Monthly Archives: February 2019

Section 199A and Retirement Plans

Previously I have blogged about small business retirement plans. This post (revised in January 2020) folds the new Section 199A qualified business income (“QBI”) deduction into the discussion.

For an introduction to Section 199A, please read this. For more on Section 199A, please read this additional post.

The Basics

Section 199A, enacted in December 2017 as part of tax reform, gives owners of businesses (including partners, owners of S corporations, and sole proprietors) that generate QBI a deduction in the amount of 20 percent of the QBI.

In January 2019, the IRS and Treasury issued regulations providing detailed rules under Section 199A. Those rules define QBI. As part of the definition of QBI, taxpayers must subtract contributions to self-employment retirement plans from QBI.

80% Deductions

When a self-employed individual contributes to a traditional retirement plan, they generally reduce the amount of their QBI deduction (because the retirement plan contribution lowers QBI).

Here’s a quick example (using 2018 tax numbers) of how that works.

Example: Mike makes $50,000 from his sole proprietorship (as reported on Schedule C). He pays $7,065 in self-employment tax (Social Security and Medicare). He deducts half of his self-employment tax ($3,533) from his taxable income and his QBI. Mike is married to Jane. Jane has $34,000 of W-2 wages. Mike and Jane file jointly and take the $24,000 standard deduction.

Mike thus receives a QBI deduction of $9,293 (20% of $46,467). This makes Mike and Jane’s taxable income $47,174 ($50,000 less $3,533 plus $34,000 less $24,000 less $9,293).

Let’s assume that Mike wants to make a $10,000 employee contribution to his Solo 401(k) to lower his taxable income by $10,000. Sure enough, the math does not work that way due to the QBI deduction. Mike’s QBI is now $36,467 (the original QBI of $46,467 less the $10,000 traditional Solo 401(k) contribution). Thus, his QBI deduction is now reduced to $7,293 (20% of $36,467). This makes Mike and Jane’s taxable income $39,174 ($50,000 less $3,533 plus $34,000 less $24,000 less $10,000 less $7,293).

Notice that $39,174 is $8,000 less than $47,174, not $10,000 less than $47,174. The interaction of Section 199A and the small business retirement plan creates the oddity that a $10,000 deduction (the traditional Solo 401(k) contribution) reduces taxable income by only $8,000.

QBI has thus created a new class of deductions – what I call “80% deductions.” These deductions reduce QBI and thus (in total effect) are deductible at only 80 percent of their gross amount.

As applied to small business retirement plans, 80% deductions are particularly troublesome. Recall Mike put $10,000 into his Solo 401(k), netting him an $8,000 federal tax deduction. When Mike goes to take the $10,000 (and its growth) out of the Solo 401(k), all of it will be taxable.

Matching 80% deductions with 100% inclusions is usually not smart tax planning.

I’ve written more about this phenomenon (what I call the Solo 401(k) Trap) here.

Planning Options

In cases where taxpayers are below the taxable income limitations of Section 199A ($163,300 and $326,600 (MFJ) for 2020), taxpayers will have to weigh the benefit of the 80 percent deduction for a traditional contribution to a small business retirement plan versus other options. Some of those other options include (if eligible):

  1. Make employee contributions to a Roth IRA, Roth Solo 401(k), and/or after-tax contributions to a Solo 401(k)
  2. Make contributions to a health savings account (a “HSA”)
  3. Make contributions to a traditional IRA
  4. Invest the earnings in taxable accounts and/or pay off existing debt.

Roth Contributions

Roth versus traditional receives much Internet discussion, particularly in the FI community. All agree that a taxpayer’s current marginal tax rate is vitally important. 80% deductions lower marginal tax rates. Take Mike, who with his retirement plan contributions lowered his 2018 taxable income to $39,174. As a married filing joint taxpayer, his marginal federal income tax rate is 12 percent. However, the marginal rate on the $10,000 retirement plan traditional contribution is only 9.6 percent (80 percent of 12 percent). In order for the traditional contribution to be advisable, Mike better be pretty sure he can pull the money out of the Solo 401(k) at a marginal federal tax rate below 9.6 percent. Being that the lowest marginal tax rate is 10 percent today, that does not seem very likely.

In Mike’s case, he would have been much better advised to leave his taxable income at $47,174 and made the Solo 401(k) contribution a Roth Solo 401(k) contribution.

HSAs/IRAs/Small Business Retirement Plans

Many small business owners are looking for current tax deductions, and many are in marginal tax brackets much above the 12 percent bracket. The interaction between Section 199A and small business retirement plans creates a new pecking order for self-employed individuals looking to reduce taxable income through plan contributions. That order is as follows:

  1. HSA Contributions (if eligible)
  2. Deductible Traditional IRA Contributions (if eligible)
  3. Traditional Small Business Retirement Plan Contributions

HSA Contributions

I’ve written about my fondness for HSAs here. What’s important for this purpose is that contributions to HSAs do not reduce QBI. Thus, contributions to HSAs are “100 percent deductions” and not 80% deductions. In addition to all their other advantageous tax attributes, HSA contributions should be prioritized over small business retirement plan traditional contributions from a Section 199A perspective.

Deductible Traditional IRA Contributions

Deductible contributions to traditional IRAs (for those who qualify) also should be prioritized over traditional contributions to small business plans from a Section 199A perspective.

In the previous version of this post, I expressed the concern that deductible traditional IRA contributions might reduce QBI. Fortunately, there is nothing the IRS and Treasury has provided (including the instructions to the new Form 8995) indicating that the government believes deductible traditional IRA contributions reduce QBI. Based on my understanding of the tax law, which has been reinforced by IRS and Treasury silence on the matter, I am comfortable that deductible traditional IRA contributions should not reduce QBI.

Taxable Accounts

There is no requirement to contribute to small business retirement plans. You can simply take profits and invest them in taxable accounts. Considering that traditional small business retirement plans contributions are now 80% deductions that must later create 100% income, you may opt to simply not make plan contributions and keep profits in taxable accounts. That may be very sensible if either or both the following are true: 1) you are currently in a very low marginal federal tax bracket and 2) you anticipate being in a much higher marginal federal tax bracket in the future.

S Corporation Owners

For S corporation owners, only the operating income after the owner’s W-2 salary is eligible for the Section 199A deduction. Small business retirement plan contributions are 80% deductions for the S corporation owner just as they are for the sole proprietor and for partners of partnerships with flow-through QBI.

Consideration should be given to employee versus employer contributions. To my mind, the new Section 199A deduction does not necessarily impact whether to make an employee contribution to a Solo 401(k) as a W-2 employee of your business. Yes, your salary is an 80% deduction. But what you from there with your salary (take it home, put it into a traditional Solo 401(k), or put it into a Roth Solo 401(k)) does not increase or decrease your qualified business income (though it could impact the taxable income limitations).

But an employer contribution to a Solo 401(k) (which must be a traditional contribution) does reduce your QBI. Employer contributions to Solo 401(k) plans often fall into the Solo 401(k) Trap.

In many cases, if you qualify for the QBI deduction you should give strong consideration to foregoing the employer contribution. Planning in this regard can benefit from professional consultations.

Your Employees

If you have employees, offering a SIMPLE IRA plan does not change the Section 199A result with respect to their salary. Normal operating expenses (including salaries) of QBI-generating businesses do create 80% deductions, but there is only so much that can be done about that. Unlike your own retirement plan contributions, which are (almost) entirely discretionary, operating expenses are necessary for the conduct of the business. Giving your employees the option of deferring some of their salaries through a SIMPLE IRA does not change the math on the Section 199A deduction, since employees’ salaries reduce QBI regardless of whether the employees contribute some of their salary to a SIMPLE IRA.

The relatively small mandatory employer contribution to employees’ SIMPLE IRAs are 80% deductions, making them a bit more expensive for the business owner (assuming the owner qualifies to claim the QBI deduction).

The Section 199A QBI deduction makes SEP IRA contributions more expensive for most self-employed business owners. In order to make contributions to his/her own SEP IRA, the owner must also make contributions (in an equal percentage of compensation) to the employees, and now those deductions are only 80% deductions (assuming the owner qualifies to claim the QBI deduction).

Upper Income Taxpayers

For some taxpayers, Section 199A will make their small business retirement plan contributions more, not less, valuable. In a previous post, I gave the example of Jackie, a sole proprietor lawyer whose 2020 taxable income (pre-retirement plan contributions) of $215,848 left him unable to claim any Section 199A QBI deduction. Maximum employer and employee traditional contributions of $57,000 to a Solo 401(k) lowered his taxable income such that he was able to qualify for a $31,770 QBI deduction (a 100% deduction) in addition to the $57,000 traditional retirement plan contribution deduction (an 80% deduction).

This interaction turned the $57,000 deduction into an effective $77,370 deduction (80 percent of $57,000 plus $31,770). In this case, Jackie’s retirement plan contributions are 136% deductions!

For upper income taxpayers near the QBI taxable income limitations, small business retirement plans may be a very powerful tool, and unlike those with more modest incomes, these upper income business owners may have an opportunity to maximize their Section 199A deduction by contributing to retirement plans.


The combination of Section 199A and small business retirement plans creates tax planning opportunities and challenges. Many small business owners will benefit from professional advice to determine the best path forward considering the new law, opportunities, and challenges.

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This post is for entertainment and educational purposes only. It does not constitute accounting, financial, legal, or tax advice. Please consult with your advisor(s) regarding your personal accounting, financial, legal, and tax matters.

Small Business Retirement Plans

If you are self-employed or have a side hustle, you have great opportunities for tax-advantaged savings. Small business retirement planning has been an area of significant confusion due to the multitude of plans available and the different qualification rules for each.

Below I describe the three most important plans for most small businesses to consider, provide the qualification requirements, and discuss when each plan is the best option.

Fortunately, for roughly 90 percent of small businesses, there are only three options worth considering: the Solo 401(k), the SIMPLE IRA, and the SEP IRA. In many cases, one of the three options quickly becomes the advantageous option.

After I discuss the three main small business retirement plans, I will provide some commentary on other available plans, but for most small businesses, the playbook consists of these three plans.

The administrative burdens (forms, paperwork, fees to financial institutions) of all three of these programs are relatively light these days, though all three plans do have some forms that must be properly completed, signed, and filed.

Before we begin, three quick notes. First, on limitations. Below I provide (in a general sense) the upper annual limits on contributions to the plans. It is important to note that contributions can be made in a manner below the limits – the plans are flexible in this regard. Second, generally you can contribute to a small business retirement plan and to a Roth and/or traditional IRA. Having access to a small business retirement plan does not prohibit a contribution to a Roth IRA or a traditional IRA. Third, before implementing a plan it is best to discuss your business and needs with the plan provider. Providers can have rules that are different from (and/or in addition to) the applicable tax rules.

Solo 401(k)

The Basics: A Solo 401(k) (sometimes referred to as an “Individual 401(k)”) is a 401(k) plan established by a self-employed individual for only their own benefit. Solo 401(k)s can be established by self-employed individuals in their own name and by corporations (usually S corporations in this context). Self-employment for this purpose includes a sole proprietorship, limited liability company (“LLC”), or other entity treated as disregarded from their single owner and reported on a Schedule C on their tax return.

The main advantage of the Solo 401(k) is that it allows annual contributions by the self-employed individual in his/her role as the “employee” and annual contributions by the self-employed individual (or S corporation) in his/her role as “employer.”

Employee contributions are limited to the lesser of earned income or $19,500 ($26,000 if 50 or older) in 2020. Employer contributions are limited to either 20 percent of self-employment income or 25 percent of W-2 wages (if the self-employed individual is paid through a corporation, including S corporations). Total employee and employer contributions are limited to $57,000 ($63,500 if age 50 or above) in 2020.

Today, many financial institutions (including Fidelity, Schwab, and Vanguard) offer low-cost Solo 401(k) options.

If eligible, the Solo 401(k) is almost always the best option for the self-employed individual. It offers the greatest potential for tax savings of the self-employed plans and it is relatively easy to administer.

An important note on the Solo 401(k) vis-a-vis the SIMPLE IRA and the SEP IRA: the Solo 401(k) is the only small business plan that allows Roth “employee” contributions. This allows self-employed individuals the ability to put away up to $19,500 ($26,000 if 50 or older) annually that will grow tax free. For all three plans, the “employer” contribution is always a traditional contribution (i.e., tax deductible today, taxable upon withdrawal). Note, however, that not all financial institutions offer the Roth employee contribution option in their Solo 401(k) plan, so it is important to check with the provider before signing up if the ability to make a Roth contribution is important to you.

Spouses employed by the self-employed individual (or their corporation) can also participate in the Solo 401(k) (only to the extent of their earnings from the business and subject to the above stated limitations), increasing the tax benefits of the plan.

Eligibility: In order to establish a Solo 401(k) plan, a person must have self-employment income, and must not have employees other than their spouse. For this purpose, an employee is anyone who works 1,000 hours during the year for the business. Starting in 2024, an employee also includes anyone who has worked 500 hours in each of 3 consecutive years.

Different plans have different rules on other employees. Some Solo 401(k) plans do not allow you to have any non-owner/non-spousal employees (regardless of the numbers of hours worked).

To have a Solo 401(k) in any tax year, the plan must be established by the deadline for the tax return, including extensions. That deadline also applies to employer contributions.

Generally, employee deferrals to a Solo 401(k) must be made by the end of the calendar year. There is an exception: if the Solo 401(k) is for a self-employed person (reporting self-employment income on Schedule C), the employee deferral must be formally designated by year-end, but then can be paid into the Solo 401(k) before the tax filing deadline (including extensions if the taxpayer extends his/her Form 1040).

Ideal for: Solo 401(k)s are ideal for anyone who is self-employed and does not have employees (other than a spouse).


The Basics: The SIMPLE IRA works in a manner somewhat similar to a 401(k) plan. It allows employees (including self-employed owners of the business) to defer up to $13,500 ($16,500 if 50 or older) of earnings in 2020 through traditional employee contributions. The SIMPLE IRA also has relatively modest required employer contributions to each eligible employee’s account (described below).

Today, many financial institutions (including Fidelity, Schwab, and Vanguard) offer low-cost SIMPLE IRA options.  

In order to have a SIMPLE IRA for the year, the employer must establish the SIMPLE IRA by October 1st of the year. One narrow exception is when the business is established after October 1st, in which case the plan must be established when administratively feasible.

The SIMPLE IRA has two main advantages over the SEP IRA. First, it gives the self-employed owner and any employees a valuable option – the option to make traditional contributions to the SIMPLE IRA account. By contrast, the SEP IRA (discussed below) does not allow for employee contributions. Second, the required employer contribution is relatively low. Employers must make either matching contributions of 3 percent of salary (in 2 out of every 5 years that percentage can be reduced to 1 percent) or automatic annual contributions of 2 percent of salary to each employee’s SIMPLE IRA. Thus, the SIMPLE IRA can give the self-employed owner(s) the option to defer up to $13,500 ($16,500 if 50 or over) of earnings in a relatively affordable manner.

Eligibility: In order to be eligible for a SIMPLE IRA, the employer must have no other retirement plan and must have 100 or fewer employers during the year.

Ideal for: Self-employed individuals that are not eligible for a Solo 401(k) and are looking to provide themselves and their employees the option to defer some taxable income at a relatively low cost to the employer. Partnerships where two or more owners (non-spouses) work in the business and/or small businesses with employees are good candidates for a SIMPLE IRA.


The Basics: A SEP IRA is allows only employer contributions. Generally, the employer can make annual contributions of up to 25 percent of eligible compensation (20 percent of a sole proprietor’s self-employment income), limited to $57,000 of contributions (in 2020).

Today, many financial institutions (including Fidelity, Schwab, and Vanguard) offer low-cost SEP IRA options.  

The SEP IRA has two important advantages. First, it allows the employer to elect each year whether to make contributions. The employer can elect to forego contributions or reduce the contribution each year. Second, the SEP IRA has the latest deadlines of all the plans. A SEP IRA can be established for a tax year by the deadline for filing that tax year’s tax return, including extensions.

The main disadvantage of a SEP IRA is that it generally requires equal percentage contributions to all eligible employees. Said differently, in order for the self-employed owner of the business to make an employer contribution to his/her own account, the business must make the same percentage contribution to all eligible employees. This makes the SEP IRA an expensive way to save for your own retirement if you are self-employed and have employees. SEP IRAs are also subject to “top heavy” rules whereby the employer may be required to put in additional contributions to the rank-and-file employees’ SEP IRAs if the owners’ and executives’ SEP IRA balances are too high vis-a-vis the rest of the employees’ SEP IRA balances.

Eligibility: An employer (a sole proprietor, partnership, or corporation, including S corporations) can establish a SEP IRA program. Employees that are 21 years old, earn $600, and have worked for three of the previous five years for the employer must be allowed to participate.

Ideal for: There are three situations in which a SEP IRA can be highly advantageous. The first is for a side hustlers that maximize their 401(k)/403(b)/TSP contributions to their W-2 employer’s plan. The SEP IRA provides a mechanism for these side hustlers to defer more income. Note, however, that this can also be accomplished through a Solo 401(k), and in most cases the Solo 401(k) is preferable to the SEP IRA (if a taxpayer is eligible for both).

The second situation is when a self-employed person has not established a self-employed retirement plan by year-end. In such cases, the taxpayer can establish and fund a SEP IRA for the prior year before their tax return deadline (including extensions).

Third, a SEP IRA can be helpful in situations where a small business has a small number of employees, all or most of which are very important to the business. The SEP IRA provides a way to give highly valued employees a significant benefit.

Side Hustlers

For most side hustlers, the question becomes: are you covered by a retirement plan (such as a 401(k)) at your W-2 job? If you are not, the Solo 401(k) in most instances is likely your best option.

If you are covered by a workplace retirement plan, such as a 401(k), then the SEP IRA may be your best option, since you can defer up to the lesser of 20 percent of your side-hustle income or $57,000 (in 2020) while you can take advantage of your $19,500 ($26,000 if 50 or older) employee contributions through your workplace plan. While the “employer” contribution calculation is the same for a SEP IRA and a Solo 401(k), the administrative cost of the SEP IRA (including IRS filings) tends to be lighter than that of the Solo 401(k).

In some situations, side hustlers might want to forego a SEP IRA and use a Solo 401(k) (instead of a workplace 401(k)) for some or all of their annual employee contributions. That would be true if you want to make Roth employee contributions and your workplace plan does not allow them and/or you believe the investment options in your Solo 401(k) plan are better than the options in your employer’s plan. However, in all cases consideration should also be given to ensuring you at least get the full match in your employer’s 401(k) plan.

One important consideration for side hustlers and all self-employed individuals is what I call the Solo 401(k) Trap. Because of the new Section 199A deduction, many will want to forego deducting retirement plan contributions to self-employment retirement accounts (i.e., traditional employee contributions to Solo 401(k)s and employer contributions to Solo 401(k)s and SEP IRAs) and instead make Roth employee contributions to Solo 401(k)s.

Note that there is no benefit to having both a Solo 401(k) and a SEP IRA for your side hustle, because contributions to both plans count against the relevant limitations (i.e., having two separate plans does not increase a taxpayer’s contribution limitations).

Other Plans

There are other options available to small businesses. All (with the exception of the SIMPLE 401(k)) of them involve significantly more administrative burden and costs than the Solo 401(k), the SIMPLE IRA, and the SEP IRA. Often these plans are not feasible for small businesses and these plans are rarely feasible for side hustlers.

SIMPLE 401(k)s

SIMPLE 401(k)s are very similar to SIMPLE IRAs, with some differences on the margins not worth mentioning here. Most financial institutions offer SIMPLE IRAs instead of SIMPLE 401(k)s.


Keoghs come in both defined contribution and defined benefit (i.e., pension) models. Keoghs involve significant additional administrative burdens when compared to Solo 401(k)s, SIMPLE IRAs, and SEP IRAs.


There is nothing stopping a small business from establishing a 401(k) plan just like the largest employers. However, as a practical matter, it is difficult for most small businesses to do so. First, they involve significant set-up and maintenance costs. Second, 401(k)s are subject to discrimination testing to prevent business owners and high compensated employees from enjoying the benefits of the plan to a much greater degree than rank-and-file employees. This testing can lead to either reversals of previous contributions to the plan or additional employer contributions to rank-and-file employees.

Defined Benefit Pension Plans

A defined benefit plan (where the employee receives a stated benefit during retirement years and the employer funds the plan during the employee’s working years) is another option. These plans require significant compliance costs, including actuarial calculations. Further, if you have employees, these plans can be quite expensive for the self-employed business owner. In addition, these plans often work against the financial independence model in that they tie up assets until the account owner reaches a certain retirement age. However, given the right set of circumstances (usually older, highly compensated earners), these plans can be advantageous and create large current tax deductions.


Small businesses have a great opportunity to create tax advantaged retirement savings. For those eligible for a Solo 401(k), in most cases significant consideration should be given to establishing one. Depending on your circumstances, the SIMPLE IRA or the SEP IRA might be a great solution.

My hope is that this post has given you some working knowledge of the three main options for small businesses. Small business owners will often benefit from obtaining professional advice regarding their retirement planning and the programs they ought to establish.

Next Week

Next week’s post (click here) explores small business retirement plans in light of the new Section 199A qualified business income deduction and how the two concepts interact.

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This post is for entertainment and educational purposes only. It does not constitute accounting, financial, legal, or tax advice. Please consult with your advisor(s) regarding your personal accounting, financial, legal, and tax matters.