Monthly Archives: May 2024

Five Reasons to Avoid the 529

Happy National 529 College Savings Day! Let’s celebrate with five reasons to avoid 529s.

Cart Before the Horse

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: far too often new parents have relatives extolling the virtues of a 529 at the reception after the Baptism.

Those relatives rarely step back and ask “how are Mom and Dad’s finances?”

Picture a typical late-20s / early 30s Mom and Dad of a newborn. What are their financial pain points? What’s needed in their financial lives? 

I can tell you what is not their financial pain point: taxes on investment income. Yet this is what the 529 solves for. The 529 for a newborn’s parents is often the equivalent of a cast for someone with a paper cut! 

What do Mom and Dad need in their financial lives? If they are anything like the typical American adult, they probably need more in the way of retirement savings. Shouldn’t Mom and Dad prioritize their own compelling retirement needs over saving for a speculative potential future expense of their newborn baby, college education? 

Listen to me discuss the 529 on The Personal Finance Podcast

The Tax Benefits Aren’t That Great

In 2024 we’re in a great time to own taxable investments. Long term capital gains and qualified dividend income are taxed at 0%, 15%, 18.8%, and 23.8% (when factoring in the potential net investment income tax). Having equities inside a 529 avoids that tax, which is quite modest by historical standards. That tax is particularly small considering the low dividend yield environment we currently have. 

Further, the state tax benefits are usually modest. In our three largest states, California, Texas, and Florida, there’s no immediate state benefit for a 529 contribution.


As much as possible, a dollar ought to be able to serve multiple masters and multiple purposes.

Inside a taxable brokerage account, a dollar can efficiently support (i) Mom and Dad during their working years, (ii) Mom and Dad during their retirement, (iii) a new roof for the house, (iv) a family vacation to Yellowstone, and/or (v) Junior’s college education. 

Inside a 529, a dollar can efficiently support (i) Junior’s college education.

Why should the parents of a newborn handcuff their money when the tax benefits are quite modest? Why shouldn’t Mom and Dad remain flexible for their own financial future and decide what to do with that dollar later on, when they have more knowledge and information?

Having money that could be for Junior’s college education when it’s time to make that decision. Perhaps in the meantime Junior decided to go to trade school, Junior got a scholarship, and/or Mom and Dad had financial struggles and now need that dollar to support their own retirement. 

The 529 Overfunding Problem

Scholarships happen. Some newborns don’t end up going to college. These are just two of the reasons that 529s get overfunded.

Taken for non-educational purposes, 529 distributions that represent earnings are subject to ordinary income tax rates and a 10 percent penalty. Ouch!

There are bailout techniques available to avoid negative tax consequences, but they are all limited to various degrees. The SECURE 2.0 529-to-Roth IRA rollover is very limited and, in my opinion, not something to be planned into. 

Feeding the Beast

What grade would you give American higher education in 2024?

American higher education often produces graduates who are ill-equipped for the modern economy and/or have staggering student debt loads. Many colleges and universities have administrative bloat that has gotten wildly out of hand.

Why should newborns’ parents handcuff their money such that they can only avoid a penalty by paying it over to American higher education? How does that make sense? Very modest tax benefits are nowhere near sufficient to make that make sense. 


I’m not here to say funding a 529 never makes sense. But I am here to say (1) I believe that 529s are wildly overhyped and (2) 529s rarely make sense for the financial profile and needs of the parents of newborns. 

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