawal penalty. This is the Rule of 55 exception but they deleted the “55” 😉

Like the Rule of 55, this is only available so long as the governmental 457(b) is not rolled to a traditional IRA.

Pros: Funds retirement prior to age 59 ½ without having to incur the 10 percent early withdrawal penalty. If you have a governmental 457(b), it’s better than the Rule of 55 because you don’t have to worry about your separation from service date. 

Whittles down traditional retirement accounts in a manner that can help reduce future RMDs.

Cons: You’re handcuffed to the particular employer’s 457 (investments, fees, etc.) prior to age 59 ½. Review the plan’s Summary Plan Description prior to relying on this path to ensure flexible, periodic distributions are easily done after separation from service and prior to turning age 59 ½. 

Creates taxable income (assuming a traditional account is used), which is less than optimal from a Premium Tax Credit and Roth conversion perspective.

Ideal For: Those (1) with large balances in their current employer governmental 457(b) and (2) a quality current governmental 457(b) in terms of investment selection and fees.

Roth Basis

Old annual contributions and conversions that are at least 5 years old can be withdrawn from Roth IRAs tax and penalty free at any time for any reason. This can be part of the so-called Roth Conversion Ladder strategy, though it does not have to be, since many will have Roth Basis going into retirement. 

Pros: Roth Basis creates a tax free pool of money to access prior to turning age 59 ½. 

Cons: We like to let Roth accounts bake for years, if not decades, of tax free growth. Using Roth Basis in one’s 50s significantly reduces that opportunity. 

Some may need taxable income in early retirement to qualify for Premium Tax Credits. Relying solely on Roth Basis can be much less than optimal if Premium Tax Credits are a significant part of one’s early retirement plan. 

Roth 401(k) contributions, for many workers, are disadvantageous in my opinion. Many Americans will forego a significant tax rate arbitrage opportunity if they prioritize Roth 401(k) contributions over traditional 401(k) contributions. 

Creates income for purposes of the FAFSA

Ideal For: Those with significant previous contributions and conversions to Roth accounts. 

72(t) Payments

I did a lengthy post on this concept. The idea is to create an annual taxable distribution from a traditional IRA and avoid the 10 percent early withdrawal penalty.

Pros: Avoids the early withdrawal prior to turning age 59 ½. 

Whittles down traditional retirement accounts in a manner that can help reduce future RMDs.

Inside a traditional IRA, the investor controls the selection of financial institutions and investments and has great control on investment expenses. 

Cons: This opportunity may require professional assistance to a degree that many of the other concepts discussed do not.

There is a risk that if not done properly, previous years’ distributions may become subject to the 10 percent early withdrawal penalty and related interest charges. 

They are somewhat inflexible. That said, if properly done they can be either increased (by creating a second 72(t) payment plan) or decreased (via a one-time switch in method). 

Creates taxable income, which is less than optimal from a Premium Tax Credit and Roth conversion perspective.

Ideal For: Those with most of their financial wealth in traditional deferred retirement accounts prior to age 59 ½ and without easy access to other alternatives (such as the Rule of 55 and/or governmental 457(b) plans. 


Withdrawals of Previously Unreimbursed Qualified Medical Expenses (“PUQME”) from a health savings account are tax and penalty free at any time for any reason. Thanks to ChooseFI listener and correspondent Kristin Smith for suggesting the idea to use PUQME to help fund retirement in one’s 50s. 

Pros: Withdrawals of PUQME creates a tax free pool of money to access prior to turning age 59 ½. 

Does not create income for purposes of the FAFSA.

Reduces HSA balances in a way that can help to avoid the hidden HSA death tax in the future.

Cons: This is generally a limited opportunity. The amount of PUQME that can be used prior to age 59 ½ is limited to the smaller of one’s (1) PUQME and (2) HSA size. Because HSAs have relatively modest contribution limits, in many cases HSA PUQME withdrawals would need to be combined with one or more of the other planning concepts to fund retirement prior to age 59 ½.

We like to let HSAs bake for years, if not decades, of tax free growth. Using HSA PUQME in one’s 50s significantly reduces that opportunity. 

Some may need taxable income in early retirement to qualify for Premium Tax Credits. Relying on PUQME can be less than optimal if Premium Tax Credits are a significant part of one’s early retirement plan. 

Ideal For: Those with significant HSAs and significant PUQME. 

Net Unrealized Appreciation

Applies only to those with significantly appreciated employer stock in a 401(k), ESOP, or other workplace retirement plan. I’ve written about this opportunity before. That employer stock with the large capital gains can serve as a “Capital Gains IRA” in retirement. Retirees can possibly live off sales of employer stock subject to the 0% long term capital gains rate. 

This opportunity usually requires professional assistance, in my opinion. 

The move of the employer stock out of the retirement plan into a taxable brokerage account (which sets up what I colloquially refer to as the “Capital Gains IRA” may need to be paired with the Rule of 55 (or another penalty exception) to avoid the 10 percent early withdrawal penalty on the “basis” of the employer stock. 

Pros: Moves income from “ordinary” income to “long term capital gains” income, which can be very advantageous, particularly if one can keep their income entirely or mostly in the 0% long term capital gains marginal bracket. 

Cons: Remember Enron? NUA is essentially Enron if it goes fabulously well instead of failing spectacularly. 

Employer stock is problematic during the accumulation phase since your finances are heavily dependent on your employer without a single share of employer stock. People make their finances more risky by having both their income statement and their balance sheet highly dependent on a single corporation.

It keeps the retiree heavily invested in the stock of their former employer, which is much less than optimal from an investment diversification perspective.  

Another con is that this usually requires professional assistance (and fees) to a much greater degree than several of the other withdrawal options discussed on this post. 

Ideal For: Those with large balances of significantly appreciated employer stock in a workplace 401(k), ESOP, or other retirement plan. 

Pay the Penalty

The federal early withdrawal penalty is 10 percent. For those in California, add a 2.5 percent state penalty. For some, perhaps the best idea is to simply bite-the-bullet and pay the early withdrawal penalty. That said, anyone accessing a tax-advantaged retirement account in a way not covered above should always consult the IRS list to see if perhaps they qualify for one of the myriad penalty exceptions.  

Pros: Why let a 10 percent penalty prevent you from retiring at age 58 if you have sufficient assets to do so and you might be looking at a year or two of the penalty, tops? 

Whittles down traditional retirement accounts in a manner that can help reduce future RMDs.

Cons: Who wants to pay ordinary income tax and the early withdrawal penalty? Even for those close to the 59 ½ finish line, a 72(t) payment plan for five years might be a better option and would avoid the penalty if properly done. 

Ideal For: Those very close to age 59 ½ who don’t have a more readily available drawdown tactic to use. That said, even these retirees should consider a 72(t) payment plan, in my opinion. 

Combining Methods to Access Funds Prior to Age 59 1/2

For some, perhaps many, no single one of the above methods will be the optimal path. It may be that the optimal path will involve combining two or more of the above methods.

Here’s an example: Rob retires at age 56. He uses the Rule of 55 to fund most of his living expenses prior to turning age 59 ½. Late in the year, he finds that a distribution from his traditional 401(k) would push him up into the 22% federal income tax bracket for the year. Thus, for this last distribution he instead elects to take a recovery of Roth Basis from his Roth IRA. This allows him to stay in the 12% marginal federal income tax bracket for the year. 


Don’t let anyone tell you you can’t retire in your 50s. If you have reached financial independence, why not? Of course, you will need to be very intentional about drawing down your assets and funding your living expenses. This is particularly important prior to your 59 1/2th birthday.

FI Tax Guy can be your financial planner! Find out more by visiting mullaneyfinancial.com

Follow me on Twitter: @SeanMoneyandTax

This post is for entertainment and educational purposes only. It does not constitute accounting, financial, investment, legal, or tax advice. Please consult with your advisor(s) regarding your personal accounting, financial, investment, legal, and tax matters. Please also refer to the Disclaimer & Warning section found here.

San Diego Tax Delay

It’s deja vu all over again – Yogi Berra

Last year, most of California received several deadline delays when it came to 2022 tax returns, tax payments, and IRA and HSA contributions.

Sure enough, San Diego County now has a deadline delay for their 2023 tax returns, tax payments, and IRA and HSA contributions. Hat tip to Jennifer Mah’s Instagram for alerting me to this development. 

San Diego County Tax Deadline Delay

The IRS announced that because of early 2024 flooding in San Diego, San Diegons have an extended deadline, June 17, 2024, to perform most 2023 tax acts that otherwise would have been due early in 2024. The Franchise Tax Board has followed suit and also issued their own delay announcement

2023 Traditional and Roth IRA Contributions

The deadline for San Diegons to make 2023 contributions to traditional and/or Roth IRAs has been extended to June 17, 2024. As a practical matter, I wouldn’t encourage reliance on this particular deadline delay. Financial institutions may find it difficult to allow “late but timely” 2023 IRA contributions on their platform when it is available only to residents of a single county. 

If you are a San Diegon reading this in May 2024 and want to make an IRA contribution for 2023, I recommend initiating the process by calling the financial institution using a seldom used app on your phone, the phone.  

2023 Backdoor Roth IRAs

San Diegons now have until June 17, 2024 to execute the first step of a 2023 Backdoor Roth IRA, the nondeductible contribution to a traditional IRA for 2023. This would be a Split-Year Backdoor Roth IRA

2023 HSA Contributions

San Diegons now have until June 17, 2024 to contribute to a 2023 health savings account. The same comments that apply to traditional IRA and Roth IRA contributions made using the deadline extension apply to 2023 HSA contributions made using the deadline extension. 

2023 Tax Returns and Payments and 2024 Q1 Estimated Tax Payments

San Diegons now have until June 17, 2024 to (i) file their 2023 federal and California income tax returns, (ii) pay the amount due with their 2023 federal and California income tax returns, and (iii) make 2024 first quarter estimated payments. 

Who Benefits?

Residents of San Diego County qualify for the extended deadline. Taxpayers with records in San Diego County can also benefit. 

FI Tax Guy can be your financial planner! Find out more by visiting mullaneyfinancial.com

Follow me on Twitter: @SeanMoneyandTax

This post is for entertainment and educational purposes only. It does not constitute accounting, financial, investment, legal, or tax advice. Please consult with your advisor(s) regarding your personal accounting, financial, investment, legal, and tax matters. Please also refer to the Disclaimer & Warning section found here.

It’s Not Too Late, California!

HUGE UPDATE: On October 16, 2023, the IRS issued this, extending the October 16, 2023 deadline for 2022 tax acts and filings to November 2023. The IRS announcement allows (most) Californians to make Roth IRA, traditional IRA, and HSA contributions for 2022 up to November 16, 2023 and delays the deadline for many 2022 federal income tax returns and income tax payments to November 16, 2023. Hat tip to Justin Miller on X for the news.

ADDITIONAL UPDATE 10/16/2023 7:06PM: California has also extended the 2022 filing and payment deadline to November 16, 2023. Hat tip to Kelly Phillips Erb.

Please enjoy below the rest of my post, as originally authored in August 2023, understanding that now you can replace “October 16” with “November 16” for most Californians.

I’m glad that title intrigued you enough to stop on by. It’s not too late for most Californians to make a 2022 IRA contribution, a 2022 Roth IRA contribution, a 2022 HSA contribution, and/or do a 2022 Backdoor Roth IRA contribution. 

You’re probably thinking “What the heck are you talking about? It’s the late summer 2023. Time to be thinking about football, not funding 2022 IRAs and HSAs.”

Your thoughts are correct as applied to most Americans. However, most Californians are the beneficiaries of a special situation. The IRS announced that because of early 2023 flooding in many areas of California, most Californians have an extended deadline, October 16, 2023, to perform most 2022 tax acts that otherwise would have been due early in 2023.

This extension opens the door for millions of Californians to consider 2022 contributions to tax-advantaged accounts. Of course, nothing increases the amount Californians can contribute. Thus, those who have already maxed out for 2022 do not benefit from this deadline extension. 

2022 Traditional IRA Contributions

Most working Californians can still make 2022 contributions to a traditional IRA. If the taxpayer has not yet filed their 2022 Form 1040, the deduction or the Form 8606 (for a nondeductible contribution) can simply be included with the to-be filed Form 1040.

But what if the taxpayer has already filed their Form 1040 for 2022? Then the question becomes: are they deducting their 2022 traditional IRA contribution? If no, then the taxpayer can simply file a Form 8606 as a standalone tax return to report the 2022 nondeductible contribution. 

However, if the contribution is tax deductible, then the taxpayer would need to file amended Forms 1040 and 540 (for California) to report the deductible IRA contribution and claim refunds from both the IRS and the Franchise Tax Board for the tax reduced because of the deductible traditional IRA deduction. 

2022 Roth IRA Contributions

Many working Californians can still make 2022 contributions to a Roth IRA. Since Roth IRA contributions are not deductible, and do not require a separate form to report them, the contribution likely would not require any amending of already-filed 2022 tax returns. One exception would be the case of a taxpayer with a low income in 2022. He or she could make a 2022 Roth IRA contribution and possibly qualify for the Saver’s Credit. In order to claim the credit, they would need to amend their Form 1040 if they already filed it for 2022. 

2022 Backdoor Roth IRAs

It’s not too late for a 2022 Backdoor Roth IRA for some Californians! This would be a Split-Year Backdoor Roth IRA. The pressing deadline as of late August 2023 is that the 2022 nondeductible traditional IRA contribution needs to be made by October 16, 2023. 

Anyone pursuing a Split-Year Backdoor Roth IRA for 2022 in 2023 should ensure they have no balances in traditional IRAs, SEP IRAs, and/or SIMPLE IRAs as of December 31, 2023

2022 HSA Contributions

Some Californians can still make 2022 contributions to a health savings account. If the taxpayer has not yet filed their 2022 Form 1040, the tax deduction can simply be added to the to-be filed Form 1040.

But what if the taxpayer has already filed their Form 1040 for 2022? Then the taxpayer would need to file amended Form 1040 to claim the tax deduction and the resulting tax refund from the IRS. Since California does not recognize HSAs, there’s no California tax deduction and no need to amend the California Form 540. 

Of course, the taxpayer must meet the eligibility requirements (generally, having had a high deductible health plan as their only medical insurance) in 2022 in order to contribute to a HSA for 2022. 

Practical Considerations

First, contributions to IRAs, Roth IRAs, and HSAs made in 2023 that are to count for 2022 must be specifically designated as being for 2022. 

Second, I believe that in many cases, in order for qualifying Californians to do this, it will be necessary to use the phone, not internet portals. I suspect most financial institutions’ internet portals will not accommodate a 2022 IRA/Roth IRA/HSA contribution this late. Remember, financial institutions would not want to encourage the vast majority of Americans who do not currently qualify to make 2022 contributions to make 2022 contributions.

Thus, I believe as a practical matter using the phone is a best practice in terms of making any 2022 contributions at this late date. 

Who Benefits?

Residents of all California counties except three qualify for the extended deadline. The vast majority of the population of the state qualifies for the extended deadline, but residents of Lassen, Modoc, and Shasta do not appear to qualify (don’t blame me, I don’t make the rules!). 

Note that some taxpayers in parts of Alabama and Georgia qualify for this opportunity, but I personally have not explored this in any detail. 


Many California residents should consider whether there is some extended last minute 2022 tax planning they can implement by October 16, 2023. 

FI Tax Guy can be your financial planner! Find out more by visiting mullaneyfinancial.com

Follow me on Twitter: @SeanMoneyandTax

This post is for entertainment and educational purposes only. It does not constitute accounting, financial, investment, legal, or tax advice. Please consult with your advisor(s) regarding your personal accounting, financial, investment, legal, and tax matters. Please also refer to the Disclaimer & Warning section found here.

A Critical Look at the 529

Thanks to the SECURE 2.0 bill, it’s time for the FI community to reexamine 529 plans. This post shares my two cents on 529s in general, and specifically as applied to the FI community. The next post, dropping February 15, 2023, addresses in detail the new 529-to-Roth IRA rollover enacted in SECURE 2.0.

Financial Independence

Before we talk about 529s, we have to talk about the primary goal of financial independence. For young parents, the primary goal is to secure Mom & Dad’s financial independence. 

Achieving the parents’ primary goal has an incredible secondary effect. Mom and Dad buy Junior an incredible gift by securing their own financial independence. That gift is that Junior will never have to worry about Mom and Dad’s financial security as an adult. The greatest financial gift parents can ever give their children is the parents’ own financial stability. 

Second, where possible, money and financial assets should be able to support multiple financial goals. We should be at least somewhat hesitant before locking up money such that it can only support one highly specific goal without incurring a penalty. 


529s are tax-advantaged savings accounts generally run by states to facilitate college savings. 529s are best understood as a Roth IRA for college education with far greater contribution limits. Sure, that is an overstatement of how they work, but that gives us a good conceptual framework from which to start the analysis. 

A quick note on terminology: The IRS often refers to 529 plans as “Qualified Tuition Programs” or “QTPs.” I will use the more commonly used colloquialisms, 529 and 529s. 

Contributions to a 529 are not tax deductible for federal income tax purposes. At least initially, there’s no federal income tax benefit to making a 529 contribution. However, money inside a 529 grows federal and state tax-free and can be withdrawn tax-free for qualified education expenses (such as college tuition). 

Contributions are generally not limited by federal tax law, though contributions above the annual exclusion gift tax limit ($17,000 per donor per beneficiary per year in 2023) generally trigger Form 709 reporting requirements (though in 99.99% of cases there should not be a gift tax liability). States generally have lifetime contribution limits per beneficiary. Usually these limits are far in excess of what one would normally need for undergraduate college tuition. 

Very generally speaking, qualified education expenses can be directly paid from the 529 to the educational institution or such expenses can be reimbursed from a 529 in the year the expenses are incurred. Payments for qualified educational expenses are generally tax and penalty free. 529s do not enjoy the rather unlimited reimbursement deadline that HSAs enjoy

529s get similar tax treatment to the federal income tax treatment in most states. However, there can be an additional benefit: an annual state tax deduction or credit for some 529 contributions to the state’s own 529 plan (note 8 states allow a 529 tax deduction or credit for contributions to other states’ 529 plans). However, for many readers this will either be irrelevant or only of minor importance. Of the four most populous states (CA, TX, FL, NY), only residents of New York can obtain an up-to $5,000 per person per year state tax deduction for contributions to a home-state 529. California has no 529 tax deduction and Texas and Florida do not have an income tax.  

Okay, sounds great! Clearly there are tax benefits for 529 money used for qualified education expenses. But what about distributions that are used for anything other than qualified education expenses? Well, they are going to be subject to an income tax and likely a 10 percent penalty, in the following manner. A non-qualified distribution is deemed to come ratably out of the contributions to the 529 (tax and penalty free) and earnings of the 529 (subject to income tax and the 10 percent penalty, some penalty exceptions may apply). 

Here’s an example illustrating the application of the nonqualified distribution rules:

Hal, the owner of a 529 account, takes $1,000 out of the 529 to help pay for vacation expenses. Previously, he had made $60,000 of contributions to the 529, and it had grown to $100,000 ($40,000 of earnings) prior to making the $1,000 non qualified distribution. Sixty percent of the distribution ($600) is a nontaxable return of contributions and 40 percent ($400) is subject to both income tax and a 10 percent penalty.

The taxation of non-qualified distributions is a significant drawback of using 529s. 

529s and the FI Community

Let’s remember what is going on with a 529. It is a gift to the next generation. It comes with very modest tax benefits. 

My thesis on the 529 is this: for most parents, including most of those in the FI community, the tax benefits offered by 529s are not sufficient to compensate for the use restrictions on 529s. Thus, my view is that 529s should generally be deployed once Mom and Dad are financially independent (or close to it), not when they are on the path to financial independence. 

The idea behind the 529 is to provide tax-free growth for college savings. It solves for something that, frankly, isn’t much of a problem. Taxes are not why college is unaffordable for many Americans. College tends to be unaffordable not because investment taxes are high, but because tuition and fees are out of control

One thing in parents’ favor when thinking about funding college educations is that income taxes on investments are relatively modest over a child’s childhood due to low long term capital gains rates and qualified dividend income rates. Hopefully, by age 22 or 23, the child’s undergraduate education is completed, providing a relatively modest investment time horizon (i.e., a modest tax exposure horizon), even if the parents start saving for college at birth. 

Contrast that to the retirement time horizon of a 20-, 30- or 40-something parent saving for his or her own retirement. The money invested for retirement at age 25 might be accessed at age 60, 70, 80, or 90. Compared to educational savings, retirement savings (which are usually far greater than educational savings) are much more vulnerable to income taxes for a much longer time frame. Even at long term capital gains and qualified dividend income rates, exposing retirement savings to decades of taxation could be very expensive. Retirement savings are also exposed to tax law change risk for a much longer period of time. For example, there’s no guarantee that there will be favored long term capital gains and qualified dividend tax rates 30 years from now.

The tax risk profiles on educational savings and retirement savings are much different. Based on those risk profiles, for most I believe aggressive retirement tax planning makes sense. But I don’t see educational tax planning making as much sense, for the reasons discussed below. 

Of course, tax-advantaged retirement savings can come with a juicy up-front federal income tax deduction. 529s do not offer the possibility of a federal income tax deduction, making them less impactful than tax-advantaged retirement savings regardless of the time frame involved. 

Young Parents and 529s

Let’s consider young parents. Say Junior is born when Mom & Dad are age 30 and have saved 10 times their annual expenses in financial assets. Many, myself included, would say Mom and Dad are doing well with their finances. Here’s where I diverge from some others in the personal finance space: I would not recommend Mom & Dad save in a 529 shortly after Junior’s birth.

Notice I’m not saying Mom & Dad should not pay for Junior’s college. What I’m saying is Mom and Dad should stay flexible for their own financial future. 

What’s so horrible about Mom & Dad starting to save for Junior’s college in a taxable brokerage account under their own names? At birth, they have no idea if Junior will get a scholarship, go to trade school, how Mom & Dad’s finances will be when Junior is ready to go to college, etc. By saving in financial assets that are in their own names–perhaps mentally segregated as potentially being for Junior’s college–Mom & Dad maintain great flexibility without sacrificing too much tax benefit. 

If Junior gets a scholarship, great, the financial assets stay with Mom & Dad. If Mom & Dad are not financially successful when Junior goes to college, great, the financial assets can support Mom & Dad and Junior can figure out other ways to pay for college. 

The Value of the 529’s Tax Benefits

How bad is the tax hit on holding investments for a child’s college education? Imagine owning a 60 / 40 equity to bond portfolio of $100,000 for a child’s college education. If held in the parents’ taxable brokerage account, how much taxable income might that generate annually? Very roughly, if dividend yields are 2 percent, the $60,000 in equities would produce $1,200 of dividend income, most of which is likely to qualify for qualified dividend income tax rates. The $40,000 of bonds would produce $1,800 of ordinary income at a 4.5 percent yield. 

Is it desirable to add $3,000 of income to Mom and Dad’s tax return? Surely not. Cataclysmic? Also surely not. 

Consider what a small amount of additional taxable income buys. If the money is held in the parents’ names, it can be used for anything without penalty. Perhaps Mom and Dad have not been financially successful. That $100,000 could help the parents achieve their own financial goals and retirement. What if the child gets a scholarship and does not need much in the way of tuition assistance from his or her parents? What if the child doesn’t go to college? 

In exchange for paying tax on $3,000 of income annually (some of it at tax-favored QDI rates), and some long term capital gains when used to pay tuition, Mom and Dad have incredible flexibility with the $100,000. Maybe $50,000 goes for Junior’s college tuition, and $50,000 goes for Mom and Dad’s retirement. Further, for many it won’t be $3,000 of income annually. It will take most parents years before they could accumulate the sort of balance that would generate $3,000 of taxable income from educational savings. Thus, the tax hit for not using the 529 is likely to be that much less in the years well before the child is close to college age. 

Outside of the handcuffs of the 529, assets can support multiple financial goals. Even better, as one financial goal is met, the money can be shifted to support another financial goal. Perhaps Mom and Dad are behind in their own savings when Junior is age 10. But things go well, and when Junior turns 16 Mom and Dad have wealth in excess of their FI number. In that case, money that might have been needed for the parents’ retirement now can be used for college tuition.

Use Restrictions

We need to consider the use restrictions on 529s. If not used for qualified education expenses, the growth is subject to both ordinary income tax and usually the 10 percent penalty.

Compare the tight use restrictions on 529s to the use restrictions on the other most prevalent tax baskets: taxable accounts, traditional retirement accounts, Roth accounts, and health savings accounts. Generally speaking, all of them (even HSAs) are not use-restricted or only partially use-restricted. All four of those tax baskets have a significant advantage over 529s in terms of use restrictions.

In many cases, I believe that the 529’s significant use restrictions are not adequately compensated by its tax advantages. 

The 529 has rather onerous time restrictions, as distributions of earnings are generally subject to tax and the 10 percent penalty in those years there are no qualified education expenses.

Feeding the Beast

As much as we might want to, we can’t turn a blind eye towards hyperinflation in college tuition. With that in mind, shouldn’t we ask: Isn’t a hyperfocus on college savings feeding the beast? 

It’s time to scrutinize American higher education. It’s not good for the country to have students graduating with mountains of debt. This is happening for many reasons, including significant administrative bloat in higher education. Clearly, American higher education is failing too many of its students. Is now the time to set aside money to pay American colleges and universities?

I get it: no one reader funding a 529 is the cause of the problems of American higher education. 

But, if I’m a university used to collecting soaring tuition and fees, I’m all for 529s. 529s subsidize what has become bad behavior by university administrators. Less focus on 529s helps move the needle towards universities needing to act responsibly in order to attract students. 

Camilla Jeffs raises an interesting point on her LinkedIn page: Part of the reason college is so expensive is because in many cases the customer (the student) does not bear the cost. 529s feed into that problem. Camilla’s recent podcast episode on 529s is also full of good food for thought. 

529 Use Cases

The above limitations of the 529 noted, I do believe there are good use cases for the 529. These cases assume that the parents have decided to pay for their child’s college education.

Financially Independent Parents

Joe and Sally are married and 45 years old. They have saved 30 times their annual expenses in retirement accounts and taxable brokerage accounts. They have a 10 year old daughter they are reasonably sure will go to college, and they would like to pay for her college education.

This is a great use case for the 529. Mom and Dad’s financial future largely secured (generally speaking), it’s time to focus on (i) college savings, since they want to pay for college, and (ii) tax planning. Joe and Sally, already holding substantial taxable brokerage accounts, benefit from saving through the 529 so they avoid adding more dividend, interest, and capital gains income to their annual tax return. 

Capturing State Tax Benefits

Aaron and Amanda are married and are 50 years old. They have saved 20 times their annual expenses in retirement accounts and taxable brokerage accounts. They have stable jobs. They have a 16 year old son who is very likely to go to college. Aaron and Amanda want to pay for their son’s college education. Since they live in New York State, if they contribute $10,000 annually to the New York 529 for his benefit ($5K each), they get an annual $10,000 state tax deduction on their New York state income tax return.

Aaron and Amanda are not financially independent by many metrics, but they are doing pretty well, and are likely (though not guaranteed) to be financially successful. In their case, paying for college is not financially ruinous. If Aaron and Amanda are going to pay for college, they might as well utilize the 529 annually to scoop up state tax deductions, particularly in a higher income tax state like New York. Further, beginning the 529 much closer to the start of college decreases the odds that the 529 will become over funded.  

Contrast Aaron and Amanda to parents of newborns. Newborns’ parents are closer to the beginning of their financial journey. In most such cases, state tax benefits would not, in my opinion, be valuable enough to justify the use restrictions on 529 contributions. 


My view is that the detriments of the use restrictions on 529s are not adequately compensated by the federal and state tax advantages offered by 529s in most cases. That’s certainly not to say there are not good use cases for the 529, but my view is that most parents should prioritize saving in their own names (even in taxable accounts) before making contributions to 529 accounts. 

FI Tax Guy can be your financial planner! Find out more by visiting mullaneyfinancial.com

Follow me on Twitter: @SeanMoneyandTax

This post is for entertainment and educational purposes only. It does not constitute accounting, financial, investment, legal, or tax advice. Please consult with your advisor(s) regarding your personal accounting, financial, investment, legal, and tax matters. Please also refer to the Disclaimer & Warning section found here.

Emergency Access to Retirement Accounts

The newly passed SECURE Act 2.0 has put a renewed focus on the use of retirement funds to cover pre-retirement emergencies. This post discusses the options available with respect to using tax-advantaged retirement accounts to fund emergency expenses.

To my mind, there are five primary ways to use retirement funds to pay for emergencies. Considering the complexities of our tax system, I don’t claim this covers every possible situation, but it does highlight the most readily available ways of using retirement funds for pre-retirement emergencies. For purposes of this post, a “pre-retirement emergency” is an emergency that occurs prior to turning age 59 ½. 

ONE: Direct Distribution from a Non-Roth IRA Retirement Account

In theory, one can pay for emergencies from their non-Roth IRA retirement accounts. To my mind, this tends to be the worst way to use a retirement account to pay for a pre-retirement emergency. At least initially, the withdrawal will be subject to both the income tax and the 10 percent early withdrawal penalty. California residents can add an additional 2.5 percent early withdrawal penalty. 

There are exceptions to the penalty, and the IRS maintains a website detailing them

One practical consideration: 401(k)s and other qualified workplace retirement plans tend to limit or restrict in-service withdrawals, so the money may not be readily available if needed in an emergency. Traditional IRAs tend to be rather readily available, so long as the money is invested in relatively liquid assets and/or easily sold financial assets. 

From traditional retirement accounts, the withdrawal is taxable and then the question becomes does one of the penalty exceptions apply. However, there is a way to avoid taxation and the penalty: putting the money back into a retirement account within 60 days. First off, one facing an emergency may not have the liquidity to return the money in 60 days even if they want to. Second, 60 day rollovers between IRA accounts are limited to once every 12 months. As a general rule, I recommend avoiding 60 day rollovers to keep that option open if money ever came out of an IRA for whatever reason. 

If liquidity is not an issue within the 60 day rollover period, one way to avoid the once-per-year rule on a distribution from a traditional IRA is to rollover to a Roth IRA (essentially, a Roth conversion). This might make sense when one takes an emergency withdrawal from a traditional IRA within 12 months of a previous 60 day IRA-to-IRA rollover. In such a case, if the person cannot roll the money into a workplace retirement plan, the only options are (i) keep the money and pay income tax and likely the 10 percent penalty or (ii) convert over to a Roth IRA, get tax free growth in the future, and only pay the income tax. Roth conversions always avoid the 10 percent early withdrawal penalty. 

3 Year Pay Back

SECURE 2.0 has changed the landscape in terms of refunding pre-retirement emergency withdrawals. In some limited situations, there may be a 3 year pay back window, not a 60 day pay back window.

There are now, by my count, six provisions allowing taxpayers to pay back money distributed out of a retirement account within 3 years of the withdrawal. Please note that I and others are still digesting SECURE 2.0, so the below is intended only as an initial, introductory primer. 

Qualification for the 3 year pay back is good because it generally means (i) no 10 percent penalty on the initial withdrawal and (ii) the money can be refunded to the retirement account within 3 years, resulting in (a) a refund of the income tax paid on the distribution and (ii) keeping the money growing tax-deferred (or tax-free for Roths) for retirement. 

Please note that each of these is quite narrow. Despite the limited availability, in cases where a taxpayer has taken out a significant amount of money from a retirement account in an emergency, these rules should be reviewed to see if the taxpayer could qualify to avoid the 10 percent penalty and later get the money back into the retirement account and obtain a significant tax refund. 

Jamie Hopkins detailed some of the new SECURE 2.0 provisions in a recent Forbes article. I’ve prepared the below chart to lay out the basics (as I understand them now) of the new 3 year pay back rules. 

ProvisionEffective DateSourceLimitsQualification
Minor Emergency Withdrawals2024SECURE 2.0 Sec. 115$1,000 per year, 1 distribution per yearExpenses incurred for an emergency
Domestic Abuse Victims2024SECURE 2.0 Sec. 314Lesser of $10K or 50% of account balance per yearMust be a victim of domestic abuse within the year preceding the distribution
Federally Declared Disaster AreaJanuary 26, 2021SECURE 2.0 Sec. 331$22,000 limit per disasterMust live in a federally declared disaster area and suffered an economic loss due to the disaster
Terminally Ill IndividualEnactment of SECURE 2.0SECURE 2.0 Sec. 326UnlimitedMust be terminally ill (generally, medicially expected to die within 7 years).
Qualified Birth or Adoption Distribution2020SECURE Sec. 113$5,000 per parent per birthDistribution must be within 1 year after birth or adoption of child
Coronavirus Related Distributions can no longer be made, but previously made CRDs can be paid back within 3 years of the distribution.

As all of the 3 year pay back provisions are new (several less than a month old as of this writing!), practitioners (myself included) are still learning about them. That learning will change when the IRS and Treasury issue regulations and/or other guidance on these new rules. 

Future 3 Year Pay Back Regulations

I hope the regulations contain a waiver of excess contribution penalties when taxpayers pay back money into a retirement account and the IRS subsequently determines that the taxpayer did not qualify for 3 year pay back treatment. These provisions are complex and subjective, and it is not fair to assess an excess contribution penalty when a taxpayer’s interpretation of a complex and/or subjective provision is not the same as the IRS’s interpretation. 

Further, any regulations should clarify that individual taxpayers over age 59 ½ qualify for the 3 year pay back provisions, even though they are exempt from the 72(t) penalty regardless of the application of a 3 year pay back provision.

Prior to the issuance of regulations or other guidance from the IRS and Treasury, taxpayers should proceed with caution and consult their tax advisors when applying the 3 year pay back provisions. 

TWO: Plan Loans

Not available from IRAs and Roth IRAs, some employer plans allow for loans from the plan. If you read my book, you know I am generally not fond of 401(k) loans.

That said, in an emergency, if the plan allows it, a loan can be a tax-free way to access retirement account funds and later replenish them. Loans are generally limited to the lesser of half the account balance or $50,000 and require the payment of interest to the 401(k). One advantage of plan loans is that they can be spent on anything without restrictions. 

I do not like relying on plan loans for several reasons. First, 401(k)s plans do not have to offer loans. Second, if the employee leaves the employer, the loan becomes due, and failure to repay it results in the entire outstanding balance becoming taxable income and is likely subject to the 10 percent early withdrawal penalty. Ouch! Third, the interest paid to the 401(k) is double taxed, as there’s generally no tax deduction for the payment of interest to the 401(k), and later in life the interest will be taxed to the 401(k) account owner when withdrawn or Roth converted. 

THREE: SECURE 2.0 Minor Emergency Withdrawals

As mentioned in the chart above, Section 115 of SECURE 2.0 allows, beginning in 2024, one annual up-to $1,000 penalty free distribution from retirement accounts for an emergency. I refer to these as minor emergency withdrawals.

The distribution will be taxable if from a traditional retirement account. Further, the $1,000 withdrawn can be refunded into the retirement account up to 3 years from the original distribution. Refunding the distribution will allow the taxpayer to amend any tax return reporting the distribution as taxable income and obtain a refund. 

As a practical matter, I suspect that most minor emergency withdrawals will come from traditional IRAs and Roth IRAs, as accessing money from them tends to be far easier than accessing money from workplace retirement accounts such as 401(k)s while someone is still working at the employer.

I previously Tweeted about this provision. Obviously, this provision is very limited as it is capped at one distribution per year and $1,000 per distribution. Here’s hoping everyone only faces emergencies costing $1,000 or less!

In theory, there’s a risk when taking a minor emergency withdrawal. What if the IRS disagrees with your view that you had an emergency? The IRS could (i) assess the 10 percent penalty on the distribution, (ii) deny any claimed tax refunds for repayments of the minor emergency withdrawal, and/or (iii) assess a 6 percent (per year) excess contribution penalty for repayments of the withdrawal back into the retirement account. 

The IRS and Treasury will have to issue regulations defining emergency for this purpose. My hope is that they will define emergency quite broadly, which it appears Congress intended based on the wording of Section 115. Hopefully, the IRS and Treasury decide they want to limit fights with taxpayers over $1,000 distributions. The regulations should take the approach that anything that could plausibly be viewed as an emergency will count as an emergency for this purpose. Further, it would be very useful if the regulations contained safe-harbors and waive excess contribution penalties in cases where taxpayers wrongly believed they qualified as having an emergency. 

FOUR: SECURE 2.0 401(k) Emergency Savings Accounts

Section 127 of SECURE 2.0 establishes a relatively limited emergency savings account as part of a 401(k) or other workplace retirement plan. It is the employer’s option to add this to their retirement plan, and this cannot be added until 2024 (see page 2199 of the Omnibus Bill text). These are not available from traditional IRAs and Roth IRAs. 

For the reasons discussed below, I suspect very few plans will add this feature, and very few employees will want to use this account.

The account must be a Roth 401(k) (or other Roth employer account) and generally can only invest in cash and cash-type assets in order to preserve purchasing power. Employees’ unwithdrawn contributions cannot exceed $2,500, and highly compensated employees (those employees who made more than $150,000 in wages in the previous year) cannot contribute to the account. 

From the employee’s perspective, these accounts are generally undesirable. The tax shelter is minimal: Roth treatment on cash accounts of no more than $2,500 of contributions. Sure, withdrawals are fully tax-free, but all that’s been saved is the tax on the interest income. In theory, one would want to contribute to one of these accounts to have more contributions that can get employer matches into their 401(k), but many participants have both the smarts and the liquidity to capture the entire employer match without contributing to this account. 

More importantly, in an emergency situation, (i) $2,500 only goes so far and (ii) you probably do not want the hassle of dealing with your workplace 401(k) plan administrator. “In-service withdrawals” from 401(k)s are notoriously cumbersome. From a user-experience perspective, I strongly suspect emergency access to cash in a checking account or online savings account the owner controls will usually be much better than using money inside an employer’s 401(k) plan. 

One advantage of these accounts is that there is no “emergency” requirement for withdrawals. The employee can withdraw the money for any reason. Another advantage is that, in theory, this creates head room for getting $2,500 more (plus interest) into Roth accounts. If not used, the balance can be rolled into the regular Roth 401(k) when the employee leaves employment. See page 2130 of the Omnibus bill text.  

As undesirable as these accounts are for employees, they are much more so from the employer perspective. Why would a retirement plan administrator want to sign up to field calls from employees for emergency distributions? If I’m a plan administrator and I want my employees to have flexibility and resources in an emergency, I don’t amend my plan document and encourage them to come to my plan when easier to use alternatives already exist (checking accounts and savings accounts). Employers adopting these accounts are signing up to become emergency distributors, which fundamentally is not what a retirement plan is. Further, the amounts involved (maximum contributions of just $2,500) and the fact that many employees, including decision makers, generally can’t be covered because of the prohibition on offering emergency accounts to highly compensated employees discourage employer plans from incurring the hassle and administrative costs to add these accounts. 

Note that the emergency account feature is not available for Solo 401(k)s, because anyone owning more than 5% of a business is, by definition, a highly compensated employee, regardless of their earnings. 

FIVE: Roth IRA Basis

If one wants to access retirement accounts in an emergency, my favored technique of the five discussed in this post is to use Roth IRA basis. Generally speaking, Roth IRA basis is the sum of previous annual contributions plus all previous Roth conversions, less any previous Roth IRA withdrawals. 

Recall that previous annual contributions to Roth IRAs and Roth conversions that are at least 5 years old can be accessed at any time for any reason tax and penalty free. Further, withdrawals from Roth IRAs occurring prior to turning age 59 ½ access prior contributions first (until exhausted), then old conversions (first in, first out, and until exhausted), and last access Roth earnings.

As a result of this pecking order, most non qualified Roth IRA withdrawals will simply be nontaxable returns of old contributions. This makes the Roth IRA the best retirement account to use in the event of an emergency. Taking advantage of Roth basis results in no tax and no penalty, and simply requires the filing of a Part III of the Form 8606 when filing one’s tax return. 

The downside of accessing Roth IRA basis is that outside of a 60 day rollover, a $1,000 refund of a minor emergency withdrawal, and/or a possible 3 year pay back, tapping Roth basis reduces the amount inside the Roth IRA growing tax free for the taxpayer’s retirement. Further, do not forget the once-every-12 months limit on IRA to IRA 60 day rollovers (including Roth IRAs) and the fact that Roth IRAs cannot be transferred to workplace retirement Roth accounts. 

Roth IRA Basis and the Minor Emergency Withdrawal Rule

Starting in 2024, perhaps the best approach for those taxpayers experiencing emergencies is to combine using Roth IRA basis with the minor emergency withdrawal rule.  Taxpayers making emergency withdrawals from a Roth IRA should consider refunding up to $1,000 to the Roth IRA within 3 years. From a risk perspective, this tactic is relatively low risk. Withdrawals of Roth IRA basis are tax and penalty free. The only tax risk is the 6% excess contribution penalty on putting the money back into the Roth IRA. For a non-qualifying $1,000 refund back into the Roth IRA, that penalty is only $60 annually. One would hope the IRS will not be overly strict in assessing taxpayers’ contentions that the withdrawals were in fact for an emergency. 

Roth IRA Basis and Other 3 Year Pay Back Rules

In limited circumstances, one or more of the 3 year pay back rules may be available to get the money back into the Roth IRA. This keeps the money available for retirement in a tax-free account. One advantage of combining a withdrawal of Roth IRA basis with a 3 year pay back is that the IRS should not require the filing of an amended return, since no items of income, deduction, or tax should change. In theory, the IRS could require the filing of an amended Form 8606, since that form can be filed as a standalone tax return. In regulations or other guidance, the IRS and Treasury should make clear their position on what amended tax return filings are needed, if any. 

Taxable Accounts

Here’s the thing. One should not look to use retirement accounts for emergency expenses. I understand that sometimes it is necessary to do so. But generally speaking, if one has adequate financial resources, they should set up a savings account to have funds available to handle emergencies. One tax benefit of doing so is that in today’s low-yield environment, a savings account can protect against emergencies without generating much in the way of taxable income. 


The hope is tax-advantaged savings never need to be accessed in an emergency. Of course, life does not always go to hope or to plan, so there are times when retirement accounts are accessed in an emergency. Taxpayers and practitioners should research options when taking pre-retirement emergency withdrawals from tax-advantaged retirement accounts. The IRS and Treasury will (hopefully soon) issue regulations and/or other guidance on the many new SECURE 2.0 emergency withdrawal rules and pay back rules. 

FI Tax Guy can be your financial planner! Find out more by visiting mullaneyfinancial.com

Follow me on Twitter: @SeanMoneyandTax

This post is for entertainment and educational purposes only. It does not constitute accounting, financial, investment, legal, or tax advice. Please consult with your advisor(s) regarding your personal accounting, financial, investment, legal, and tax matters. Please also refer to the Disclaimer & Warning section found here.

The Tax Increase in SECURE 2.0

There’s a tax increase in the new SECURE Act 2.0 legislation. Unfortunately, it falls largely on those least equipped to shoulder it.

Catch-Up Contributions

Since enacted in 2001, “catch-up” contributions have been a great feature of 401(k) plans. Currently, they allow those age 50 or older to contribute an additional $6,500 annually to their 401(k) or similar plan. Those contributions can be traditional deductible contributions, Roth contributions, or a combination of both.

The idea is that by age 50, workers have much less time to make up for deficiencies in retirement savings. Thus, the law allows those workers to make catch-up contributions to have a better chance of financial success in retirement.

Other than age (must be at least 50 years old), there are no limits on the ability to make catch-up contributions. That could be viewed as a give-away to the rich. However, it is logical to keep retirement savings rules simple, especially those designed to help older workers behind in retirement savings.

Watch me discuss SECURE 2.0’s tax increase on catch-up contributions

Catch-Up Contributions for Those Behind in Retirement Savings

For those behind in retirement savings, deducting catch-up contributions usually makes the most sense. First, many in their 50s are in their highest earning years, and thus tax deductions are their most valuable. Second, those behind in retirement savings are not likely to be in a high tax bracket in retirement. With modest or low retirement income, they are likely to pay, at most, a 10% or 12% top federal income tax rate in retirement.

Here is an example of how that works:

Sarah, single and age 55, is behind in her retirement savings, so she maxes out her annual 401(k) contribution at $27,000 ($20,500 regular employee contribution and $6,500 catch-up contribution). Sarah currently earns $130,000 a year and lives in California. Since she deducts her catch-up contributions, she saves $2,165 a year in taxes ($6,500 times 24% federal marginal tax rate and 9.3% California marginal tax rate). That $2,165 in income tax savings makes catching up on her retirement savings much more affordable for Sarah.

Sarah’s approach is quite logical. If things work out, Sarah can make up the deficit in her retirement savings. Doing so might push her up to the 12% marginal federal tax bracket and the 8% marginal California tax bracket in retirement.

For someone like Sarah who is behind in their retirement savings, the Roth option on catch-up contributions is a very bad deal!

SECURE 2.0 and Catch-Up Contributions

SECURE 2.0 disallows the tax deduction that people like Sarah rely on. It requires all catch-up contributions to be Roth contributions. For the affluent, this makes some sense. Why should someone with very substantial assets get a tax deduction when they already have a well-funded retirement?

Sadly, many Americans in their 50s and 60s do not have well-funded retirements. Removing the tax deduction for catch-up contributions increases their taxes. These are people who can least afford to shoulder a new tax. The goal should be to make it easier for those behind in retirement savings to catch-up. Taking away this tax deduction makes it more difficult to build up sufficient savings for retirement.

Fortunately, as of this writing SECURE 2.0 has only passed the House. It has not passed the Senate. Hopefully this provision will be reconsidered and will not ultimately become law.

FI Tax Guy can be your financial planner! Find out more by visiting mullaneyfinancial.com

Follow me on Twitter at @SeanMoneyandTax

This post is for entertainment and educational purposes only. It does not constitute accounting, financial, legal, or tax advice. Please consult with your advisor(s) regarding your personal accounting, financial, legal, and tax matters. Please also refer to the Disclaimer & Warning section found here.

72(t) Series of Substantially Equal Periodic Payments Update

The IRS and Treasury have recently issued two updates to the rules for payments which avoid the 10 percent early withdrawal penalty from retirement accounts. These payments are referred to as a series of substantially equal periodic payments, SEPP, or 72(t) payments. This post discusses the updated rules. 

72(t) Payments

Tax advantaged retirement accounts are fantastic. Who doesn’t love 401(k)s, IRAs, Roth IRAs, and the like?

However, investing through a tax advantaged account can have drawbacks. One big drawback is that taxable amounts withdrawn from a tax advantaged retirement account prior to the account owner turning age 59 ½ are generally subject to a 10 percent early withdrawal penalty. My home state of California adds a 2.5 percent early withdrawal penalty. 

There are some exceptions to this penalty. One of them is taking 72(t) payments. The idea is that if the taxpayer takes a “series of substantially equal periodic payments” they can avoid the penalty. 

72(t) payments must be taken annually. Further, they must last for the longer of (a) 5 years or (b) the time until the taxpayer turns age 59 ½. This creates years of locked-in taxable income. 

There are three methods that can be used to compute the amount of the annual 72(t) payments. These methods compute an annual distribution amount generally keyed off three numbers: the balance in the relevant retirement account, the interest rate, and the table factor provided by the IRS. The factor is greater the younger the account owner is. The greater the factor, the less the account owner can withdraw from a retirement account in a 72(t) payment.

New 72(t) Payment Interest Rates

In January 2022, the IRS and Treasury issued Notice 2022-6. Hat tip to Ed Zollars for the alert. This notice provides some new 72(t) rules. The biggest, and most welcome, change is a new rule for determining the interest rate.

Previously, the rule had been that 72(t) payments were keyed off 120 percent of the mid-term applicable federal rate (“AFR”). The IRS publishes this rate every month. In recent years, that has been somewhat problematic, as interest rates have been historically low. For example, in September 2020, the mid-term AFR was just 0.42 percent. This made relying on a 72(t) payment somewhat perilous. How much juice can be squeezed from a large retirement account if the interest rate is just 0.42 percent?

Here is what a $1M traditional IRA could produce, under the fixed amortization method, in terms of an annual payment for a 53 year old starting a 72(t) payment if the interest rate is just 0.42 percent:

120% of Sept 2020 MidTerm AFR0.42%
Single Life Expectancy Years at Age 5333.4
Account Balance$1,000,000.00
Annual Payment$32,151.93

Notice 2022-6 makes a very significant change. It now allows taxpayers to pick the greater of (i) up to 5 percent or (ii) up to 120 percent of mid-term AFR. That one change makes a 72(t) payment a much more attractive option, since periods of low interest rates do not as adversely affect the calculation. 

Here is what a $1M traditional IRA could produce, under the fixed amortization method, in terms of an annual payment for a 53 year old starting a 72(t) payment if the interest rate is 5 percent:

5% Interest Rate5.00%
Single Life Expectancy Years at Age 5333.4
Account Balance$1,000,000.00
Annual Payment$62,189.80

The new rule provides a 5 percent interest rate floor for those using the fixed amortization method and the fixed annuitization method to compute a 72(t) payment. Using a 5 percent interest rate under the fixed amortization method is generally going to produce a greater payment amount than using the required minimum distribution method for 72(t) payments. 

The interest rate change provides taxpayers with much more flexibility with 72(t) payments, and a greater ability to extract more money penalty free prior to age 59 ½. Taxpayers already have the ability to “right-size” the traditional IRA out of which to take a 72(t) payment to help the numbers work out. In recent years, what has been much less flexible has been the interest rate. Under these new rules, taxpayers always have the ability to select anywhere from just above 0% to 5% regardless of what 120 percent of mid-term AFR is. 

Watch me discuss the update to 72(t) payment interest rates.

New Tables

A second new development is that the IRS and Treasury have issued new life expectancy tables for required minimum distributions (“RMDs”) and 72(t) payments. Most of the new tables are found at Treasury Regulation Section 1.401(a)(9)-9, though one new table is found at the end of Notice 2022-6

These tables reflect increasing life expectancies. As a result, they reduce the amount of RMDs, as the factors used to compute RMDs are greater as life expectancy increases. 

From a 72(t) payment perspective, this development is a minor taxpayer unfavorable development. Long life expectancies in the tables means the tables slightly reduce the amount of juice that can be squeezed out of any particular retirement account.

This said, the downside to 72(t) payments coming from increasing life expectancy on the tables is more than overcome by the ability to always use an interest rate of up to 5 percent. These two developments in total are a great net win for taxpayers looking to use 72(t) payments during retirement. 

Use of 72(t) Payments

Traditionally, I have viewed 72(t) payments as a life raft rather than as a desirable planning tool for those retiring prior to their 59 ½th birthday. Particularly for those in the FI community, my view has been that it is better to spend down taxable assets and even dip into Roth basis rather than employ a 72(t) payment plan. 

These developments shift my view a bit. Yes, I still view 72(t) payments as a life raft. Now it is an upgraded life raft with a small flatscreen TV and mini-fridge. 😉

As a practical matter, some will get to retirement prior to age 59 ½ with little in taxable and Roth accounts, and the vast majority of their financial wealth in traditional retirement accounts. Notice 2022-6 just made their situation much better and much more flexible. Getting to retirement at a time of very low interest rates does not necessarily hamstring their retirement plans given that they will always have at least a 5 percent interest rate to use in calculating their 72(t) payments. 

72(t) Payments and Roth IRAs

As Roth accounts grow in value, there will be at least some thought of marrying Roth IRAs with 72(t) payments. 

At least initially, Roth IRAs have no need for 72(t) payments. Those retired prior to age 59 ½ can withdraw previous Roth contributions and Roth conversions aged at least 5 years at any time tax and penalty free for any reason. So off the bat, no particular issue, as nonqualified distributions will start-off as being tax and penalty free.

Only after all Roth contributions have been withdrawn are Roth conversions withdrawn, and they are withdrawn first-in, first-out. Only after all Roth conversions are withdrawn does a taxpayer withdraw Roth earnings.  

For most, the odds of withdrawing (i) Roth conversions that are less than five years old, and then (ii) Roth earnings prior to age 59 ½ are slim. But, there could some who love Roths so much they largely or entirely eschew traditional retirement account contributions. One could imagine an early retiree with only Roth IRAs. 

Being “Roth only” prior to age 59 ½ could present problems if contributions and conversions at least 5 years old have been fully depleted. Taxpayers left with withdrawing conversions less than 5 years old or earnings in a nonqualified distribution might opt to establish a 72(t) payment plan for their Roth IRA. Such a 72(t) payment plan could avoid the 10 percent penalty on the withdrawn amounts attributable insufficiently aged conversions or Roth earnings. Note, however, that Roth earnings withdrawn in a nonqualified distribution are subject to ordinary income tax, regardless of whether they are part of a 72(t) payment plan. 

See Treasury Regulation Section 1.408A-6 Q&A 5 providing that Roth IRA distributions can be subject to both the 72(t) early withdrawal penalty and the exceptions to the 72(t) penalty. The exceptions include a 72(t) payment plan. 

Additional Resource

Ed Zollars has an excellent post on the updated IRS rules for 72(t) payments here.

FI Tax Guy can be your financial planner! Find out more by visiting mullaneyfinancial.com

Follow me on Twitter: @SeanMoneyandTax

This post is for entertainment and educational purposes only. It does not constitute accounting, financial, investment, legal, or tax advice. Please consult with your advisor(s) regarding your personal accounting, financial, investment, legal, and tax matters.Please also refer to the Disclaimer & Warning section found here.


It’s time to think about year-end tax planning. Year-end is a great time to get tax planning ducks in a row and take advantage of opportunities. This is particularly true for those in the financial independence community. FI principles often increase one’s tax planning opportunities.  

Remember, this post is for educational purposes only. None of it is advice directed towards any particular taxpayer. 

Backdoor Roth IRA Deadline 2021

As of now (December 7, 2021), the legal deadlines around Backdoor Roth IRAs have not changed: the nondeductible 2021 traditional IRA contribution must happen by April 18, 2022 and there is no legal deadline for the second step, the Roth conversion. However, from a planning perspective, the practical deadline to have both steps of a 2021 Backdoor Roth IRA completed is December 31, 2021. 

This is because of proposed legislation that eliminates the ability to convert nondeductible amounts in a traditional IRA effective January 1, 2022. As of December 7th, the proposed legislation has passed the House of Representatives but faces a very certain future in the Senate. Considering the risk that the Backdoor Roth elimination proposal is enacted, taxpayers planning on completing a 2021 Backdoor Roth IRA should act to ensure that the second step of the Backdoor Roth IRA (the Roth conversion) is completed before December 31st. 

Taxpayers on the Roth IRA MAGI Limit Borderline

In years prior to 2021, taxpayers unsure of whether their income would allow them to make a regular Roth IRA contribution could simply wait until tax return season to make the determination. At that point, they could either make the regular Roth IRA contribution for the prior year (if they qualified) or execute what I call a Split-Year Backdoor Roth IRA.  

With the proposed legislation looming, waiting is not a good option. The good news is that taxpayers executing a Backdoor Roth IRA during a year they actually qualify for a regular annual Roth IRA contribution suffer no material adverse tax consequences. Of course, in order for this to be true there must be zero balance, or at most a very small balance, in all traditional IRAs, SEP IRAs, and SIMPLE IRAs as of December 31, 2021. 

December 31st and Backdoor Roth IRAs

December 31st is a crucial date for those doing the Roth conversion step of a Backdoor Roth IRA during the year. It is the deadline to move any balances in traditional IRAs, SEP IRAs, and SIMPLE IRAs to workplace plans in order to ensure that the Roth conversion step of any Backdoor Roth IRA executed during the year is tax-efficient. 

This December 31st deadline applies regardless of the proposed legislation discussed above. 

IRAs and HSAs

Good news on regular traditional IRA contributions, Roth IRA contributions, and HSA contributions: they don’t have to be part of an end-of-2021 tax two-minute drill. The deadline for funding an HSA, a traditional IRA, and a Roth IRA for 2021 is April 18, 2022

Solo 401(k)

The self-employed should consider this one. Deadlines vary, but as a general rule, those eligible for a Solo 401(k) usually benefit from establishing one prior to year-end. The big takeaway should be this: if you are self-employed, your deadline to seriously consider a Solo 401(k) for 2021 is ASAP! Usually, such considerations benefit from professional assistance. 

Something to look forward to in 2022: my upcoming Solo 401(k) book!

Charitable Contributions

For those itemizing deductions in 2021 and either not itemizing in 2022 or in a lower marginal tax rate in 2022 than in 2021, it can be advantageous to accelerate charitable contributions late in the year. It can be as simple as a direct donation to a qualifying charity by December 31st. Or it could involve contributing to a donor advised fund by December 31st.  

A great donor advised fund planning technique is transferring appreciated securities (stocks, bonds, mutual funds, or ETFs) to a donor advised fund. Many donor advised fund providers accept securities. The tax benefits of making such a transfer usually include (a) eliminating the built-in capital gain from federal income taxation and (b) if you itemize, getting to take a current year deduction for the fair market value of the appreciated securities transferred to the donor advised fund. 

The elimination of the lurking capital gain makes appreciated securities a better asset to give to a donor advised fund than cash (from a tax perspective). Transfers of appreciated securities to 501(c)(3) charities can also have the same benefits.

The 2021 deadline for this sort of planning is December 31, 2021, though taxpayers may need to act much sooner to ensure the transfer occurs on time. This is particularly true if the securities are transferred from one financial institution to a donor advised fund at another financial institution. In these cases, the transfer may have to occur no later than mid-November, though deadlines will vary.

Early Retirement Tax Planning

For those in early retirement, the fourth quarter of the year is the time to do tax planning.  Failing to do so can leave a great opportunity on the table. 

Prior to taking Social Security, many early retirees have artificially low taxable income. Their only taxable income usually consists of interest, dividends, and capital gains. In today’s low-yield environment, without additional planning, early retirees’ taxable income can be very low (perhaps even below the standard deduction). 

Artificially low income gives early retirees runway to fill up lower tax brackets (think the 10 percent and 12 percent federal income tax brackets) with taxable income. Why pay more tax? The reason is simple: choose to pay tax when it is taxed at a low rate rather than defer it to a future when it might be taxable at a higher rate.

The two main levers in this regard are Roth conversions and tax gain harvesting. Roth conversions move amounts in traditional retirement accounts to Roth accounts via a taxable conversion. The idea is to pay tax at a very low tax rate while taxable income is artificially low, rather than leaving the money in deferred accounts to be taxed later in retirement at a higher rate under the required minimum distribution (“RMD”) rules. 

Tax gain harvesting is selling appreciated assets when one is in the 10 percent or 12 percent marginal tax bracket so as to incur a zero percent long term capital gains federal tax rate on the capital gain. 

Early retirees can do some of both. In terms of a tiebreaker, if everything else is equal, I prefer Roth conversions to tax gain harvesting, for two primary reasons. First, traditional retirement accounts are subject to ordinary income tax rates in the future, which are likely to be higher than preferred capital gains tax rates. Second, large taxable capital gains in taxable accounts can be washed away through the step-up in basis at death. The step-up in basis at death doesn’t exist for traditional retirement accounts. 

One time to favor tax gain harvesting over Roth conversions is when the traditional retirement accounts have the early retiree’s desired investment assets but the taxable brokerage account has positions that the early retiree does not like anymore (for example, a concentrated position in a single stock). Why not take advantage of tax gain harvesting to reallocate into preferred investments in a tax-efficient way?

Long story short: during the fourth quarter, early retirees should consider their taxable income for the year and consider year-end Roth conversions and/or tax gain harvesting. Planning in this regard should be executed no later than December 31st, and likely earlier to ensure proper execution. 

Roth Conversions, Tax Gain Harvesting, and Tax Loss Harvesting

Early retired or not, the deadline for 2021 Roth conversions, tax gain harvesting, and tax loss harvesting is December 31, 2021. Taxpayers should always consider timely implementation: these are not tactics best implemented on December 30th! 

For some who find their income dipped significantly in 2021 (perhaps due to a job loss), 2021 might be the year to convert some amounts in traditional retirement accounts to Roth retirement accounts. Some who are self-employed might want to consider end-of-year Roth conversions to maximize their qualified business income deduction

Stimulus and Child Tax Credit Planning

Taxpayers who did not receive their full 2021 stimulus may want to look into ways to reduce their 2021 adjusted gross income so as to qualify for additional stimulus funds. I wrote in detail about one such opportunity in an earlier blog post. Lowering adjusted gross income can also qualify taxpayers for additional child tax credits. 

There are many factors you and your advisor should consider in tax planning. This opportunity may be one of them. For example, taxpayers considering a Roth conversion at the end of the 2021 might want to hold off in order to qualify for additional stimulus and/or child tax credits. 

Accelerate Payments

The self-employed and other small business owners may want to review business expenses and pay off expenses before January 1st, especially if they anticipate their marginal tax rate will decrease in 2022. Depending on structure and accounting method, doing so may not only reduce income taxes, it could also reduce self-employment taxes. 

State Tax Planning

For my fellow Californians, the big one here is property taxes. It may be advantageous to pay billed (but not yet due) property taxes in late 2021. This allows taxpayers to deduct the amount on their 2021 California income tax return. In California, the standard deduction ($4,601 for single taxpayers, $9,202 for married filing joint taxpayers) is much lower than the federal standard deduction, so consideration should be given to accelerating itemized deductions in California, regardless of whether the taxpayer itemizes for federal income tax purposes.

Required Minimum Distributions (“RMDs”)

They’re back!!! RMDs are back for 2021. The deadline to withdraw a required minimum distribution for 2021 is December 31, 2021. Failure to do so can result in a 50 percent penalty. 

Required minimum distributions apply to most retirement accounts (Roth IRAs are an exception). They apply once the taxpayer turns 72. Also, many inherited retirement accounts (including Roth IRAs) are subject to RMDs, regardless of the beneficiary’s age. 

Planning for Traditional Retirement Accounts Inherited in 2020 and 2021

Those inheriting traditional retirement accounts in 2020 or later often need to do some tax planning. The end of the year is a good time to do that planning. Many traditional retirement account beneficiaries will need to empty the retirement account in 10 years (instead of being on an RMD schedule), and thus will need to plan out distributions over the 10 year time frame to manage taxes rate on the distributions.

2021 Federal Estimated Taxes

For those with small business income, side hustle income, significant investment income, and other income that is not subject to tax withholding, the deadline for 2021 4th quarter estimated tax payments to the IRS is January 18, 2022. Such individuals should also consider making timely estimated tax payments to cover any state income taxes. 

Review & Update Beneficiary Designation Forms

Beneficiary designation forms control the disposition of financial assets (such as retirement accounts and brokerage accounts) upon death. Year-end is a great time to make sure the relevant institutions have up-to-date forms on file. While beneficiary designations should be updated anytime there is a significant life event (such as a marriage or a death of a loved one), year-end is a great time to ensure that has happened. 

2022 and Beyond Tax Planning

The best tax planning is long term planning that considers the entire financial picture. There’s always the temptation to maximize deductions on the current year tax return. But the best planning considers your current financial situation and your future plans and strives to reduce total lifetime taxes. 2022 is as good a time as any to do long-term planning.

FI Tax Guy can be your financial planner! Find out more by visiting mullaneyfinancial.com

Follow me on Twitter: @SeanMoneyandTax

This post is for entertainment and educational purposes only. It does not constitute accounting, financial, investment, legal, or tax advice. Please consult with your advisor(s) regarding your personal accounting, financial, investment, legal, and tax matters. Please also refer to the Disclaimer & Warning section found here.