Tag Archives: Backdoor Roth IRA

Recipe for Reporting a Backdoor Roth IRA

When it comes to the Backdoor Roth IRA, I’ve seen it all. Reporting a Backdoor Roth IRA on tax returns remains confusing for both taxpayers and tax return preparers. Here’s the recipe I recommend using to report the Backdoor Roth IRA on the tax return and avoid overpaying taxes.

Watch me discuss reporting Backdoor Roth IRAs on tax returns.

Let’s consider a hypothetical Backdoor Roth IRA on a 2021 tax return.

Example: On January 1, 2021, John Smith contributed $6,000.00 to a traditional IRA. On February 1, 2021, John Smith converted the entire amount in his traditional IRA, $6,001.00, to a Roth IRA. On December 31, 2021, John Smith had a zero balance in all his traditional IRAs, SEP IRAs, and SIMPLE IRAs. John Smith’s income is such that he qualifies for neither a deductible traditional IRA contribution nor a regular annual Roth IRA contribution. John has no existing basis in traditional IRAs as of January 1, 2021. 


Dry Ingredients

  • Taxpayer & Spouse Form W-2 and/or self-employed retirement contributions
  • The prior year’s Form 8606 (if the taxpayer has existing traditional IRA basis – most Backdoor Roth IRA taxpayers do not)

Wet Ingredients

  • Forms 5498 from financial institutions
    • If not available, substitute (i) end-of-year balances in all traditional IRAs, SEP IRAs, and SIMPLE IRAs and (ii) taxpayer knowledge or IRA account statement
  • Forms 1099-R from financial institutions


First, Enter the Dry Ingredients

In order to ensure that the tax return software has all the information to properly report the Backdoor Roth IRA, the taxpayer’s and spouse’s Forms W-2 (if any) should be properly entered into the tax return software. In particular, if Box 13 is checked, that should be indicated in the tax return software. Any qualifying self-employed retirement plan (Solo 401(k), SEP IRA, SIMPLE IRA) contributions should also be entered into the software. This requires the computation of the Schedule C to validate the correctness of the self-employment retirement contributions. 

Lastly, any established and still existing traditional IRA basis reported on previously filed Forms 8606 must be entered into the software. For those who have properly done Backdoor Roth IRAs in the past, this is extremely rare, but not impossible. Most such taxpayers enter the year with $0 of such basis. 

None of these steps directly report the current year’s Backdoor Roth IRA. However, without properly completing them, the tax return software will be unlikely to report the Backdoor Roth IRA correctly. 

Second, Enter The Traditional IRA Contribution

The first step in the tax return process is entering the traditional nondeductible IRA contribution into the tax return software. In theory, this should come off the Form 5498 (Box 1). In practice, that is not likely. The Form 5498 is not required to be filed by the financial institution until May 31st. Vanguard, for example, provides these forms in mid-May

If the taxpayer has a Form 5498 when preparing their tax return (perhaps because they are filing the return on extension), Box 1 of the form should report the traditional IRA contribution. In most circumstances, taxpayers will use their own knowledge of the transaction or their IRA account statement to report that they made a $6,000 nondeductible traditional IRA contribution.

By entering the $6,000.00 traditional IRA contribution into the tax return software, John’s tax return should generate a Form 8606. This is crucial for two reasons. First, the nondeductible traditional IRA contribution must be reported. Second, the nondeductible contribution establishes the “basis” that keeps John’s Backdoor Roth IRA as almost entirely tax free. 

Note further that IRAs are a single person item, meaning that there is no such thing as a “joint” IRA. Each spouse must enter his or her information separately, and must file his or her own individual Form 8606 as needed. Where spouses can impact the calculations and reporting is the ability to deduct an IRA contribution where one spouse is covered by a workplace retirement plan and the other spouse is not. 

Third, Enter the Roth Conversion

This is where the tax return reporting can go a bit off the rails if one is not careful. Tax return software usually has an input for Forms 1099-R. The Form 1099-R should be entered into the tax return software. 

John’s Form 1099-R should look like this (please pretend it is for 2021):

It is important to input all of the boxes on the Form 1099-R in the tax return software to help ensure that the software understands the transaction and no penalties are charged (there should be none as the transaction is a Roth conversion).

Some worry about Box 2a reporting $6,001.00 as the “taxable amount.” It’s okay! The taxable amount is in fact $6,001.00. However, it must be remembered that taxpayers must pay tax on the taxable amount reduced by the allowed available basis

How do we know what the allowed available basis is? By preparing and filing the Form 8606! To prepare the Form 8606, we must have all the ingredients above. It will be important that the following information is input into the Form 8606:

  • Current year traditional IRA contribution ($6,000.00)
  • Current year Roth IRA conversion ($6,001.00)
  • Balance in all traditional IRAs, SEP IRAs, and SIMPLE IRAs on December 31, 2021 ($0 in John’s case)

At this point the first two data points are in the tax return software. The last one must now be added to the software. Assuming the tax return is prepared prior to May, the taxpayer needs to review all of their existing traditional IRAs, SEP IRAs, and SIMPLE IRAs to ensure that as of December 31, 2021 there were no balances in those accounts. If there were balances, they must be added up and reported on line 6 of the Form 8606.

The Finished Product

Here is what page 1 of John’s Form 8606 should look like out of the oven.

Because Line 6 is $0, John’s allowed available basis is $6,000, the amount of 2021 nondeductible traditional IRA contribution. Separately, I blogged about the result if there is a substantial amount on Line 6 (hint: the allowed available basis decreases sharply, see Example 2). 

Unfortunately, I know that at least one tax return preparation software references a worksheet instead of populating the form in the output that the taxpayer sees. The correct information is (apparently) communicated to the IRS through electronic filing, but I wish all software providers simply populated the form to make it easier for review. 

Having successfully completed the first page of the Form 8606, the odds are that page 2 will also be successfully completed. Here’s what it should look like:

The final check on all of this comes from page 1 of Form 1040. If the Form 8606 is not correctly prepared, page 1 of Form 1040 will not correctly reflect the taxation of the Backdoor Roth IRA.

Assuming the taxpayer completed a 2021 Backdoor Roth IRA as John Smith did, page 1 of Form 1040 should look like this:

The key lines are Line 4a and Line 4b. Line 4a will simply be the sum of all Box 1’s from Forms 1099-R. In John’s case, that is $6,001. Line 4b is where the confusion comes. If the Form 8606 is properly prepared, the correct amount from Line 18 of Form 8606 should be the taxable amount reported on Line 4b of Form 8606. 

Fixing Backdoor Roth IRA Errors

Errors in previously filed tax returns can be fixed! I previously blogged about amending previously filed tax returns in cases where a Backdoor Roth IRA has been mistakenly reported. 

2023 Tax Season Backdoor Roth IRA Tax Return Reporting

Watch me discuss Backdoor Roth IRA tax return reporting.


Getting Backdoor Roth IRA tax return reporting is the last vital step in successfully executing a Backdoor Roth IRA. While it is not a simple exercise, it can be navigated with educational resources such as this blog post.

While tax return preparation software is great, it does not replace a taxpayer’s own judgment. Ultimately it is up to the taxpayer to ensure that the tax return properly reports the Backdoor Roth IRA. In many cases it will be wise to use a professional tax return preparer to prepare a tax return if the taxpayer has done a Backdoor Roth IRA.

FI Tax Guy can be your financial planner! Find out more by visiting mullaneyfinancial.com

Follow me on Twitter: @SeanMoneyandTax

This post is for entertainment and educational purposes only. It does not constitute accounting, financial, investment, legal, or tax advice. Please consult with your advisor(s) regarding your personal accounting, financial, investment, legal, and tax matters. Please also refer to the Disclaimer & Warning section found here.

2022 Backdoor Roth IRA

The Backdoor Roth IRA lives! The proposal to repeal the Backdoor Roth IRA as of January 1, 2022 will not be enacted in 2021, as it is now abundantly clear that the Build Back Better legislative program will not be enacted anytime soon. 

But could the proposal come back in 2022? How does one do financial planning in this regard in this climate of uncertainty?

Below I discuss how I approach the issue of whether one should execute a Backdoor Roth IRA in early 2022. What follows is my opinion of the possibilities that could play out. They are simply one person’s opinion in the face of a somewhat uncertain situation. 

Nothing below is tax advice for any individual taxpayer to rely upon. 

Update February 5, 2022: Watch my updated assessment of the 2022 Backdoor Roth IRA landscape on YouTube.

Planning for Uncertainty

To tackle the issue of whether to execute a Backdoor Roth IRA in early 2022, I believe it is best to think of a hypothetical example and then consider all of the (currently known) possibilities in terms of law changes and their probabilities of occuring. So here’s a hypothetical example:

Single Nurse is 35 years old, single, and makes $170,000 at her W-2 job in 2022. She is covered by a 401(k) at work. Her 2022 modified adjusted gross income (“MAGI”) makes her ineligible to make an annual contribution to a Roth IRA. On January 1, 2022, Single Nurse contributes $6,000 to a traditional IRA. On January 5, 2022, Single Nurse converts the entire balance in her traditional IRA, $6,000.23, to a Roth IRA. Assuming Single Nurse takes no other action, she will have $0 in all traditional IRAs, SEP IRAs, and SIMPLE IRAs on December 31, 2022

Will Single Nurse be happy she executed a Backdoor Roth IRA early in 2022?

Let’s analyze the various possibilities in terms of new laws during 2022 and how they could impact Single Nurse’s 2022 Backdoor Roth IRA. Many thanks to Pixabay.com for the emoji reaction pictures and the featured image!

Note that Possible Outcomes #3 through #6 include the small possibility that Congress enacts a repeal of the Backdoor Roth IRA separate from the Build Back Better program.

Possible Outcome #1: No Portion of Build Back Better is Enacted in 2022

Sean’s Estimated Probability of Occurring: 70%

Under this outcome, Single Nurse is quite pleased with her 2022 Backdoor Roth IRA. She’s happy she executed it, even though she could have done it much later in the year.

Single Nurse’s reaction:

Possible Outcome #2: A New Version of Build Back Better is Enacted in 2022 Which Does Not Repeal the Backdoor Roth IRA

Sean’s Estimated Probability: 15%

Single Nurse is again quite pleased with her 2022 Backdoor Roth IRA in January, even though she could have waited. 

Single Nurse’s reaction:

Possible Outcome #3: A New Version of Build Back Better is Enacted in 2022 Which Repeals the Backdoor Roth IRA Effective January 1, 2023

Sean’s Estimated Probability: 10%

Single Nurse is again quite pleased with her 2022 Backdoor Roth IRA in January, though she’ll miss the Backdoor Roth IRA in 2023. 

If Congress does enact legislation in 2022 to repeal the Backdoor Roth IRA, I agree with Steven Rosenthal that the most likely effective date is January 1, 2023, which would be the easiest to implement. Changing tax laws during a year creates needless complexity and confusion, and thus I believe a January 1, 2023 effective date is the most likely effective date. 

Single Nurse’s reaction:

Possible Outcome #4: A New Version of Build Back Better is Enacted in 2022 Which Repeals the Backdoor Roth IRA Effective On the Date of Enactment

Sean’s Estimated Probability: 3%

Single Nurse breathes a huge sigh of relief! If she had waited until later in 2022 to execute her 2022 Backdoor Roth IRA, she would not have been able to. She got her 2022 Backdoor Roth IRA in under the wire, and is very happy she executed the Backdoor Roth IRA early in January. 

Single Nurse’s reaction:

Possible Outcome #5: A New Version of Build Back Better is Enacted in 2022 Which Repeals the Backdoor Roth IRA Effective January 1, 2022 and the IRS Treats an Early 2022 Backdoor Roth IRA as a Correctable Excess Contribution to a Roth IRA

Sean’s Estimated Probability: 1.6%

This is where it gets really interesting. First of all, a law retroactively repealing a tax law benefit would likely face some sort of legal challenge were to be enforced retroactively. For now, I will put an analysis of that outcome to the side. 

How would the IRS enforce a repeal of the Backdoor Roth IRA as applied to Backdoor Roth IRAs executed prior to the law change but after a January 1, 2022 effective date? Single Nurse’s Backdoor Roth IRA is both post-effective date and prior to the enactment of the law change. 

This situation would require an administrative transition rule from the IRS and Treasury. I believe the only feasible transition rule would be for the IRS to treat any pre-enactment/post-effective date 2022 Backdoor Roth IRA as an excess contribution to a Roth IRA. Under the excess contribution rules, excess contributions are generally correctable.

This treatment would give Single Nurse three potential courses of action:

  1. Withdraw the $6,000 and the growth on the $6,000 from the Roth IRA (a corrective distribution) by October 16, 2023.* Any growth on the $6,000 originally contributed is taxable to Single Nurse as ordinary income in 2022; or
  2. Recharacterize the $6,000 and the growth on the $6,000 as a traditional IRA by October 16, 2023. This will result in Single Nurse having a traditional IRA with a basis of $6,000; or,
  3. If neither Option 1 or Option 2 is timely executed by October 16, 2023, Single Nurse owes a six percent penalty on the $6,000 excess contribution ($360) and will owe an additional six percent penalty for every additional year the $6,000 Roth contribution (but not the earnings) is not withdrawn from the Roth IRA. 

I do not see another administratively feasible alternative for the IRS to enforce a retroactive repeal of the Backdoor Roth IRA in 2022. 

I believe the IRS and Treasury would also apply this treatment (or a similar treatment) to any split-year Backdoor Roth IRAs completed in 2022 for the 2021 tax year.

*Update 1/6/2022: Upon further reflection, I believe remedial action to correct an excess Roth IRA contribution in this hypothetical situation can occur by the extended tax return due date. See the bottom of page 42 of IRS Publication 590-A. An earlier version of this post used April 15, 2023 as the deadline date for all three remedial courses of action.

This outcome is not all that bad for Single Nurse. An opportunity taken away for sure, but the “downside” consequences are not all that deleterious. The downside appears limited to ordinary income tax on a few months of growth on $6,000. 

Single Nurse’s reaction:

Possible Outcome #6: A New Version of Build Back Better is Enacted in 2022 Which Repeals the Backdoor Roth IRA Effective January 1, 2022 and the IRS Treats Early 2022 Backdoor Roth IRAs in a Different Manner

Sean’s Estimated Probability: 0.4%

This outcome accounts for the unknown. The IRS and Treasury might take a different approach than the one I outline in Possible Outcome #5. To my mind, the absolute worst outcome would be the six percent penalty tax on an excess contribution. Even then, it is difficult to imagine a scenario where the IRS would not allow remedial action to avoid the six percent penalty.

Single Nurse’s reaction:

Single Nurse’s Assessment

Single Nurse will need to make a subjective assessment of the possibilities and the risks. She is likely to assign somewhat different probabilities to the various possible outcomes than I do. Further, she will have to determine how much she values the possible benefit of an early Backdoor Roth IRA (Possible Outcome #4 in particular, and Possible Outcomes #1 through #3) versus the costs of an early Backdoor Roth IRA (Possible Outcomes #5 and 6). 

My own assessment is that Single Nurse is more likely to benefit from executing an early Backdoor Roth IRA than she is to be (slightly) harmed by it, because I believe that Possible Outcome #4 is more likely than Possible Outcomes #5 and #6. 


Of course, none of the above is advice for any particular taxpayer. Rather, it serves to illustrate how one financial planner would go about systematically assessing the probabilities, risks, and rewards associated with an early 2022 Backdoor Roth IRA.

FI Tax Guy can be your financial planner! Find out more by visiting mullaneyfinancial.com

Follow me on Twitter: @SeanMoneyandTax

This post is for entertainment and educational purposes only. It does not constitute accounting, financial, investment, legal, or tax advice. Please consult with your advisor(s) regarding your personal accounting, financial, investment, legal, and tax matters. Please also refer to the Disclaimer & Warning section found here

The End of the End of the Backdoor Roth IRA?

Update as of December 20, 2021: I originally posted this article on Saturday morning, December 18th. On Sunday, developments occurred which called into question the use of a question mark in the article’s title.

Senator Joe Manchin appeared on Fox News Sunday and very publicly indicated he is a No on Build Back Better. He followed that with a written statement outlining his opposition to Build Back Better. The White House issued a statement in response to Senator Manchin.

A fair assessment indicates the parties are not at all close on this one. This is not a situation where Senator Manchin is bargaining to get A, B, and C into the bill and the White House is hoping to only have to give B and C. While anything is possible with tax legislation, it is quite difficult to argue that the Build Back Better program (which includes Backdoor Roth IRA repeal) has a realistic possibility of passage in this Congress in anything resembling its current form.

Update February 5, 2022: Watch my updated assessment of the lay of the land on 2022 Backdoor Roth IRAs.

Below is the original post posted on December 18, 2021.

There’s an early Christmas present for tax efficient investors. The proposal to end the Backdoor Roth IRA is on life support, and as of now (December 18, 2021) it appears that even if the proposal passes, it will not pass until 2022 at the earliest.

Latest Developments

The White House has now issued a written statement that the so-called Build Back Better program will not be signed into law this year. The proposal to repeal the Backdoor Roth IRA is one of many tax proposals contained within the overall Build Back Better legislative program. As this Deloitte write-up discusses, it is clear the Senate will not pass the legislation any time in the near-term. Thus, for the time being, the Backdoor Roth IRA is in the clear. 

Prospects for 2022

Update December 28, 2021: Read my assessment of 2022 Backdoor Roth IRAs.

There is a reason the Build Back Better program will not be enacted during 2021: it’s not broadly popular. This is reflected in the current opposition of all 50 Senate Republicans and Democrat Senator Joe Manchin. Further, it is not at all clear that Democrat Senator Kyrsten Sinema will ultimately support Build Back Better. 

If the Build Back Better program were to become popular, the dynamics in the U.S. Senate would likely change. But one must ask: is there something that could occur in early 2022 that would make the legislation popular then when it was not popular in late 2021? 

Another issue the legislation has is the unlikelihood of any potential tax increase passing during an election year. New tax laws have proponents and opponents: in recent years Congress has hesitated to create opponents during election years by enacting significant tax legislation. 

What If?

What if the legislation is enacted in early 2022? What happens to Backdoor Roth IRAs? That is highly, highly speculative. My guess is that if the legislation (at that point) bans Backdoor Roth IRAs, either (i) Backdoor Roth IRAs will be prohibited as of January 1, 2023 (instead of January 1, 2022 in the current legislation) or (ii) prohibited as of the enactment of the law. 

But all sorts of alternative possibilities exist. A much smaller version of the Build Back Better program could be enacted, and that version could omit the Backdoor Roth IRA repeal. Or there will be no legislation enacted at all. 

Why Are We Here?

Is the Backdoor Roth IRA gimmicky? Absolutely it is!

But there is a bigger issue. Why the heck is there any income limitation on the ability to make a $6,000 annual contribution to a Roth IRA? Consider these two examples.

Wealthy Investor controls a large public company and is known for his ability to earn good investment returns. He is worth billions of dollars and is 80 years old. He can direct the large public company to offer a Roth 401(k), and on January 1st of 2022 he can have payroll issued to him, of which he can put $27,000 into his Roth 401(k). 

Single Nurse, age 35, is a nurse and earns $170,000 from her W-2 job. Her employer offers a traditional 401(k) but no Roth 401(k). Single Nurse earns too much (due to the Roth IRA modified adjusted gross income limit) to make an annual $6,000 contribution to a Roth IRA. As a result, Single Nurse’s annual Roth contributions are limited to $0.

Wealthy Investor can contribute $27,000 to a Roth 401(k) but Single Nurse can’t contribute $6,000 to a Roth IRA?

To borrow an exasperated quote from Cosmo Kramer, “What’s going on!!!”

The Backdoor Roth IRA solves this problem for Single Nurse and many other Americans. This workaround does not work for all Americans, as I have previously written. 

The simplest solution is to eliminate the modified adjusted gross income limit for all Roth IRA contributions. So some very wealthy Americans will get a few thousand dollars into Roth IRAs every year. Is this a horribly worrisome outcome considering many very wealthy Americans already have access to much greater workplace retirement plan contributions with absolutely no income limitation?

Once the income limit on the ability to make a Roth IRA contribution is repealed, there will be no need for Backdoor Roth IRAs. 


The only constant in the tax world is change. We shall see what the future holds for the Backdoor Roth IRA, but the coast appears to be clear for the rest of the year. Stay tuned!

FI Tax Guy can be your financial planner! Find out more by visiting mullaneyfinancial.com

Follow me on Twitter: @SeanMoneyandTax

This post is for entertainment and educational purposes only. It does not constitute accounting, financial, investment, legal, or tax advice. Please consult with your advisor(s) regarding your personal accounting, financial, investment, legal, and tax matters. Please also refer to the Disclaimer & Warning section found here.

FI Tax Guy Featured on the Optimal Finance Daily Podcast

Today and tomorrow my year-end tax planning post will be featured on the Optimal Finance Daily podcast.

Listen to today’s episode on podcast players and here.

Read my year-end tax planning blog post here.

FI Tax Guy can be your financial planner! Find out more by visiting mullaneyfinancial.com

Follow me on Twitter: @SeanMoneyandTax

This post is for entertainment and educational purposes only. It does not constitute accounting, financial, investment, legal, or tax advice. Please consult with your advisor(s) regarding your personal accounting, financial, investment, legal, and tax matters. Please also refer to the Disclaimer & Warning section found here

Sean Discusses Year-End Tax Planning on the ChooseFI Podcast

Listen to me discuss year-end tax planning with Brad and Jonathan on the ChooseFI podcast. The episode is available on all major podcast players, YouTube, and on the ChooseFI website (https://www.choosefi.com/year-end-tax-planning-2021-ep-351/).

During the conversation we referenced this blog post.

As always, the discussion is general and educational in nature and does not constitute tax, investment, legal, or financial advice with respect to any particular individual or taxpayer. Please consult your own advisors regarding your own unique situation. Sean Mullaney and ChooseFI Publishing are currently under contract to publish a book authored by Sean Mullaney.

FI Tax Guy can be your financial advisor! Find out more by visiting mullaneyfinancial.com

Follow me on Twitter: @SeanMoneyandTax

This post is for entertainment and educational purposes only. It does not constitute accounting, financial, investment, legal, or tax advice. Please consult with your advisor(s) regarding your personal accounting, financial, investment, legal, and tax matters. Please also refer to the Disclaimer & Warning section found here


It’s time to think about year-end tax planning. Year-end is a great time to get tax planning ducks in a row and take advantage of opportunities. This is particularly true for those in the financial independence community. FI principles often increase one’s tax planning opportunities.  

Remember, this post is for educational purposes only. None of it is advice directed towards any particular taxpayer. 

Backdoor Roth IRA Deadline 2021

As of now (December 7, 2021), the legal deadlines around Backdoor Roth IRAs have not changed: the nondeductible 2021 traditional IRA contribution must happen by April 18, 2022 and there is no legal deadline for the second step, the Roth conversion. However, from a planning perspective, the practical deadline to have both steps of a 2021 Backdoor Roth IRA completed is December 31, 2021. 

This is because of proposed legislation that eliminates the ability to convert nondeductible amounts in a traditional IRA effective January 1, 2022. As of December 7th, the proposed legislation has passed the House of Representatives but faces a very certain future in the Senate. Considering the risk that the Backdoor Roth elimination proposal is enacted, taxpayers planning on completing a 2021 Backdoor Roth IRA should act to ensure that the second step of the Backdoor Roth IRA (the Roth conversion) is completed before December 31st. 

Taxpayers on the Roth IRA MAGI Limit Borderline

In years prior to 2021, taxpayers unsure of whether their income would allow them to make a regular Roth IRA contribution could simply wait until tax return season to make the determination. At that point, they could either make the regular Roth IRA contribution for the prior year (if they qualified) or execute what I call a Split-Year Backdoor Roth IRA.  

With the proposed legislation looming, waiting is not a good option. The good news is that taxpayers executing a Backdoor Roth IRA during a year they actually qualify for a regular annual Roth IRA contribution suffer no material adverse tax consequences. Of course, in order for this to be true there must be zero balance, or at most a very small balance, in all traditional IRAs, SEP IRAs, and SIMPLE IRAs as of December 31, 2021. 

December 31st and Backdoor Roth IRAs

December 31st is a crucial date for those doing the Roth conversion step of a Backdoor Roth IRA during the year. It is the deadline to move any balances in traditional IRAs, SEP IRAs, and SIMPLE IRAs to workplace plans in order to ensure that the Roth conversion step of any Backdoor Roth IRA executed during the year is tax-efficient. 

This December 31st deadline applies regardless of the proposed legislation discussed above. 

IRAs and HSAs

Good news on regular traditional IRA contributions, Roth IRA contributions, and HSA contributions: they don’t have to be part of an end-of-2021 tax two-minute drill. The deadline for funding an HSA, a traditional IRA, and a Roth IRA for 2021 is April 18, 2022

Solo 401(k)

The self-employed should consider this one. Deadlines vary, but as a general rule, those eligible for a Solo 401(k) usually benefit from establishing one prior to year-end. The big takeaway should be this: if you are self-employed, your deadline to seriously consider a Solo 401(k) for 2021 is ASAP! Usually, such considerations benefit from professional assistance. 

Something to look forward to in 2022: my upcoming Solo 401(k) book!

Charitable Contributions

For those itemizing deductions in 2021 and either not itemizing in 2022 or in a lower marginal tax rate in 2022 than in 2021, it can be advantageous to accelerate charitable contributions late in the year. It can be as simple as a direct donation to a qualifying charity by December 31st. Or it could involve contributing to a donor advised fund by December 31st.  

A great donor advised fund planning technique is transferring appreciated securities (stocks, bonds, mutual funds, or ETFs) to a donor advised fund. Many donor advised fund providers accept securities. The tax benefits of making such a transfer usually include (a) eliminating the built-in capital gain from federal income taxation and (b) if you itemize, getting to take a current year deduction for the fair market value of the appreciated securities transferred to the donor advised fund. 

The elimination of the lurking capital gain makes appreciated securities a better asset to give to a donor advised fund than cash (from a tax perspective). Transfers of appreciated securities to 501(c)(3) charities can also have the same benefits.

The 2021 deadline for this sort of planning is December 31, 2021, though taxpayers may need to act much sooner to ensure the transfer occurs on time. This is particularly true if the securities are transferred from one financial institution to a donor advised fund at another financial institution. In these cases, the transfer may have to occur no later than mid-November, though deadlines will vary.

Early Retirement Tax Planning

For those in early retirement, the fourth quarter of the year is the time to do tax planning.  Failing to do so can leave a great opportunity on the table. 

Prior to taking Social Security, many early retirees have artificially low taxable income. Their only taxable income usually consists of interest, dividends, and capital gains. In today’s low-yield environment, without additional planning, early retirees’ taxable income can be very low (perhaps even below the standard deduction). 

Artificially low income gives early retirees runway to fill up lower tax brackets (think the 10 percent and 12 percent federal income tax brackets) with taxable income. Why pay more tax? The reason is simple: choose to pay tax when it is taxed at a low rate rather than defer it to a future when it might be taxable at a higher rate.

The two main levers in this regard are Roth conversions and tax gain harvesting. Roth conversions move amounts in traditional retirement accounts to Roth accounts via a taxable conversion. The idea is to pay tax at a very low tax rate while taxable income is artificially low, rather than leaving the money in deferred accounts to be taxed later in retirement at a higher rate under the required minimum distribution (“RMD”) rules. 

Tax gain harvesting is selling appreciated assets when one is in the 10 percent or 12 percent marginal tax bracket so as to incur a zero percent long term capital gains federal tax rate on the capital gain. 

Early retirees can do some of both. In terms of a tiebreaker, if everything else is equal, I prefer Roth conversions to tax gain harvesting, for two primary reasons. First, traditional retirement accounts are subject to ordinary income tax rates in the future, which are likely to be higher than preferred capital gains tax rates. Second, large taxable capital gains in taxable accounts can be washed away through the step-up in basis at death. The step-up in basis at death doesn’t exist for traditional retirement accounts. 

One time to favor tax gain harvesting over Roth conversions is when the traditional retirement accounts have the early retiree’s desired investment assets but the taxable brokerage account has positions that the early retiree does not like anymore (for example, a concentrated position in a single stock). Why not take advantage of tax gain harvesting to reallocate into preferred investments in a tax-efficient way?

Long story short: during the fourth quarter, early retirees should consider their taxable income for the year and consider year-end Roth conversions and/or tax gain harvesting. Planning in this regard should be executed no later than December 31st, and likely earlier to ensure proper execution. 

Roth Conversions, Tax Gain Harvesting, and Tax Loss Harvesting

Early retired or not, the deadline for 2021 Roth conversions, tax gain harvesting, and tax loss harvesting is December 31, 2021. Taxpayers should always consider timely implementation: these are not tactics best implemented on December 30th! 

For some who find their income dipped significantly in 2021 (perhaps due to a job loss), 2021 might be the year to convert some amounts in traditional retirement accounts to Roth retirement accounts. Some who are self-employed might want to consider end-of-year Roth conversions to maximize their qualified business income deduction

Stimulus and Child Tax Credit Planning

Taxpayers who did not receive their full 2021 stimulus may want to look into ways to reduce their 2021 adjusted gross income so as to qualify for additional stimulus funds. I wrote in detail about one such opportunity in an earlier blog post. Lowering adjusted gross income can also qualify taxpayers for additional child tax credits. 

There are many factors you and your advisor should consider in tax planning. This opportunity may be one of them. For example, taxpayers considering a Roth conversion at the end of the 2021 might want to hold off in order to qualify for additional stimulus and/or child tax credits. 

Accelerate Payments

The self-employed and other small business owners may want to review business expenses and pay off expenses before January 1st, especially if they anticipate their marginal tax rate will decrease in 2022. Depending on structure and accounting method, doing so may not only reduce income taxes, it could also reduce self-employment taxes. 

State Tax Planning

For my fellow Californians, the big one here is property taxes. It may be advantageous to pay billed (but not yet due) property taxes in late 2021. This allows taxpayers to deduct the amount on their 2021 California income tax return. In California, the standard deduction ($4,601 for single taxpayers, $9,202 for married filing joint taxpayers) is much lower than the federal standard deduction, so consideration should be given to accelerating itemized deductions in California, regardless of whether the taxpayer itemizes for federal income tax purposes.

Required Minimum Distributions (“RMDs”)

They’re back!!! RMDs are back for 2021. The deadline to withdraw a required minimum distribution for 2021 is December 31, 2021. Failure to do so can result in a 50 percent penalty. 

Required minimum distributions apply to most retirement accounts (Roth IRAs are an exception). They apply once the taxpayer turns 72. Also, many inherited retirement accounts (including Roth IRAs) are subject to RMDs, regardless of the beneficiary’s age. 

Planning for Traditional Retirement Accounts Inherited in 2020 and 2021

Those inheriting traditional retirement accounts in 2020 or later often need to do some tax planning. The end of the year is a good time to do that planning. Many traditional retirement account beneficiaries will need to empty the retirement account in 10 years (instead of being on an RMD schedule), and thus will need to plan out distributions over the 10 year time frame to manage taxes rate on the distributions.

2021 Federal Estimated Taxes

For those with small business income, side hustle income, significant investment income, and other income that is not subject to tax withholding, the deadline for 2021 4th quarter estimated tax payments to the IRS is January 18, 2022. Such individuals should also consider making timely estimated tax payments to cover any state income taxes. 

Review & Update Beneficiary Designation Forms

Beneficiary designation forms control the disposition of financial assets (such as retirement accounts and brokerage accounts) upon death. Year-end is a great time to make sure the relevant institutions have up-to-date forms on file. While beneficiary designations should be updated anytime there is a significant life event (such as a marriage or a death of a loved one), year-end is a great time to ensure that has happened. 

2022 and Beyond Tax Planning

The best tax planning is long term planning that considers the entire financial picture. There’s always the temptation to maximize deductions on the current year tax return. But the best planning considers your current financial situation and your future plans and strives to reduce total lifetime taxes. 2022 is as good a time as any to do long-term planning.

FI Tax Guy can be your financial planner! Find out more by visiting mullaneyfinancial.com

Follow me on Twitter: @SeanMoneyandTax

This post is for entertainment and educational purposes only. It does not constitute accounting, financial, investment, legal, or tax advice. Please consult with your advisor(s) regarding your personal accounting, financial, investment, legal, and tax matters. Please also refer to the Disclaimer & Warning section found here.

The Backdoor Roth IRA and December 31st

New Year’s Eve is an important day if you do a Backdoor Roth IRA. Read below to find out why.

The Backdoor Roth IRA

I’ve written before about the Backdoor Roth IRA. It is a two step process whereby those not qualifying for a regular Roth IRA contribution can qualify to get money into a Roth IRA. Done over several years, it can help taxpayers grow significant amounts of tax free wealth.

One of the best aspects of the Backdoor Roth IRA is that it does not forego a tax deduction. Most taxpayers ineligible to make a regular Roth IRA contribution are also ineligible to make a deductible traditional IRA contribution. In the vast majority of cases, the choice is between investing money in a taxable account versus investing in a Roth account. For most, a Roth is preferable, since Roths do not attract income taxes on the interest, dividends, and capital gains investments generate. 

The Basic Backdoor Roth IRA and the Form 8606

Let’s start with a fairly basic example. 

Example 1

Betsy, age 40, earns $300,000 from her W-2 job in 2021, is covered by a workplace 401(k) plan, and has some investment income. Betsy has no balance in a traditional IRA, SEP IRA, or SIMPLE IRA.

At this level of income, Betsy does not qualify for a regular Roth IRA contribution, and she does not qualify to deduct a traditional IRA contribution. 

Betsy contributes $6,000 to a traditional IRA on May 20, 2021. The contribution is nondeductible. Because the contribution is nondeductible, Betsy gets a $6,000 basis in her traditional IRA. Betsy must file a Form 8606 with her 2021 tax return to report the nondeductible contribution.

On June 5, 2021, Betsy converts the entire balance in the traditional IRA, $6,003, to a Roth IRA. As of December 31, 2021, Betsy has no balance in a traditional IRA, SEP IRA, or SIMPLE IRA.

Betsy has successfully executed a Backdoor Roth IRA. Here is what page 1 of the Form 8606 Betsy should file with her 2021 income tax return should look like. 

Notice here that I am using the 2020 version of the Form 8606 for this and all examples. The 2021 Form 8606 is not yet available as of this writing. 

The most important line of page 1 of the Form 8606 is line 6. Line 6 reports the fair market value of all traditional IRAs, SEP IRAs, and SIMPLE IRAs Betsy owns as of year-end. Because Betsy had no traditional IRAs, SEP IRAs, and SIMPLE IRAs as of December 31, 2021, her Backdoor Roth IRA works and is tax efficient. This important number ($0) on line 6 of the Form 8606 is what ensures Betsy’s Backdoor Roth IRA is tax efficient. 

Note that Betsy’s Backdoor Roth IRA creates an innocuous $3 of taxable income, which is reported on the top of part 2 of the Form 8606. 

The Pro-Rata Rule and December 31st

But what if Betsy did have a balance inside a traditional IRA, SEP IRA, or SIMPLE IRA on December 31, 2021? Would her Backdoor Roth IRA still be tax efficient? Probably not, due to the Pro-Rata Rule.

The Pro-Rata Rule tells us just how much of the basis in her traditional IRA Betsy can recover when she does the Roth conversion step of the Backdoor Roth IRA. Betsy’s $6,000 nondeductible traditional IRA creates $6,000 of basis. As we saw above, Betsy was able to recover 100 percent of her $6,000 of basis against her Roth conversion. 

But the Pro-Rata Rule says “not so fast” if Betsy has another traditional IRA, SEP IRA, or SIMPLE IRA on December 31st of the year of any Roth conversion. The Pro-Rata Rule allocates IRA Basis between converted amounts (in Betsy’s case, $6,003) and amounts in traditional IRAs, SEP IRAs, and SIMPLE IRAs on December 31st. Here’s an example. 

Example 2

Betsy, age 40, earns $300,000 from her W-2 job in 2021, is covered by a workplace 401(k) plan, and has some investment income. Betsy has no balance in a traditional IRA, SEP IRA, or SIMPLE IRA.

Betsy contributes $6,000 to a traditional IRA on May 20, 2021. The contribution is nondeductible. Because the contribution is nondeductible, Betsy gets a $6,000 basis in her traditional IRA. Betsy must file a Form 8606 with her 2021 tax return to report the nondeductible contribution.

On June 5, 2021, Betsy converts the entire balance in the traditional IRA, $6,003, to a Roth IRA. 

On September 1, 2021, Betsy transfers an old 401(k) from a previous employer 401(k) plan to a traditional IRA. On December 31st, that traditional IRA is worth $100,000. The old 401(k) had no after-tax contributions. 

This one 401(k)-to-IRA rollover transaction dramatically changes both the taxation of Betsy’s Backdoor Roth IRA and her 2021 Form 8606. Here’s page 1 of the Form 8606.

Line 6 of the Form 8606 now has $100,000 on it instead of $0. That $100,000 causes Betsy to recover only 5.67 percent of the $6,000 of basis she created by making a nondeductible contribution to the traditional IRA. As a result, $5,663 of the $6,003 transferred to the Roth IRA in the Roth conversion step is taxable to Betsy as ordinary income. At a 35% tax rate, the 401(k) to IRA rollover (a nontaxable transaction) cost Betsy $1,982 in federal income tax on her Backdoor Roth IRA. Ouch!

Quick Lesson: The lesson here is that prior to rolling over a 401(k) or other workplace plan to an IRA, taxpayers should consider the impact on any Backdoor Roth IRA planning already done and/or planned for the future. One possible planning alternative is to transfer old employer 401(k) accounts to current employer 401(k) plans.

There is an antidote to the Pro-Rata Rule when one has amounts in traditional IRAs, SEP IRAs, and SIMPLE IRAs. It is transferring the traditional IRA, SEP IRA, or SIMPLE IRA to a qualified plan (such as a 401(k) plan) before December 31st. Here is what that might look like in Betsy’s example. 

Example 3

Betsy, age 40, earns $300,000 from her W-2 job in 2021, is covered by a workplace 401(k) plan, and has some investment income. Betsy has no balance in a traditional IRA, SEP IRA, or SIMPLE IRA.

Betsy contributes $6,000 to a traditional IRA on May 20, 2021. The contribution is nondeductible. Because the contribution is nondeductible, Betsy gets a $6,000 basis in her traditional IRA. Betsy must file a Form 8606 with her 2021 tax return to report the nondeductible contribution.

On June 5, 2021, Betsy converts the entire balance in the traditional IRA, $6,003, to a Roth IRA. 

On September 1, 2021, Betsy transfers an old 401(k) from a previous employer to a traditional IRA. The old 401(k) had no after-tax contributions. 

On November 16, 2021, Betsy transfers the entire balance in this new traditional IRA to her current employer’s 401(k) plan in a direct trustee-to-trustee transfer. 

Here is Betsy’s 2021 Form 8606 (page 1) after all of these events:

Betsy got clean by December 31st, so her Backdoor Roth IRA now reverts to the optimized result (just $3 of taxable income) she obtained in Example 1. 

Pro-Rata Rule Clean Up


From a planning perspective, it is best to clean up old traditional IRAs/SEP IRAs/SIMPLE IRAs prior to, not after, executing the Roth conversion step of a Backdoor Roth IRA. I say that because things happen in life. There is absolutely no guarantee that those intending to roll amounts from IRAs to workplace qualified plans will get that accomplished by December 31st. 

Further, transfers from one retirement account to another are usually best done through a direct “trustee-to-trustee” transfer to minimize the risk that the money in the retirement account accidentally is distributed to the individual, causing potential tax and penalties. 

Before cleaning up old traditional IRAs, SEP IRAs, and SIMPLE IRAs, one should consider the investment choices and fees inside their employer retirement plan (such as a 401(k)). If the investment options are not good, and/or the fees are high, perhaps cleaning up an IRA to move money into less desirable investments is not worth it. This is a subjective judgment that must weigh the potential tax and investment benefits and drawbacks. 

Tax Issues

Amazingly enough, the Pro-Rata Rule is concerned with only one day: December 31st. A taxpayer can have a balance in a traditional IRA, SEP IRA, or SIMPLE IRA on any day other than December 31st, and it does not count for purposes of the Pro-Rata Rule. Perhaps December 31st should be called Pro-Rata Rule Day instead of New Year’s Eve. 😉

Betsy’s November 16th distribution from her traditional IRA to the 401(k) plan does not attract any of the basis created by the nondeductible traditional IRA contribution earlier in the year. This document provides a brief technical explanation of why rollovers to qualified plans do not reduce IRA basis

Extra care should be taken when cleaning up (a) large amounts in any type of IRA and (b) any SIMPLE IRA. While it is fairly obvious that significant sums should be moved only after considering all the relevant investment, tax, and execution issues, the SIMPLE IRA provides its own nuances. Any SIMPLE IRA cannot be rolled to an account other than a SIMPLE IRA within the SIMPLE IRA’s first two years of existence. Thus, SIMPLE IRAs must be appropriately aged before doing any sort of Backdoor Roth IRA clean up planning. 

Spouses are entirely separate for Pro-Rata Rule purposes, even in community property states. Cleaning up one spouse, or failing to clean up one spouse, has absolutely no impact on the taxation of the other spouse’s Backdoor Roth IRA.

Lastly, non spousal inherited IRAs do not factor into a taxpayer’s application of the Pro-Rata Rule. Each non spousal inherited IRA has its own separate, hermetically sealed Pro-Rata Rule calculation. The inheriting beneficiary does a Pro-Rata Rule calculation on all IRAs he/she owns as the original owner, separate from any inherited IRAs. In addition, non spousal inherited IRAs cannot be rolled into a 401(k).

Mega Backdoor Roth

Good news: the concerns addressed in this blog post generally do not apply with respect to the Mega Backdoor Roth (sometimes referred to as a Mega Backdoor Roth IRA, though a Roth IRA does not necessarily have to be involved). Qualified plans such as 401(k)s are not subject to the Pro-Rata Rule. 

While 401(k)s are not subject to the Pro-Rata Rule, amounts within a particular 401(k) plan’s after-tax 401(k) are subject to the “cream-in-the-coffee” rule I previously wrote about here. Thus, if there is growth on Mega Backdoor Roth contributions before they are moved out of the after-tax 401(k), generally speaking either the taxpayer must pay income tax on the growth (if moved to a Roth account) or the taxpayer can separately roll the growth to a traditional IRA (which could then create a rather small Pro-Rata Rule issue with future Backdoor Roth IRAs). Fortunately, the cream-in-the-coffee rule has a much narrower reach than the Pro-Rata Rule.

Backdoor Roth IRA Tax Return Reporting

Watch me discuss Backdoor Roth IRA tax return reporting.


Get your IRAs in order so you can enjoy New Year’s Eve! 

December 31st is an important date when it comes to Backdoor Roth IRA planning. It is important to plan to have no (or at a minimum, very small) balances in traditional IRAs, SEP IRAs, and SIMPLE IRAs on December 31st when planning Backdoor Roth IRAs. 

None of what is discussed in this blog post is advice for any particular taxpayer. Those working through Backdoor Roth IRA planning issues are often well advised to reach out to professional advisors regarding their own tax situation.

Further Reading

I did a blog post about Backdoor Roth IRA tax return reporting here.

I did a deep dive on the taxation of Roth IRA withdrawals here.

I did a deep dive on the Pro-Rata Rule here.

FI Tax Guy can be your financial planner! Find out more by visiting mullaneyfinancial.com

Follow me on Twitter: @SeanMoneyandTax

This post is for entertainment and educational purposes only. It does not constitute accounting, financial, investment, legal, or tax advice. Please consult with your advisor(s) regarding your personal accounting, financial, investment, legal, and tax matters. Please also refer to the Disclaimer & Warning section found here.

The End of the Backdoor Roth IRA?

Is the backdoor closing? If a recently released proposal from the House Ways & Means Committee is enacted, then yes it is.

My analysis and commentary below is just my initial take on the proposed new laws: it is subject to revision.

UPDATE December 18, 2021

The update as of December 18, 2021 can be read here. Turns out that as of now (December 18th) my predictive analysis offered in November appears rather spot on. But remember, things can change.

Here’s what I wrote in November: On November 19, 2021, the House of Representatives passed the proposals discussed below. To my mind, the passage of this legislation is a 26.2 mile marathon: Passage in the House is the first mile, and passage in the Senate is the next 25.2 miles. There are absolutely no guarantees as to whether the proposals ultimately become law. My view is that passage in the Senate is going to be much more difficult than passage in the House.

Backdoor Roths

The Backdoor Roth IRA has been a popular transaction for over a decade. It allows those unable to make a direct Roth IRA contribution to get an annual contribution into a Roth IRA through a two-step process. There is a 401(k) version popularly referred to as the Mega Backdoor Roth IRA, which allows taxpayers to move significant amounts into Roth accounts using after-tax 401(k) contributions.

House Ways & Means Proposal

On September 13, 2021, the House Ways and Means committee released legislative text and an explanation of proposed new rules that would change the Roth landscape.

Elimination of Backdoor Roth IRAs and Mega Backdoor Roth IRAs

Effective in 2022, after-tax amounts in IRAs could not be converted to Roth IRAs. This rule would apply to all taxpayers regardless of their level of adjusted gross income. This rule would eliminate the Backdoor Roth IRA, as amounts contributed to a nondeductible traditional IRA (the first step of a Backdoor Roth IRA) could not be converted to a Roth IRA.

The bill would also eliminate after-tax contributions to qualified plans. As a result, workplace plans such as 401(k)s could no longer offer the Mega Backdoor Roth.

Effect on 2021 Backdoor Roth IRAs

In a twist, the new rule would effectively impose a deadline on all 2021 Backdoor Roth IRA planning: December 31, 2021. If the new law is passed, both the nondeductible traditional IRA contribution step and the Roth conversion step for a Backdoor Roth IRA would need to be completed by 2021 in order to do a 2021 Backdoor Roth IRA.

Usually, the deadline to worry about from a Backdoor Roth IRA perspective is the deadline to make the nondeductible traditional IRA contribution, usually April 15th of the following year. There is no particular deadline to complete the Roth conversion step. By prohibiting Roth conversions of after-tax money in traditional IRAs beginning January 1, 2022, Congress effectively makes December 31, 2021 the deadline to execute the Roth conversion step of a 2021 Backdoor Roth IRA.

I wrote about how the legislative proposal impacts the approach to 2021 Backdoor Roth IRA planning and deadlines here.

I have previously written about late or “split-year” Backdoor Roth IRAs under current law here.

Update on Legislative Proposals (As of November 4, 2021)

On October 28th, a new tax proposal came out which did not have the Backdoor elimination proposals. However, a second new tax proposal issued on November 3rd did contain the Backdoor Roth elimination proposals. Based on the current political landscape, there is significant doubt as to whether any tax proposal is enacted during this Congress. However, there is at least some chance the Backdoor Roth proposals are enacted.

Elimination of Roth Conversions for High Income Taxpayers Beginning in 2032

The legislative proposal also eliminates Roth conversions in any year a taxpayer’s adjusted taxable income is $400K (single filers) or $450K (married filing joint) starting in the year 2032.

A couple of observations about this rule. First, this rule would have no practical effect on the FI community. Usually, those in the FI community avoid taxable Roth conversions during high income years. Taxable Roth conversions (such as the so-called Roth Conversion Ladder strategy) are usually executed during early retirement before collecting Social Security. Those years often have artificially low taxable income, so a high income cap on the ability to do a Roth conversion is a rule without consequence for the FI community.

Second, you might be wondering: why the heck are they changing the tax law 10 years in the future? Why not now? The answer lies in how Congress “scores” tax bills. Taxable Roth conversions, particularly in the near term, increase tax revenue. An immediate repeal of Roth conversions would “cost” the government money in the new few years. But by delaying implementation for 10 years, Congress is able to predict that taxpayers, facing a future with no Roth conversions, will increase Roth conversions in 2030 and 2031, increasing tax revenues in those years.


Congress is closely divided. There is absolutely no guarantee this bill will pass both houses of Congress and be signed by the President. That said, these proposed rules are now “out there” and being “out there” is the first step towards a tax rule becoming law.

I will Tweet and blog about any future developments in this regard.

FI Tax Guy can be your financial advisor! Find out more by visiting mullaneyfinancial.com

Follow me on Twitter: @SeanMoneyandTax

This post is for entertainment and educational purposes only. It does not constitute accounting, financial, investment, legal, or tax advice. Please consult with your advisor(s) regarding your personal accounting, financial, investment, legal, and tax matters. Please also refer to the Disclaimer & Warning section found here

Sean on the Earn & Invest Podcast

Really enjoyed this year-end tax planning conversation with Doc G on the Earn & Invest podcast. Stay tuned to the end for some candid behind the scenes podcast recording.


FI Tax Guy can be your financial advisor! Find out more by visiting mullaneyfinancial.com

Follow me on Twitter: @SeanMoneyandTax

This post (and this podcast episode) is for entertainment and educational purposes only. It does not constitute accounting, financial, investment, legal, or tax advice. Please consult with your advisor(s) regarding your personal accounting, financial, investment, legal, and tax matters. Please also refer to the Disclaimer & Warning section found here

Roth IRA Withdrawals

The Roth IRA is 25 years old as of 2023 (its birthday was January 1st). Yet there is still confusion about the rules applicable whenever someone withdraws money from a Roth IRA prior to turning 59 ½. This blog post attempts to correct some misconceptions on the taxation of nonqualified Roth IRA withdrawals.

Watch me discuss Roth IRA withdrawals.

Roth IRAs: The Basics

A Roth IRA is a tax-advantaged account that generally offers tax-free growth for invested amounts. Taxpayers receive no upfront tax deduction for putting money into a Roth IRA. If properly executed, taxpayers can withdraw money from a Roth IRA entirely tax and penalty free, and can enjoy years of tax-free growth on the amounts invested in a Roth IRA.

I have previously blogged about why I believe the Roth IRA is a great tax-advantaged account in my An Ode to the Roth IRA.

Roth IRA Funding

How does one move money into a Roth IRA? There are three ways.

Annual Contributions

Generally speaking, if your income is below certain limits, you can contribute up to the lesser of $6,500 or your earned income (2023 limits) to a Roth IRA. If you are aged 50 or older, the limits are the lesser of $7,500 or earned income (2023 limits). 

I discussed Roth IRA annual contributions, including the income limits on the ability to make Roth IRA contributions, in this post


Amounts can be converted from traditional retirement accounts into a Roth IRA. Any taxpayer can convert amounts from a traditional retirement account to a Roth IRA. There are no restrictions based on level of income and/or having had earned income. 

Conversions are taxable in the year of the conversion. 

There are several reasons you might want to do a Roth IRA conversion. One might be the anticipation of paying tax at a higher rate in the future. The planning concept is to “lock in” the lower tax rate in the year of the conversion rather than tomorrow’s (anticipated) higher tax rate, and to get all of the earnings on the contribution out of income taxation.

Unlimited Roth IRA conversions form the backbone of the Backdoor Roth IRA planning concept. 

Note that inherited traditional IRAs cannot be converted to Roth IRAs.

Transfers from Workplace Retirement Accounts

A third way to get money into a Roth IRA is by using workplace retirement accounts. Amounts in Roth 401(k)s and other workplace Roth accounts can be transferred into a Roth IRA. Generally, it is best to use direct “trustee-to-trustee” transfers to accomplish this. 

Further, after-tax contributions in workplace retirement plans can be directly transferred to Roth IRAs, as discussed in Notice 2014-54. The ability to transfer after-tax contributions into a Roth IRA has facilitated the use of the Mega Backdoor Roth IRA planning technique. 

Roth IRA Withdrawals: The Confusion

You may have heard that you cannot take money out of a Roth IRA if the account is not 5 years old without paying tax and a penalty. Not true!

There are not one, but two, five (5) year rules applicable to Roth IRAs. But neither one of them prohibit you from taking money out of a Roth IRA you have previously contributed through annual contributions. First, I will illustrate the default Roth IRA withdrawal rules, and then I will discuss the two 5 year rules. 

Quick Thought: Most of this blog post addresses situations where the taxpayer does not qualify for a qualified distribution. Generally, a taxpayer fails to qualify for a qualified distribution if he or she has not attained the age of 59 ½, and/or if he or she has not owned a Roth IRA for 5 years. The advantage of a qualified distribution is that it is automatically tax and penalty free. 

Roth IRA Withdrawals: The Layers

Here is the default order of distributions that come out of a Roth IRA. These are the rules that apply in cases where the taxpayer does not qualify for a qualified distribution. All Roth IRAs (other than inherited Roth IRAs) the taxpayer owns are aggregated for purposes of determining his or her Roth IRA layers.

First Layer: Tax-free return of Roth IRA contributions

Second Layer: Roth IRA conversions (first-in, first-out)

Third Layer: Roth IRA earnings

Each layer must come out entirely before the subsequent layer is accessed.

Here’s a brief example:

Example 1: Samantha opened her only Roth IRA in 2018. Samantha has made three prior $5,000 contributions to her Roth IRA (one for each of 2018, 2019, and 2020). She also made a $5,000 conversion from a traditional IRA to a Roth IRA in 2018. In 2021, at a time when her Roth IRA is worth $30,000 and Samantha is 50 years old, she takes a $10,000 withdrawal from her Roth IRA. All $10,000 will be a recovery of her previous contributions (leaving her with $5,000 remaining of previous contributions). Thus, the entire $10,000 distribution from the Roth IRA will be tax and penalty free.

The Roth IRA contributions come out tax and penalty free at any time for any reason! The 5 year rules have nothing to do with whether a taxpayer can recover their previous Roth IRA contributions tax and penalty free!

For those wanting to dig deeper into the tax law, please refer to this technical slide deck discussing why the Roth IRA contributions are distributed tax and penalty free regardless of the 5 year rules. 

Note that aggregation rules always apply. In making an analysis like the one provided in Example 1, one must account for all their Roth IRAs and treat all of their Roth IRAs as a single Roth IRA to determine their own Roth IRA layers. Roth 401(k)s and inherited Roth IRAs are not included in the analysis. 

5 Year Rule for Roth IRA Earnings

The first five-year rule for Roth IRAs applies only to a withdrawal of earnings from a Roth IRA. If the account owner has not owned a Roth IRA for at least 5 years, the earnings withdrawn from the account are subject to ordinary income tax (and possibly a penalty). 

Example 2: Joe is 62 years old in 2024. He has owned a Roth IRA since 2021. In 2024, after having made $14,000 in prior annual contributions to his Roth IRA, he withdrew $17,000 from the Roth IRA. Because Joe has not owned a Roth IRA for 5 years, the withdrawal is not a qualified distribution. Joe recovers his first $14,000 tax free as a return of contributions. The next $3,000 of earnings is taxable to Joe as ordinary income (because of the first five-year rule). Because Joe is over age 59 ½, he does not owe the ten percent penalty on the distribution. If Joe had not attained the age of 59 ½, he would owe the 10 percent penalty on the $3,000 of earnings he received. 

5 Year Rule for Roth IRA Conversions

There is a five-year rule applicable to taxable money converted from a traditional retirement account to a Roth IRA (what I will colloquially refer to as the “second five-year rule”). The idea behind the second five-year rule is to protect the 10% early withdrawal penalty applicable when someone has a traditional retirement account. Here is an illustrative example.

Example 3: Milton has $100,000 in a traditional IRA, no basis in any IRA, and is age 50. If he were to withdraw $1,000 from his traditional IRA (assuming no penalty exception applies), he would owe (in addition to ordinary income tax) a $100 penalty (ten percent) on the withdrawal. 

Okay, but what if Milton first converts that money from a traditional IRA to a Roth IRA (assume Milton has no other balance in a Roth IRA)? Would that get him out of the 10 percent penalty? No, it won’t, because of the second five-year rule.

Example 4: Milton has $100,000 in a traditional IRA, no basis in any IRA, has no Roth IRAs, and is age 50. In September 2024, he converts $1,000 to a Roth IRA. In October 2024, he withdraws $1,000 from that Roth IRA. Because of the five-year rule applicable to Roth IRA conversions, Milton will still owe the $100 penalty on the withdrawal from the Roth IRA. 

Had Milton waited until 2029 or later, he would not have owed the penalty on the withdrawal of that $1,000.

The 5 Year Rule for Roth IRA Conversions and the Backdoor Roth IRA

The Backdoor Roth IRA is subject to the second five-year rule, but the penalty effect turns out to be very minor (or non-existent) if the Backdoor Roth IRA has been properly executed.  

Conversions, the second layer of the Roth IRA stack, come out first-in, first out. Further, the taxable amount (potentially subject to the 10 percent penalty upon withdrawal) of any one particular Roth IRA conversion comes out first within the conversion amount. Thus, the second layer (the conversion layer) can be composed of several mini-layers.

Here is a quick example:

Example 5: Denzel made $6,000 nondeductible traditional IRA contributions on January 1, 2019 and January 1, 2020. On February 2, 2019 and February 2, 2020, Denzel converted the entire balance of the traditional IRA ($6,010 each time) to a Roth IRA. As of December 31, 2019 and December 31, 2020, Denzel had $0 balances in all traditional IRAs, SEP IRAs, and SIMPLE IRAs.

In 2021, at a time when Denzel is 35 years old and has made no other contributions or conversions to a Roth IRA, he withdraws $3,000 from his Roth IRA. The first $10 of the withdrawal will be from the taxable amount of his 2019 Roth conversion, and thus, will be subject to the 10 percent penalty as it violates the second five-year rule (Denzel will owe $1 in penalties). The next $2,990 is attributable to the non-taxable portion of his 2019 Roth conversion, and as such, will not be subject to the 10 percent penalty. None of the $3,000 will be subject to ordinary income tax. 

Penalty Exceptions

From time to time you will hear things such as “you can withdraw only $10,000 from a Roth IRA for a first-time home purchase.” Does that mean everything else discussed above does not apply?

Fortunately, the answer is no! 

So what is the $10,000 rule getting at? It is getting at amounts withdrawn from a Roth IRA that would otherwise be subject to the penalty (and possibly income taxes — see The Super Exceptions below). 

There are several penalty exceptions applicable to taxable converted amounts and earnings that are withdrawn from a Roth IRA in a nonqualified distribution. But the penalty exception rules generally apply on top of the usual layering rules, not instead of the usual Roth IRA layering rules. 

In a discussion on social media, I used a version of the following example.

Example 6: Jane Taxpayer, age 30, has had a Roth IRA since 2017. In 2020, she withdraws $30,000 from her Roth IRA to acquire her first home, and has never used traditional IRA and/or Roth IRA money for such a purchase. She has previously made $20,000 in annual contributions to the Roth IRA. The first $20,000 of the withdrawal is a tax-free return of those contributions (see the layers above). The next $10,000 is out of earnings (see the layers above). This $10,000 is taxable to her as ordinary income. But, because of the $10,000 “qualified first-time homebuyer distribution” exception, she does not owe the 10 percent penalty on the withdrawal of those earnings.

In this case, withdrawals used to fund certain home purchases can qualify for a penalty exception (the first-time homebuyer exception is subject to a $10,000 cap). Please visit this website for a list of the possible penalty exceptions applicable to withdrawals from a traditional IRA and a Roth IRA.

The Super Exceptions

If the taxpayer is relying on the disability, age 59 ½, death, or qualified first-time home purchase penalty exceptions, the earnings also come out income tax free so long as the taxpayer has owned a Roth IRA for five years. See slide 5 of the above referenced technical slide deck

As applied to Jane Taxpayer in Example 6 above, if she had owned a Roth IRA since any time in 2015 or earlier, the distribution of $10,000 of earnings would not only have been penalty free, it would have also been income tax free. 

60 Day Rollovers

A taxpayer might take money out of a Roth IRA and then reconsider. Perhaps he or she wants the money to grow tax-free. Or perhaps the taxpayer dipped into earnings and the distribution is not a qualified distribution, meaning that it will likely be subject to both ordinary income and a ten percent penalty. 

He or she might be able to roll the money back into the Roth IRA. However, the tax rules allow only one 60 day rollover every 12 months. The IRS has a website here discussing some of the issues. 

Because of the one-rollover-per-year rule, I generally advise against doing 60 day rollovers unless you need to. Generally, it is best to avoid them, and then have the option available as a life raft if money somehow comes out of a Roth IRA (or other IRA) when it should not have.

Required Minimum Distributions

There are no required minimum distributions from a Roth IRA! Every other non-HSA tax-advantaged retirement account, including the Roth 401(k), has required minimum distributions. 

Note that required minimum distributions are generally required once the Roth IRA becomes an inherited Roth IRA (in the hands of anyone but certain surviving spouses). 

Tax Planning

Okay, so taxpayers always have tax and penalty free access to old Roth IRA annual contributions. So what of it? As a practical matter, maybe nothing. 

In most cases, it makes sense to simply keep the money in the Roth IRA and let it grow tax free!

That said, there can be instances where, as part of a well crafted financial plan, it can make sense to withdraw previous Roth IRA contributions prior to age 59 ½. Further, it is good to know that, in an emergency situation, those old Roth IRA contributions are accessible.

Of course, prior to taking an early withdrawal from a Roth IRA, it is usually best to consult with your own financial advisor and/or tax advisor. 

FI Tax Guy can be your financial planner! Find out more by visiting mullaneyfinancial.com

Follow me on Twitter: @SeanMoneyandTax

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