When it comes to the Backdoor Roth IRA, I’ve seen it all. Reporting a Backdoor Roth IRA on tax returns remains confusing for both taxpayers and tax return preparers. Here’s the recipe I recommend using to report the Backdoor Roth IRA on the tax return and avoid overpaying taxes.
Let’s consider a hypothetical Backdoor Roth IRA on a 2021 tax return.
Example: On January 1, 2021, John Smith contributed $6,000.00 to a traditional IRA. On February 1, 2021, John Smith converted the entire amount in his traditional IRA, $6,001.00, to a Roth IRA. On December 31, 2021, John Smith had a zero balance in all his traditional IRAs, SEP IRAs, and SIMPLE IRAs. John Smith’s income is such that he qualifies for neither a deductible traditional IRA contribution nor a regular annual Roth IRA contribution. John has no existing basis in traditional IRAs as of January 1, 2021.
Dry Ingredients
- Taxpayer & Spouse Form W-2 and/or self-employed retirement contributions
- The prior year’s Form 8606 (if the taxpayer has existing traditional IRA basis – most Backdoor Roth IRA taxpayers do not)
Wet Ingredients
- Forms 5498 from financial institutions
- If not available, substitute (i) end-of-year balances in all traditional IRAs, SEP IRAs, and SIMPLE IRAs and (ii) taxpayer knowledge or IRA account statement
- Forms 1099-R from financial institutions
First, Enter the Dry Ingredients
In order to ensure that the tax return software has all the information to properly report the Backdoor Roth IRA, the taxpayer’s and spouse’s Forms W-2 (if any) should be properly entered into the tax return software. In particular, if Box 13 is checked, that should be indicated in the tax return software. Any qualifying self-employed retirement plan (Solo 401(k), SEP IRA, SIMPLE IRA) contributions should also be entered into the software. This requires the computation of the Schedule C to validate the correctness of the self-employment retirement contributions.
Lastly, any established and still existing traditional IRA basis reported on previously filed Forms 8606 must be entered into the software. For those who have properly done Backdoor Roth IRAs in the past, this is extremely rare, but not impossible. Most such taxpayers enter the year with $0 of such basis.
None of these steps directly report the current year’s Backdoor Roth IRA. However, without properly completing them, the tax return software will be unlikely to report the Backdoor Roth IRA correctly.
Second, Enter The Traditional IRA Contribution
The first step in the tax return process is entering the traditional nondeductible IRA contribution into the tax return software. In theory, this should come off the Form 5498 (Box 1). In practice, that is not likely. The Form 5498 is not required to be filed by the financial institution until May 31st. Vanguard, for example, provides these forms in mid-May.
If the taxpayer has a Form 5498 when preparing their tax return (perhaps because they are filing the return on extension), Box 1 of the form should report the traditional IRA contribution. In most circumstances, taxpayers will use their own knowledge of the transaction or their IRA account statement to report that they made a $6,000 nondeductible traditional IRA contribution.
By entering the $6,000.00 traditional IRA contribution into the tax return software, John’s tax return should generate a Form 8606. This is crucial for two reasons. First, the nondeductible traditional IRA contribution must be reported. Second, the nondeductible contribution establishes the “basis” that keeps John’s Backdoor Roth IRA as almost entirely tax free.
Note further that IRAs are a single person item, meaning that there is no such thing as a “joint” IRA. Each spouse must enter his or her information separately, and must file his or her own individual Form 8606 as needed. Where spouses can impact the calculations and reporting is the ability to deduct an IRA contribution where one spouse is covered by a workplace retirement plan and the other spouse is not.
Third, Enter the Roth Conversion
This is where the tax return reporting can go a bit off the rails if one is not careful. Tax return software usually has an input for Forms 1099-R. The Form 1099-R should be entered into the tax return software.
John’s Form 1099-R should look like this (please pretend it is for 2021):
It is important to input all of the boxes on the Form 1099-R in the tax return software to help ensure that the software understands the transaction and no penalties are charged (there should be none as the transaction is a Roth conversion).
Some worry about Box 2a reporting $6,001.00 as the “taxable amount.” It’s okay! The taxable amount is in fact $6,001.00. However, it must be remembered that taxpayers must pay tax on the taxable amount reduced by the allowed available basis.
How do we know what the allowed available basis is? By preparing and filing the Form 8606! To prepare the Form 8606, we must have all the ingredients above. It will be important that the following information is input into the Form 8606:
- Current year traditional IRA contribution ($6,000.00)
- Current year Roth IRA conversion ($6,001.00)
- Balance in all traditional IRAs, SEP IRAs, and SIMPLE IRAs on December 31, 2021 ($0 in John’s case)
At this point the first two data points are in the tax return software. The last one must now be added to the software. Assuming the tax return is prepared prior to May, the taxpayer needs to review all of their existing traditional IRAs, SEP IRAs, and SIMPLE IRAs to ensure that as of December 31, 2021 there were no balances in those accounts. If there were balances, they must be added up and reported on line 6 of the Form 8606.
The Finished Product
Here is what page 1 of John’s Form 8606 should look like out of the oven.
Because Line 6 is $0, John’s allowed available basis is $6,000, the amount of 2021 nondeductible traditional IRA contribution. Separately, I blogged about the result if there is a substantial amount on Line 6 (hint: the allowed available basis decreases sharply, see Example 2).
Unfortunately, I know that at least one tax return preparation software references a worksheet instead of populating the form in the output that the taxpayer sees. The correct information is (apparently) communicated to the IRS through electronic filing, but I wish all software providers simply populated the form to make it easier for review.
Having successfully completed the first page of the Form 8606, the odds are that page 2 will also be successfully completed. Here’s what it should look like:
The final check on all of this comes from page 1 of Form 1040. If the Form 8606 is not correctly prepared, page 1 of Form 1040 will not correctly reflect the taxation of the Backdoor Roth IRA.
Assuming the taxpayer completed a 2021 Backdoor Roth IRA as John Smith did, page 1 of Form 1040 should look like this:

The key lines are Line 4a and Line 4b. Line 4a will simply be the sum of all Box 1’s from Forms 1099-R. In John’s case, that is $6,001. Line 4b is where the confusion comes. If the Form 8606 is properly prepared, the correct amount from Line 18 of Form 8606 should be the taxable amount reported on Line 4b of Form 8606.
Fixing Backdoor Roth IRA Errors
Errors in previously filed tax returns can be fixed! I previously blogged about amending previously filed tax returns in cases where a Backdoor Roth IRA has been mistakenly reported.
2023 Tax Season Backdoor Roth IRA Tax Return Reporting
Getting Backdoor Roth IRA tax return reporting is the last vital step in successfully executing a Backdoor Roth IRA. While it is not a simple exercise, it can be navigated with educational resources such as this blog post.
While tax return preparation software is great, it does not replace a taxpayer’s own judgment. Ultimately it is up to the taxpayer to ensure that the tax return properly reports the Backdoor Roth IRA. In many cases it will be wise to use a professional tax return preparer to prepare a tax return if the taxpayer has done a Backdoor Roth IRA.
FI Tax Guy can be your financial planner! Find out more by visiting mullaneyfinancial.com
Follow me on Twitter: @SeanMoneyandTax
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